Tuesday, 29 January 2013

WOYWW 191 Fancy Dress

WWOYWW comes every Wednesday to remind us that we really should be tidying ready for the big reveal but instead I'm up to my eyes in fabric sewing, not only quilts, but fancy dress costumes for my little grandees. This one is for my 5 year old Brighton Bell who wants to be "Merida" from the Disney Film "Brave". I think Merida looks just like a mediaeval Princess in all her pictures and I think the film is set in Scotland. 
The bodice is almost finished and a lovely frilly voile petticoat ready to fluff out the skirt. 
Oooh, I am enjoying making these little outfits and so wish I'd had them to dress up in when I was little.
I've made a velvet hooded cape, lined in gold
with a medallion fastener at the neck
I must confess that I am really pleased with the medallion I made
from these super blingy cheap trimmings and sequins
I tacked some to a disc of grungeboard, converting the straight braids to curves. I then squirted a layer of Glossy Accents over it all producing  substantially solid medallions to use on the head dress and as a fastener at the neck of the cape. 
I've also made capes for two little Snow Whites and bows for their hair.
Now here are my orders for the day...
First, make sure you take a look at Julia's blog, stamping ground, to find out what WOYWW is all about. In fact why not join in this weekly whirlwind around the crafty desks of the world!

Also, take a peek at my previous post and if you'd like one of the little pocket crosses, I've still got a few left. Just let me know but the instructions are there if you want to make some for yourself or your friends.

Finally, don't forget to pop over to Lillybo Quilts to catch up on the progress and see the lovely cards WOYWWer SueH has made to give with each quilt. 
One quilt has arrived and more are on their way so it's getting really exciting. 


mamapez5 said...

They are very swish dressing up clothes Jo and I bet they are a lot more robust than the ones I used to buy for my nursery. They were always popular. Even the little boys enjoyed donning a pretty dress and a wig! But they took a bit of a hammering and I was always doing repairs. The medallion is beautiful.
Thanks for visiting me. I thought I would try the alcohol inks on my paper. That's why I started off with my copic markers, but hopefully the ink will mix and marble like it does on any glossy card. I must make more time to experiment. Kate x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

aha Jo, what fun you have been having over there - and so love these outfuts too!! I must confess we were spoilt as children as our mum did make us such outfits.. but ours were made of crepe paper more often than not so did not last long ..
a few were made of fabrics because where we lived in small country town they had dressing up parties for the littlies.. I was powder puff and a harem miss - two that I can remember. In latter I had fat little tummy poking out, I was about four..
And no, not showing that one online ;)
happy WOYWW thanks for sharing.. Shaz in Oz.x #No number, not published yet!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

der! so busy talking about my dress, Jo (carried away with memories I had forgotten)I did not say how impressed I was with yours and that medallion was just something .. said so simply in your description but must have been hard to sew scallop on grungeboard!! Shaz.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

mammafairy said...

These outfits look very swish. I am sure the little Snow Whites and the little Merida will have a greattime, and lots of adventures in their capes and frocks.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I want to be Merida as well if it means I could wear as beautiful an outfit as that. You clever gal...how awesome is that sewing?? And medallion making..just gorgeous! You are a multi talented lady for sure :)
Hugs, LLJ 36 xxxx

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Is there no end to your talents? Those dressing up outfits are amazing! I am not at all religious, but thank you for sharing the instructions for making the little crosses (I may well make one for my elderly cousin's birthday - she is 90 this year). Quilt - still not started here, but I promise to at least sort out the fabric this week. Ali x #34

Lynn Holland said...

Is there no end to your talents Jo. You've done a great job on the outfits.
Know time for boredom in our households eh !

donnalouiserodgers said...

so lucky to have little girls, I made a tiger suit, a crocodile suit and a 'mock turtle' when the boys were little, in retrospect maybe I should have made drama queen outfits?
dx 57

cockney blonde said...

Those costumes are amazing. Your little grandees will love them and will be the envy of all their little friends, x

Ann B said...

Beautiful dress Jo. When I was little had to make do with a pair of my mothers shoes and some old clothes, still in my mind I was Cinderella, the belle of the ball.
Started cutting out squares last night but will probably take a week to decide where to place them - having fun though, learning something new.
Ann B

Helen said...

What gorgeous dressing up clothes! She will love it and I bet won't want to take it off. Have a great day. Helen, 9

Unknown said...

Morning Jo. What a very lucky little girl. Your dressing up outfits are beautiful. What pleasure you are going to give. She won't want to take them off!!! I love the buckle too. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 55

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh be still my heart! Perfect, gorgeous rich and amazing dressing up clothes...the girls will LOVE them and believe me, they'll wear them and wear them and wear them. My efforts for DD were never so good, but she more than repaid my time by loving and wearing them constantly. How marvellous!

shazsilverwolf said...

Gorgeous costumes Jo- the colours are awesome! That medallion- fab idea- you know were all going to be copying thoose, don't you> Made a start on sorting fabric yesterday, I need to get some plain fabric to join all the squares. Have a great day, Hugs, Shaz xx #69

Sandy said...

Just beautiful, I am sure they will have so much fun and will adore them.
Sandy :) #25

Queenie Jeannie said...

OHMYGOSH!!!! My daughter would just faint dead away if she saw your Merida costume! We were at Disney over Christmas break and she saw her from a distance. We had planned to buy her the costume and wig, but they didn't have her size. She got the bow and arrow set though, so that was something. Brave is her MOST FAVORITE movie at the moment, lol! Your handiwork is nothing short of stunning!!!! Really just spectacular!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #12

Kate said...

That costume looks beautiful!!! I think I'd quite like a velvet cloak lined in gold, not just for fancy dress!!!

** Kate **

Anonymous said...

Boy, are those little grandess lucky to have you for a Nanna Jo!! Those clothes look so sumptious, reminds me of the costumes in Merlin, not a great show but the costumes are stunning.

Brenda 91

Jill said...

Happy WOW day! Absolutely gorgeous fancy dress, beautiful colours! Jill x

ria gall said...

Wow I have to take my hat off to you your sewing skills are totally amazing how lucky for those that will get to wear these outfits. Thank you for sharing
Ria #44

Minxy said...

What a lucky little 5 year old, that costume looks amazing, if I was many years younger i'd want one too lol
Happy Desk Hopping Day
Hugz Minxy #59

Paul B said...

Aww the littlun is going to love it. Pxx

voodoo vixen said...

Oh my Jo, you really have gone to town on that little number, it is fabulous! Oh to have had a Grannie who could make such wonders when I was a child... or an adult, come to think of it!!
Hope the quilt has arrived at its destination, I posted it Monday. Annette 26

MiniOwner said...

Oh wow! Those costumes are amazing - well done! Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@74)

Almo said...

These outfits are lovely Jo. They will look and feel like special little Princesses. Hugs Mo x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! These are definitely going to be part of a "do you remember?" conversation when they are older! Lucky girls! Chris#93

Annie said...

Stunning fancy dress outfits Jo...what lucky little girls they are :-)
I'm rather late in getting round today but have had to wait til my twinnie grandees went home first...they arrived yesterday morning and had their first sleep over without Mum and Dad last night....just magic :-)
A x #62

lisa said...

You are looking very busy there, Jo. Those Grandees of yours are going to be looking beautiful. I love the Merida costume, the colour is stunning.
I have recruited two more quilters for the quilt making!!!!
Hugs Lisax #63

fairy thoughts said...

Wow, fancy by name and really fancy by nature. they are very lucky little girls to have you as their GM, Im sure they will love them.
janet #32

Sheilagh said...

WOWSA your grandee's are lucky little girls having such a creative grandma :)
Your work is stunning.

Thank you for your offer of advice with my new toy :) I need to know how to thread it hahahaha.

I am really excited about "trying" to make a quilt, hope to have a play this weekend.

Can't believe you were up at Lady Heyes!



Anne said...

WOW those outfits are gorgeous I know two little girls who would love them as well. Sadly this grandma is not that clever. Anne #144

Di said...

FABULOUS sewing there Jo! We trailed round in old evening gown donated by Mums when I were a lass :))

I have a little neighbour, recently confirmed, going through some tough health problems and would love a cross for her pocket - on condition I can somehow repay your kindness'

Love, Di xx


SandeeNC said...

Oh my goodness, those dress up outfits are just stunning! You have outdone yourself and I am glad my mom isn't around to read this, cause I sure wish she had made me costumes like this when I was a little girl! That medallion is awesome, just wow! Thank you sooooooo much for visiting my desk today, waving hi from the soggy hills of North Carolina ♥

Unknown said...

they will want to live in those outfits 24/7!!! they are so beautiful! you did a great job!

Belinda Basson said...

That medallion is quite genius. You could go into business making those!

Cardarian said...

Hello my dear!Your makes to go with the dresses are just sooo beautiful - I think I want a dress with all the extras like that too! Ha, ha..
Let me know via email if you want to Skype at some time!
Lots of hugs,

Tuire Flemming said...

Oh, what lovely dresses for the little pricesses! And a real gold treasure.
I have no idea, what I´m going to do with the hand spun yarns - now I´m only enjoying of spinning and mixing colours :)
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tuire #8

Twiglet said...

Those little ones will adore those outfits Jo! So lovely to encourage their imaginations. Wouldn't we all love to be a princess for a day! x jo

Gaby said...

You've done a great job, the costumes are looking sooo amazing! Love the colors!
Thank yor for your visiting me and leave a comment!
hugs from vienna, Gaby #98

SueH said...

Well there’s no desk pictures from me this week but I just wanted to stop by a few friends to see they were up to.

How lucky are your grandees to have such wonderful dressing up clothes. The colours and textures of the fabrics are just beautiful and I love the medallion that you’ve made. Looking at it you would never believe that it’s started life as a pile of braids and ribbons.

The cards will be on their way soon.

Happy Crafting!
x x x

Lisa said...

Fabulous costumes and you are so talented... I wish i'd had a costume like that when i was little!


Caro said...

Wow, you are so talented. The Merida outfit looks incredible. Happy belated WOYWW. Caro #60

Nan G said...

Wow! Your sewing skills are fab! Absolutely love love the medallion! I'm a bit late desk hopping... Happy WOYWW! Nan 107

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your little grandees are so lucky having such a talented lady to make those very swish clothes for them I hope you are going to show them dressed up later. xx Maggie #11

Gaby Bee said...

You never cease to amaze me...you are so multi talented, seems you can do everything :) These outfits are amazing, Jo!

Have a lovely weekend!

Joynana said...

Everything is lovely and those colors are so rich. I will come and play dress up anytime. #83