Tuesday, 28 August 2012

WOYWW Curly Girlies

A little table in the living room is the location of my WOYWW post for this week.
The Curly girlies, alias the Brighton Belles are staying with us so, between going out, we have been crafting and here they are making masks. Lots and lots of sequins and bling....
Great fun was had by all...
I found a packet of skinny balloons I'd had in for years and I'd never managed to produce a recognisable shape from them... until today!! Woo hoo! a new skill! I may start a new career as a children's entertainer as we all laughed so much whilst I quickly honed my skills, popping so many balloons until I got the knack and now I can produce a reasonable dog, a sword, a flower with leaves on a stem and a hat.
 I hope you are as impressed as the children were...personally I'm not too proud to say that I am thrilled. Any bookings please? Shame it's a couple of weeks late for my little fraulein's 3rd birthday party.
Short and sweet post this time for our lovely Julia who is the "Hostess with the Mostest" to the crafty desks around the world each week. 
Join in if you dare or just drop in, as I'll be doing, for a good snoop to her stamping ground to see the rest!


sandra de said...

You have every right to be proud of your efforts the masks are wonderful and the balloons a technical marvel. They look perfect and must take a lot of coordination to achieve those shapes. Crafters never cease to amaze me in what they can turn achieve. The little Belles look very pleased with their art.
Sandra @19

Cardarian said...

Ohhh so cute the curly girls! Your balloon skills are excellent and you have your first booking - you can come and entertain me for my birthday ha, ha....
I see you all are having a great time!
Lots of hugs,

Annie said...

Hi Jo. It looks like we both have curly Shirleys this week :-) Lovely to see your girls having creative crafty time with Grandma :-) They grow up so quickly don't they?
A x #68

katemade designs said...

The girls are adorable. I've always wanted to learn to make balloon animals were you experimenting or using book to learn?

Helen said...

Looks like you and the Curly Girlies are having a balloon of a time (sorry!) Good luck with your new career, I await news of your fame and fortune... Have a good week. Helen, 40

Paul B said...

Looks like everyone had fun making these bright, playful masks (even grandma I suspect). I'm hopeless with balloons so I'm impressed with your creations, especially the dog :) Pxx

Redanne said...

It does not matter how many you popped along the way (but I guess that caused lots of hilarity!) it is the end result and you have done a brilliant job! The Brighton Belles are gorgeous, love the masks. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #32

Ann B said...

Can you juggle as well Jo, ideal for children's parties and a nice little earner for you.
Love those curls your Grandee has, makes me want to get out the hairbrush.

Ann B

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, we know who can provide the entertainment on Oct 13th now!!! Do you do magic tricks as well?? :D Seriously, hats off to you for persevering and learning a new skill...I don't seem to have that sort of patience.
And those curls...sigh...my hair is as straight as a yardstick and I used to pay £s to have perms for Big Hair in the 80s...sigh. Your grandees are very pretty!
Hugs, LLJ #72 xx

okienurse said...

I think you should be proud of the masks and all the fun stuff you and the curly girls are accomplishing. I would love to have my granddaughters closer! Have a great week. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #67

Julia Dunnit said...

Impressed? Dang right I am, in fact, impressed doesn't cover it!! Love the idea of the giggles and the poppings....I expect you're about to master the mouth organ too for all round street smart entertaining!

Neet said...

Is there no end to your talent Jo, now to add "balloonist" to your repertoire. Mind you they might think of you having one that flies in the air with a basket attached so we will have to think of another word to sum your antics up.
Good to see the grandees - enjoy your time with them and save the balloon talent for next time you see the little German Frau(lein).
Hugs, Neet xx just behind you at 45

Dotty Jo said...

Goodness Jo, can I come round to play please?????? Such gorgeous girlies, Jo x

SueH said...

Oh Jo, it looks like you were having so much fun with your ‘Curly Girlies’. I’m sure I could hear all your giggling for here, Lol!

You were brave blowing up all those balloons. I’ve always been a bit afraid of blowing them up myself because I have a fear they will burst in my face. (I know, I’m a chicken)

Happy Crafting!

Lynn Holland said...

What lovely girlies you have Jo and I am impressed with the balloon art.
The only thing ive blown is my purse at a garage sale on Sunday in Grange.
Off to GMEX tomorrow, so will blow a bit more money there.
Love Lynn xx

lisa said...

I can hear the laughter from here, Jo. It sounds like you had a magical day. Dead right I'm impressed at your skills with the balloons. I bet your Grandees are fighting to get to Grandma's House, they have a fantastic time.
Have fun and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #93

Rita said...

What a fun post Jo. Looks as if its not only the kiddiwinks that are having fun. Enjoy your time with them. Hugs Rita 88 xx

Twiglet said...

Well Jo what a talented lady you are - I am sure you will get bookings - have you thought of the older girlie parties - those balloons would certainly raise a laugh! And you could throw in the odd pole dance or two. lol x Jo

Mary Jo said...

Look at those amazing masks and balloons! Impressive stuff :)
Mary Jo #112

Brenda Brown said...

Love your girlies and their art skills, just like grandma.
Visiting from WOYWW.
hugs {brenda} xox #141

Unknown said...

Loving the masks, we have been out all the time so we haven't used the templates yet. We had Mr Tumble in Lytham the other day making balloon doggies in a charity shop.
Carol xx

Tertia said...

Your grandies are adorable and those masks are very impressive. I am in awe of your baloon skills. Wish you lived on the same continent, then I would surely book you for my grandies birthday.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #47

Laura said...

Beatiful masks! Very impressed!
Have a good week,

donnalouiserodgers said...

it's the laughter that is the wonderful part, looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday,

see you then


Crafty Loops said...

Lol, looks like a fabulous day was had by all. I love those masks. Lee x

cockney blonde said...

The grandees have made a fantastic effort in the craft department. They're leaving their Grandma trailing behind, lol, x