Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Slovenian Specialties

The Castle at Lake Bled
We sat in the shade looking out over this beautiful lake and tried our best to stay cool whilst we were introduced to the specialty cake of Bled. It's similar to a Vanilla Slice but ginormous, crispy and utterly delicious.
D & D lakeside
Lovely pic of Donna dipping her toes in the crystal clear turquoise lake at Bohinj
Dolores did her amazing impression of a rally driver and drove us right up one of the highest mountain passes where we were overwhelmed by the spectacular views at every hairy bend.
Bosom buddies!
Here's the proof that we were 1620 metres high.
We had left our hats behind so, at over 40 degrees, emergency measures were required to protect us from the sun but, despite looking like mad English women abroad, I still got my nose burned. 
The next morning a dab of lipstick to my nose scared the wits out of Donna who thought it worse than it was!! 
Roasting in the sun, overlooking the mountains, we devoured the huge delicious smoked Slovenian specialty sausages, Kranjska Klobasa, for lunch with sauerkraut and crispy bits of pork.
 With a huge portion of apfelstrudel for pud and another local treat, Struklji, we were so full and needed only salad for evening dinner. 
The building in the distance is the restaurant where we ate our lunch!
Just read this menu....we gave the sausage in Hegs Grease a miss! 
Here's the local weather forecaster. If the donkey's tail is swinging... forecast wind.
If it's wet, forecast rain..... etc.,!!!


Helen said...

I know very little about Slovenia but now I feel I have had a wonderful guided tour! What a great holiday - and lovely looking cake!!

lisa said...

Ohh what a trip down memory lane you've given me, Jo. I've realised it wasn't the coast we had a holiday in when we landed at Ljubljana, it was Lake Bohinj at the Hotel Jezero. I think it's still there, right on the main street. I remember those sausages too and apple strudel, well what better!!!!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it and hope we get some more piccies!!
Hugs Lisax

donnalouiserodgers said...


the bossom buddies came out perfect

lisa said...

Just me again, Jo. I've been showing the family your beautiful photos and my DD said you look like the Hairy Bikers with all that food. I think that's meant to be a compliment and not taken literally. Thought that'd make you laugh!!
Hugs Lisax

Angie said...

What amazing views ...and food. xx

Unknown said...

Wow, what a gorgeous place, looks like i'll have add that to my 'must see' list! Love RAchael #115


My kind of food menu, yum yum :)

Annie said...

Fab snaps of a beautiful country.
A x

Redanne said...

Brilliant photos Jo, you really did cram a lot into your holiday and it all looks wonderful, makes me want to go........A x

Neesie said...

I was on my way to your workdesk but this post caught my attention.
It looks like you have a fantastic fun trip! The photos are so good and show what fun you had.
I've never been to Slovenia (well you never asked me ~ sigh) but it looks beautiful.
Thanks for sharing ~ now I'm off to your desk! ;D

Cath Wilson said...

Wonderful photos - looks as if you had a fab time x

Anonymous said...

Jo what an absolutely amazing trip you had, the country looks so beautiful, the food looks really yummy and of course, your got to share it with friends too. Looks like a very special trip.

Brenda 3

Ann B said...

You can keep the sauerkraut, just pass me a cake. Yet more lovely photos, you could get a job with the Slovenian Tourist Board.

Sheilagh said...

I went when it was Yugoslavia and loved it, now you have done a fantastic job and I must now go back!!

Thank you


HeARTworks said...

Hi Jo! Thanks for taking us on the trip with you! The apple strudel looks absolutely yummy and I love the pictures of the mountains! How blessed you are ! Patsy from

Sandy said...

LOL at you putting lipstick on your nose. Love the photos. Sandy :)

Neet said...

Great photos (love the one where you forgot the hats) Jo - seems as if a terrific time was had by all, Look forward to seeing you and hearing about it as we didn't get time to talk Saturday (or I couldn't listen).
Enjoy your time now (wink wink)
Hugs and thanks for linking me, Neet xx

Annie Cholewa said...

Colour me green! I'd love to go to Slovenia :D

cockney blonde said...

Fab photos Jo, thanks for sharing. It was lovely to see Donna again last week. Thank goodness for our new laptop as I can catch up on some long overdue blogging now that I'm confined to barracks, x

Eliza said...

That scenery is amazing and the lake just so surreal, pity it was so hot. I looks like you had a real blast of a time and found a bosom buddy. That food looks amazing and yummie.

Thanks for sharing.
Eliza #11

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Ooh how fantastic Jo, I'm very jealous. It looks wonderful. Great pics :-) Now where's a hanky to knot when you need one haha
Anne x