Friday, 15 February 2013

Friday Smile 5

On Fridays we share a smile to set the weekend off right all because our lovely Annie Wipso had the idea that we should join her regular slot. we'eee'll.... let me tell you....
A couple of years ago we enjoyed the most fabulous trip to Ireland and besides all the wonderful places we saw it was the character and humour of the place that was so special. 
I have a series of really ODD photos as a result and this below might be one, to be sure, don't yer know!!? Well it is, it is!!
 I spotted this road sign near Sneem in Kerry......
What's so funny do I hear you say?
Well, I swear that we checked all around and then for miles but there wasn't a drop of water even as small as a puddle anywhere to be found. Not even a tap. No explanation and nobody living in the area (in the pubs) could explain it, and weren't we daft for asking? 
Maybe it was just for the leprechauns in case it rained.
Last week somehow I didn't link my Friday Smile correctly and Annie suggests you should go back and take a peek at Annette's Dammit Doll and accompanying poem which you should have seen.
Annette Voodoo Vixen is off on her travels, this time to Oz and I wish her the best of luck.
Here's hoping you'll settle quickly, Annette, and be very happy there in all the lovely sunshine!!!
That's good enough for an extra smile

and for even more pop over to Annie's place!


Gill Edwards said...

Hi Jo,

Only in Ireland could you find such a pointless sign.
Hope your week is full of smiles

Gill x

JoZart Designs said...

Hi Gill,
They look more like Splats than pancakes! Well done at creating such art in a pan but as long as they tasted good I wouldn't mind whatever shape they were.
Have a great weekend,
Jo x

Scrapcat 1 said...

love the sign Jo lol, and the headdresses look fabulous :)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Not only did I smile at your picture, but it bought back memories of our trip to Ireland some years ago and the oddities we saw there. It was the way you would be coasting along on a beautifully smooth, dual lane road, then suddenly realise that the lane you were in was coming to a complete stop, and what was left of the road barely qualified as a rough farm track (they shook our caravan fridge off its mountings). At the same time, the friendliness of the Irish was heart warming. xx Maggie #4

Caro said...

The sign is fantastic...made me chuckle, especially as there was no water anywhere nearby! xx Caro #5

Annie said...

Typically Irish I'd say :-) thanks for sharing Jo.
A x

BumbleVee said...

okay...I've got it. See those wavy lines ...somebody used a black marker to put them on the sign.... maybe it was originally just showing a cliff or steep road sides .... no? hahahhah.... well, it was pretty funny either way....

I love funny or amusing signage.....

Lee said...

It worked,had me smiling.Huggles xx

cockney blonde said...

Oh gosh that sign reminds me of when we went to Ireland with the caravan and the fun we had with those road signs, x

fairy thoughts said...

they like a laugh in Ireland... usually at our expense and why not?
must join in with this next week i could do with a laugh. I did see the dammit doll too brilliant i must make one
have a lovely week

Ann B said...

Lovely photos Jo, gave me a smile. You were lucky not to see any water in Ireland,when we went touring a few years ago it rained - a lot. In fact the only days it didn't was when we were in Kerry. Did you go to see Fungey the dolphin?

Kyla said...

I saw one of these in Ireland too, went round the blind 90 degree corner and the road ended suddenly to a 10 foot drop into the sea! Slammed my brakes on and did some dodgy reversing back round the blind corner! gotta love Ireland!
