Wednesday, 15 August 2012


I arrived home late last night so I'm just posting a quicky but a reminder first of my Blog Candy and I wanted to thank the people who have already joined in the fun... including at random, Whiskey Burns, Sikkhi von Flottwell, Foxy Lady, China Gregory, Fluffy Koekemoer and lots of others with amazing alter egos!! Read on and you'll find out all about it!
I really appreciate the many visitors to my blog, especially those who leave a comment and all the lovely followers who are interested enough to keep an eye on my posts. I had intended to offer some blog candy when my hits counter reached 88,888 but I was so busy that missed the magic moment.
I have got to know so many lovely crafters and made lasting friendships via my blog and I've even been lucky to meet up with quite a few these very special people. 
(Take a look at the last post to see yet another live meet up with WOYWWer Lynn and her Doodly Birds.) 
To say a big "Thank You" to every one of you I'm offering some blog candy and, since I've had a mega clean up, I have found quite a few items surplus to requirements and I'll even add a few extras once I get a chance to shop.
Here's the stash on offer so far!
I will also make a special handcrafted gift for a couple of winners which can be chosen from several items such as, (below) a hand painted art apron, a decorated key chain, handbag bling, a crochet bag decoration etc. I'll discuss preferences with the winners.
To qualify 
Please leave me a comment stating you'd like to be included.
I always make you work for my blog candy so.......just for a bit of fun we want your alter ego...
 tell me (and Blogland) what your name would be if you were a pole dancer, created by giving the name of your pet (past or present) and your maternal grandmother's maiden surname. It will gain you an extra entry in the draw!
Mine therefore would be Ziggy Boguski !!!
Add the first picture to your blog, leaving a link and mention my candy offer.
Be a follower, but don't sign up unless you are really interested as it would be unfair to take the chance away from others who are regulars, as they are the people I want to thank. 
The draw will be made on Sunday 2nd September.
This week my work desk has been playtime with my little fraulein grandee as I made a visit to Germany especially for her 3rd birthday. It has been great with sunshine and laughter and I didn't want to come home.
Guess what was her special birthday gift?
My DD made this super cake with 3 gnomes and 3 toadstools and mini bunting
I did some crochet in the garden
And now, boo hoo, I'm home!
 Hope to visit lots of your desks this week.
Pop over to Julia's stamping- ground blog to catch up on the desks of the crafty world


Annie said...

Sounds like you had a special time over in Germany with your lovely family. It's so good to see your little Grandee looking so well and enjoying her new house.....magic
A x #61
or should I say Fluffy Burns? :-)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It IS so tough to leave...I'm really glad you had such a happy time with your family. Hopefully it won't be too long before you see them again :)
Hugs, LLJ #74
PS Your daughter must have some patience, making bunting that tiny!!!

sandra de said...

Ohhh yes please include me as "Missy Galvan" a right little pole cat.
Sandra @32

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw you are incredibly generous with your time and talent Jo. Love the picture of your Fraulein Grandee, how absorbing a play world is...3 already!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Me again! You've hit the nail on the head.. a kazoo is just what the band needs. There'll be a seat waiting at Thursday night's practise :D xxxx

Helen said...

Glad you have had a lovely time with the little lady, she is gorgeous! Welcome home, even though you'd rather be in Germany! Helen, 3

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, that was a very quick week away, glad the weather was nice and that you had a lovely time with your Grandee, she is so cute. Love your crochet too! I had the chance to meet Doodly Bird Lynn yesterday with some of her friends and it was a really lovely day out. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #59

Ann B said...

Glad to see you home Jo and it looks like you had a great time - how could you not?
Love the cake and the dolls house but my favourite has to be those beautiful curls in her hair - so sweet.

Not joining in WOYWW this week - not done any crafting at all this week so nothing to show - must get my bum in gear soon.

Ann B

Twiglet said...

What a poppet your little grandee is - I bet she had a fab birthday. Love the little crochets - you don't waste a minute do you. x Jo

SueH said...

What a fun birthday cake!
I bet you really notice how she’s grown up between your visits Jo and I can imagine how hard it must be to leave. It looks like she really loved her birthday present thought and will get many long hours of fun playing with it.
Happy Crafting!

April said...

Looks like you had a great time! the dolls house is fab! and I love the cake and your crochet items, very pretty! x April #87

Paul B said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Germany. And your crochets are stunning. So colourful and vibrant. Hope you don't feel too blue now you're home. Pxx

mamapez5 said...

Looks as though you had a wonderful time. Family time is the best reason in the world for not crafting. The crocheted flowers are very pretty. I'e done a few of those but they remind me of mum. She could crochet before she could knit, so we had lots of it around the house.
Kate x

Unknown said...

I adore your blog and have been a follower for ages - my 'alter ego' as a pole dancer would be Zola Slidermum

Lynn Holland said...

Awh how nice you've had such a lovely time and awh now you've had to come home.
Not to worry Jo knowing you will be that busy there will be no time for being maudling.
Can I be including in your give away please.
Lynn and the Doodly Birds x

Cardarian said...

Hello my dear Jo!
I sent you an email earlier - just want to say what a lovely post with lovely pics! I have done my bit for the blog candy so I won't do it again! Ha, ha...
Lots of hugs to you

donnalouiserodgers said...

Don't cry sweet heart - you know you are soon on your travels again...

dxxx 119 ish

Danielle said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Glad to see you back home. dani#33

Anne said...

Hi there your granddaughter is gorgeous - it must be hard being so far away.Love the cake and your crochet work. Your blog candy is very generous but as I'm not able to visit regularly I think it would be unfair to join in. Anne x

Unknown said...

Oh dear what a shame to have to come home Jo, and what a super looking dolls house. Love your crocheted flowers too, reminds me of when I used to do that.
Cheers, Elaine #29

okienurse said...

Looks like you had an awesome time with the grandee! I guess I would be remiss if I didn't tell you to add my name to the draw. I would make a really bad pole dancer with a name like Bozo Roley! Thanks for sharing. VIckie #38

May said...

Lovely pics of your beautiful Grandaughter. Gorgeous cake too I bet that was the crochet flowers... Have a good week, Hugs May x x x#5

Lynn Holland said...

Poppy Woods. .........
For me Jo

anna christensen crafts said...

I'm so glad that you had a good trip. The cake looked yummy and your grand daughter so sweet.

Hazel said...

I would love to be included in the draw - my name would be Misty Tye (quite like the sound of that!). Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your message. Hope you have a good week. Hazel, WOYWW #120 x

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos Jo, your little grandee looks the picture of health, love the cake mum made her and your crochet is so lovely and colourful. Sorry you have to come home and be away from them, believe me, it doesn't get any easier no matter how old they are!

Rex Bloomfield!

PS. I did my next pets name with my paternal Grandma's last name and I get either Pinky Laws or Perky Laws! Pinky and Perky were guinea pigs! I've had so much fun reading all the alter ego names that I read all the comments from last weeks post and this weeks too, to make sure I didn't miss any!

Lee said...

Oh Jo,how lovely to be there for her birthday bless her.Great pics too.I wont enter for the candy as I haven't left a comment for ages due to being too busy lol,don't feel it's fair on the others.Huggles xxxxxx

Linda Simpson said...

Jo she looks a little cutie and looks like she had a wonderful Birthday. The cake looks wonderful and I bet is tasted good too. Lovely crocheted flowers too.

Linda xxx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, lovely photos of your granddaughter looking quite absorbed with her birthday present ... I loved my doll's house too so can understand the fascination.

Many thanks for your comment earlier and thanks for wanting to include me in the draw despite a previous win.

You were curious about what my stage name would be ... well, if I combine the name of the puppy we had when I was a toddler with my grandmother's maiden name this is what would be up in lights:

Randy Douglas

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #54

Joynana said...

Hi Jo, isn't hanging out with the grandkids the best. I miss those days when mine were that size. Now they have busy lives of their own and when I visit, they are all off someplace else most of the time. Thanks for stopping by. #22

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Hi there again Ziggy wow have been jumping around your blog now...and such lovely pickies again so nice birthdays and little ones aren't they??
Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #64 (alias Snooksy Wilson :D)

Tertia said...

That dolls house is just wonderful. Spending time with the grandies is the best gift of all and then they think we visit for them. Oh no, its for us that we do it. LOVE that crochet work you did.
Happy very belated WOYWW!
Tertia #116

Morti said...

Only 53 days to go to WOYWW-fest! Can't wait!

Glad to hear you had a good time with the sweetest little grandee on the planet (till mine arrive - LOL!). That was such a cute cake.

Sorry I'm a bit late getting here this week.