Friday, 1 February 2013

Annie's Friday Smile No 3

Some of you know that I've been making fancy dresses this week for my little grandees. Just after  Christmas, when the family was all together for the very first time EVER, it was wonderful (and the best reason for me to SMILE). While the little fraulein was here I had to make some other costumes.....matching Minny Mouse ears, all with red bows for all of the precious toys she brought on the plane with her. 
Now, in order of size, there was .....
Baxter Bear, Little Ted, Horsey, and Mouse (just peeping over her left elbow) all lined up for fitting.
I had to hide anything smaller eg., her Playmobil figures! 
Here they are, and I bet you are smiling, both at the pic and at the thought of my face as each toy was brought to me to stitch, stick and make those pesky little, teeny weeny, fiddly, minute, little ears. 
What we do for love!

Two smiles from me this week as I am smiling so much every time I see the wondrous results that have come in this week from lovely blogging friends for LillyBo Quilts and there are lots more to come. 
Take a look here to see all about this worthwhile project. 
 If you look back a page on Annie's blog you can see the beautiful quilt which she has made and her lovely Big Sister Jo has so kindly made one too.
 Once I've added the labels over the weekend, this batch will all be donated to the children in the hospital next week along with one of the special cards which I received this morning from SueH.
Pop over to Annie's blog at a stitch in time to set you up for the weekend with lots more SMILES!!
 Remember... if you're too busy to smile.... you're TOO BUSY!!
So keep smiling!


Annie said...

Hehehe I am chuckling at what we do for love Jo....nothing is too much for the little ones is it? [well maybe ears for playmobil people does stretch the limit :-) ]. Thanks for joining in the fun.
Love the quilts Jo. Just finishing my second one and will get both in the post to you. :-)
A x

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, that was worth a really big smile, I love the Mickey Mouse ears but like Annie above, can't imagine doing playmobil sized ones! Annie is wonderful doing another quilt too, how lovely is that. Hugs, Anne x

Caro said...

Gorgeous smiles...especially the first one. I love the thought of her bringing everything to you for minnie ears! Wonderful. Caro xxx

BumbleVee said...

Yup....the thought of the look on your face ...hahhaha.... I can see it now......

Angela Toucan said...

You are a treasure sewing those for her, I bet she gave you plenty of smiles for those.

Scrapcat 1 said...

but Jo you can do anything aren't you super gran? love the ears and the quilts Jo :)

Jackie said...

How much fun..... Mouse ears are so cute

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

That is true love, sewing all those ears. I bet she smiled a lot when you were doing them. That is a beautiful picture. xx Maggie

Nan G said...

i was in awe of the costumes on woyww, now i'm mini mouse ears! smile? yep i'm a smiling (thinking she is nuts....ssshhh) :)
p.s. i'm on my laptop so i can't feel or see the keys too well.

Gill Edwards said...

as you say the things we do for love. Great photos Jo

Gill x

Hettie said...

Aw Bless! Love those ears!
Great quilts you have had in so far. Mine is still in bits having done some chain stitching of blocks! I will get there!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Jo had to smile indeed what we do o for love - they are so worth it though.. love all those ears wee and bit bigger! Shaz in Oz.x

Unknown said...

so sweet! or should I say - sew sweet! I think she has you wrapped round her little finger - just the way it should be :)

Tracy said...

Well done, that must have been very fiddly. Worth it to see them smile.

Words and Pictures said...

The ribbon photo is adorable... I'm very glad you didn't have to do all the Playmobil people too!
Wonderful to see all those quilts arriving - what a riot of colour!
Smiling right now... thank you!
Alison x

cockney blonde said...

Really made me smile all those fabby ribbons. Well, I've taken the plunge and got the material and filling for my first quilt. Not sure I'll manage a bag though, x

jude said...

Wow Jo you have been kept busy all worth while.those quilts are lovely i shall have read of the link as not been on for couple weeks.Have crafty week hugs judex167

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, brilliant photo of your granddaughter. Minnie Mouse is one of my all-time favourite characters - in fact she is probably responsible for my lief-long polka-dot fixation :) The quilts are lovely - my attempt to tame the sewing machine from hell was stymied by my injured thumb but I haven't given up all hope! Thanks for the smile. Elizabeth xx