Sunday, 22 July 2012

Meander Book / Distress Inks.

Don't be fooled into thinking I've been crafting..... this project is one I drafted a while ago and forgot to post so, as I've been on travel photo overload lately, I thought I'd pop it in. Meander books are a a quick way to make a mini book but they are so small when a 12 x 12 card is used so I cut a 16 inch square from an A3 sheet of good quality cartridge paper, which will make a 4inch square book. 
After colouring it with Distress Inks on both sides I decorated the pages which would be on view once the card is folded, using stencils and masks.
You can stamp images over your decorations but it is also so simple to scribble around the stencilled shapes with a fine line waterproof pen as I did for the front cover, below. Do it quite freely without too much thought or consideration and it will look more "arty".
Here's a full sheet I decorated for another book.
This book I decorated each page separately to show various effects and ideas.
Pockets can easily be cut to take tags
a V shape is cut to make a tag slot.
A circle punch provided a slot at the side of a page.

The quote stamps are from Stampattack and Carol has several of sheets of really special ones for every occasion.
The only crafting I have done lately has been with my visiting little fraulein, now back home so I am really missing her.
No! It's not WOYWW but with this mess below....
She helped so well to make this bit of fun...
however she preferred it on her head and not as a mask.
The elastic proved so fascinating.


Helen said...

Love that book and your little one is so cute!! No wonder you miss her when she goes home. Have a fabulous day.

Dotty Jo said...

Fabulous work Jo, so colourful and inspiring and I love your little butterfly girl! Jo x

Cath Wilson said...

Stunning books and pages, Jo - love them all. Great colours, wonderful designs and beautifully done. Won't be long until you see the kids again... x

Annie said...

What a gorgeous book Jo. Really love the special sentiments on each page.
Look at the curls that your little fraulein has now....just magic
A x


Timothy doesn't like things covering is face up either! What a beautiful butterfly :)

Angie said...

The effects you have created are stunning everything ...and the tip about outlining is one to remember.
That butterfly mask must have been such fun to create with her ...and its rather creative that she wants to wear it on her
Jake is improving with each day and has his spirit back ...woke his parents this am ( not long after dawn)with a loud 'cock a doodle do' was DS's day off lol.

Carola Bartz said...

This is a great project! It looks beautifully, and it just gave me some new inspiration for handmade cards. Thank you, Jo!

sam21ski said...

Awww Jo she is so cute, no wonder you are missing her already xxx

Redanne said...

Love your little book Jo, gorgeous colours and amazing quotes too.

The little one is sooo cute and the butterfly mask is adorable. A x

Von said...

Fab little book Jo and what a sweetie with the butterfly on her head :)
Von ♥

May said...

Fabulous book, gorgeous art work.. and beautiful quotes... I saw all your fab pics from your AmAzing fun trip... how brillant.. The little one's mask is beautiful and she is Gorgeous...Hugs May x x x

cockney blonde said...

Fabby book Jp, love it. You always make such interesting an unusual pieces of art. Grandee looks as gorgeous as ever, x

SandeeNC said...

Your mini album is very pretty but butterfly girl steals the show, she is ADORABLE, and I love her unique fashion style, butterfly masks as hats will soon be all the rage! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, fab book, love all the stencils and stamps you've used. What a great idea to use a piece 16" square; I have done one of those books but the smaller ones; this is a good size :-)
Anne xx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

The tip about the circle punch is great too :-)

Lynne said...

Hi Jo - thanks for popping over to my blog and leaving a lovely comment - we Scousers do get bout a bit don't we? Have had just a quick look at your blog but really need to spend some time checking out your archives and getting my head round it all - it looks really interesting and I love what I've seen so far! (We also have almost identical musical tatses!)

I'm sure you miss your grandchildren who live apart from you - think of me saying goodbye today to our crowd going back to New Zealand - I am a bit bereft today; we will be planning a trip out there in the New Year - hurray!

Doing the following thingy - great blog! Lx

donnalouiserodgers said...

she looks cool in her hat/mask, and did you get the elastic back or did she claim it as hers? skype really is open ( i had horrid problems with it yesterday)


Paul B said...

Just been catching up on your posts and in awe of your wonderful adventures recently. Loved looking through your holiday snaps, looks a fantastic place. Pxx

Ann B said...

Hi Jo, thanks for commenting on my bee and sewing cards. I enjoyed making both of them and they are now on their way through the post to cheer up two people.
Must have go at the meander book, have tried before but your decorated papers make me want to do another one - lovely. You must have been very sad to see your Grandee go. It is hard when they are so very far away, we are looking forward to seeing our three - not seen since Easter.
See you when we get back
Ann B

Neet said...

How I enjoyed seeing your little German grandee - I just smile whenever I see a photo of her and thank God for the way everything has turned out.
She is a miracle.
Hugs, neet xx #8

millefeuilles said...

Hello lovely Jo, I have been staring in awe at your beautiful book. What strikes me the most, I think, are the stunning colour combinations you have conjured up. Those yellows married with greens, pinks, and purples are heavenly. A real feast for my eyes. I am so glad I stopped by today.

Have a beautiful, inspiring week.


Unknown said...

You made good use of my text stamps. They jumped out at me from the pages. I see little fraulein's hair has grown beautifully.
Carol x

Linda Simpson said...

WOW Jo this is awesome. Loving the background you created and what a superb idea. You will have to teach me how to do this.

I have blog candy on my blog if you are interested :)

Linda xxxx

Carol Q said...

That's really pretty Jo. Fabulous backgrounds.