Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Blog Candy Draw due soon!

BLOG CANDY last few days to enter!
to be drawn 2nd Sept
I really appreciate the many visitors to my blog, especially those who leave a comment and all the lovely followers who are interested enough to keep an eye on my posts. I had intended to offer some blog candy when my hits counter reached 88,888 but I was so busy that missed the magic moment.
I have got to know so many lovely crafters and made lasting friendships via my blog and I've even been lucky to meet up with quite a few these very special people. 
To say a big "Thank You" to every one who visits and leaves comments I'm offering some blog candy and, since I've had a mega clean up, I have found quite a few items surplus to requirements and I'll even add a few extras to those in the photo.
Here's the stash on offer so far!
I will also make a special handcrafted gift for a couple of winners which can be chosen from several items such as, (below) a hand painted art apron, a decorated key chain, handbag bling, a crochet bag decoration etc. I'll discuss preferences with the winners.
To qualify 
Please leave me a comment stating you'd like to be included.
I always make you work for my blog candy so.......just for a bit of fun we want your alter ego...
 tell me (and Blogland) what your name would be if you were a pole dancer, created by giving the name of your pet (past or present) and your maternal grandmother's maiden surname. It will gain you an extra entry in the draw!
Mine therefore would be Ziggy Boguski !!!
Add the first picture to your blog, leaving a link and mention my candy offer.
Be a follower, but don't sign up unless you are really interested as it would be unfair to take the chance away from others who are regulars, as they are the people I want to thank. 
The draw will be made on Sunday 2nd September.
Have some fun reading these alter ego names from those already entered... 
Brighton Rosebush, Rusty Rose, Jezebel, Winker Heuser, Bimbo Redfern, Snicker VanNatter, Mingo Jahn,
 Miss Dixie Bolitho, Sikkhi Von FlotwellScruffy Newbie, Boots Bentley, Butterscotch Mooney, Scooter Wilson, Tiggy RowanFudge Rickard, Bojangles WatersTaibo Canatser,
Maysa Suslova, Lambert Simnel, Rex BloomfieldSmokey Mallett, Nimbus Breen,
Shadow Schliinzi, China Richie, Brownie Parker, Tinker Maas, Fluffy Koekemoer, 
Donna CipotHammy Pearson, Rusty and Fluffy Burns, Poppy Woods, Goldie Gilpatrick,
Zola Slidermum, Samwise Bentley, Sid Perkins, Missy Galvan, Titch Elliot,
Wotchit Matheson, Fluffy Dingwal, Jesse Wolfe, Grizz Thiele, Bozo Roley, Zizi Smith, 
Lulu Dumbreak, Baggins Gregory, Iggy AlviolaPinky and Perky Laws, Misty Tye
Randy Douglas, Duchess Von Scaffenberg, Snooksy Wilson, Jelly Belly, Squeaky Sorrell, Bruno Lobo, Ringo Turkki, 
Pickle Brown...
and, believe it or not, a real ex pole dancer signed in as Autumn Palmer!!! 
If you aren't already on the list why not fess up to your special name!!!
Everyone will be entered into the draw in their real name too.


Tuire Flemming said...

Ooops! I almost forgot to participate being away from Blogland a couple of weeks... But now I have the pic on my sidebar - and a follower I am.
Hugs from the pole dancer sister Ringo Turkki! #53

P.S.(have to tell you that when I was a little girl, we had a dog, who´s original name was Beatles, but we named him Ringo ´cause it was easier to pronounce)

Inkypinkycraft said...

ypour handmade wonders look great... have a great week trace x 48

Dotty Jo said...

OMG, I forgot the tortoise = Speedy Sorrell! Jo x AKA Squeaky Sorrell

Terry said...

So much blog candy, so little time! lol Looks like you're having fun. TFS,

Terry #60