Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Shock horror!!! Yes, my desk is clear and almost empty, waiting for me to get my act together and start creating.(Just ignore the work surface at the back!) I've not crafted for a couple of weeks but I have been enjoying Creative Jump Start, all for FREE! Check it out... it's just the  inspirational jerk to get my mojo active and I am dying to get going again to try out some of the ideas I have seen day to day from the participating artists. It help to will fill the void my lovely family left when they all returned home.
Here's another rarely seen angle, taken towards the window and sink area, looking towards the garden.
This next side is well worth a snoop as it looks more like the old bazaar in Cairo but it's always like this and this is as tidy as it gets. It really is quite organised considering that all those boxes and drawers hold at least a million bits and bobs, which I bet most of you would love to nosey through. 

I have hung my flock of angels on high around the room as I couldn't possibly box them away in the dark and cold of the loft for a whole year of loneliness when they were all made with such love and care and sent from far and wide. They brought us so much joy on their arrival, and then during the festive season, so I am going to treasure them all through the year. 
There's a pocket hanger full of ATCs on the back of the door to my kitchen, in fact there are at last two cards in each pocket.
The IKEA drawers and shelves hold ink pads, inks and dyes.
I've shown some of my creative space for this week's expose via Julia's stamping ground blog and that's where you simply must go if you'd like to see more, and more and more and more........and lots more! 
Make a nice cuppa of your favourite brew and make a day of it!
It's fun and it's FREE and you can backtrack all you've missed up to now.
Several of our WOYWW friends will be heading to CHA in California this week so here's hoping they all have a fabulous time and come back with lots of inspiration and photos to share with us all.
 Safe journey to all.


Sandy said...

Oh this looks like fun I am all signed up thanks for the link.. Looks like you are all ready to get inky any day now.. Love your room and yes I could not put all those lovable angels away in a box either..
No number yet.
Sandy :)

Neet said...

nice to see the different views of your room Jo, I had forgotten it has changed since I was last there.
Have a great week.
Hugs, Neet xx

Sheilagh said...

What a great craft space you have Jo. Looks a very happy room ;)

Thanks for pointing us to Creative Jump Start last week, I am loving what I am seeing and itching to get back into getting inky.



Kyla said...

Ooh clean desk all ready to get creative on!
I love the extra peak into your fabulous creative space.

kyla #18

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Old Bazaar, loll!! I bet you'd make a mint if you did voided tours of your craft space cos I bet every single one of us WOYWWers would love to have a furtle in your drawers...so to speak!!!!!
Julia and I went to Salisbury on Monday where I got a real bargain with fabric for the quilts. Shall show and tell next week but I was very happy :)
Hugs, LLJ 48 xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow what a space, love to see you angels hanging around and your ribbon storage is fab, so accessible! Take care Zo xx 43

Annie said...

I don't know why I am surprised at the amount of storage and stash that you've got Jo cos you produce so many wondereful things with it all ....but I am. :-)
A x #41
ps don't forget to check out the bargains in the Jan sale over in our blog shop...

Paul B said...

What a shock!!! A clean, empty table!!!! But then I understand that idea of trying to ease yourself back into being creative after a break. I feel exactly the same, hence why I'm doodling at the moment. It's gradually putting me back into the swing of things. Thanks for your scribbling link. Brilliant fun to play with, I love the way it shades. I've been logging into the Creative Jumpstarts but nothing has spoken to me yet. Hope to see a messier desk next week lol. Pxx

Lynne said...

Oh Jo! I was preparing to hate you on account of your tidy table...then you showed us the rest of the room...yes, mine resembles an old bazaar too! No creative flow without a spot of untidyness, I would argue!!

I have the Stitch and Bitch ladies coming today so the living/dining room will be looking the same...til they've gone, I do tidy up after, honest!

Have a lovely craft. creative New Year! Lxx

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, I love, love, love your craft toom, it looks like so much fun, I would be in seventh heaven in a room like that - bit like mine really, it has to be something good to get me out of mine! Love the Old Bazaar part best I think. Can totally understand your clear desk but with Creative Jump Start I think it will be messy soon.......Hugs, Anne x #47

Lynn Holland said...

I love the bazaar picture. Happy new year Jo. Hope we meet up again
Lynn xx

Tuire Flemming said...

Your crafting room looks wonderful with the door right to the garden - but the most I love the "bazaar" view ;)
It looks quite green there... snowing here.
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire xxx
P.S. I promise to be a better blogger this year :)

Ann B said...

I love looking at your room Jo, so much to see and admire while I have to make do with a corner of the dining room (not that I'm jealous or anything - honest).
Still haven't logged in to Jump Start but I will now I'm feeling better.

Have a good week.
Ann B

Helen said...

I am loving Jump Start too... some great ideas! Love the tour of your craft space, it looks fabulous, and no wonder you couldn't put those gorgeous angels away!! Helen, 7

Anna Karlsson Widmark said...

I wouldn't bea aböe to stop myself from getting inks, paints and other stuff out to clutter up that surface! Wow!

Happy Wednesday!
/Zildara #85

shazsilverwolf said...

With you on Jump Start, its great! Love the bazaar view- you know that now you will be forever known as 'Jo 's Bazaar'!, lol.Ikea is a wonderful place, and love seeing the angels hovering around the room.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #73 xx

Cardarian said...

You won't be on my crafty resolutions! You are on my life resolutions!!!!! Of course we will meet!!!Yes I will try to speak to you on Skype on Friday - I have lots to tell you!
Have a lovely 2013
Lots of hugs and love,

Laurart said...

WOW!! an amazing room! Happy WOYWW Laura #55 xxx

Twiglet said...

Wow - all that storage and those little angels floating serenly above! BUT - too many empty desks today (just seen Neet's!) I imagine you will soon be crafting and filling that table with lovliness. x Jo

Anonymous said...

when MY desk is clean and tidy it only means the floor is a maHOOsive mess! LOL! I hope you took note of the t-shirt transfer post I made. after chatting with you at the last WOYWW crop, and seeing your iPad photos, I know, 100%, this is totally up your alley. And as you desk is all clean, it's time to make a mess....

I am off to visit the Jumpstart. Sounds fun.

Have a great WOYWW

MA (4)

mamapez5 said...

What a wonderful Aladdin's cave. You're right, I would love to have a rummage around in there.
I am so grateful that you told us about Creative Jump Start. I can't wait to have a go at some of those ideas. Kate x #57

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Thanks for the link. I have signed up - need all the inspiration I can get. Lovely to see all the angels flying around your room. Ali x #40

Caro said...

Wow, what a lovely crafting room you have, full of interesting things to play with, and a desk just waiting for you to sit and have fun at! Can't wait to see what you create next. I just wanted to let you know that Alex and I had fun going through the box you sent with him claiming half of the contents for 'his special crafting box', so thank you once again for many hours of fun. Thanks for sharing. Caro #46

Lori said...

Love the bazaar in Cairo look.

I have been doing Creative Jumpstart too. A little behind in watching the videos because of a busy life, but very fun.

I am new to WOYWW and friends with Sandee. Hope you have a chance to check out my blog and desk.
Lori #81

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Jo!! What an empty desk - but I know it won't be for long! Loved looking around at your craft room - I have a hanger like that on the back of my door as well! Happy WOYWW Cindy #54

fairy thoughts said...

hi jo
thanks for the extended peek at your crafty space, no wonder you make such lovely things. looking forward to being jump started
janet #23

Glenda said...

Love your space!!! Going now to check out the link. Thanks so much!
Glenda #78

Morti said...

Hi Jo - Happy New Year! What a fab, clean space you have there, just waiting to be messed up in the name of art. I have to confess, I too have not put away our angels, but then no-one said that they HAD to be just for Christmas. Angels are for life...

OK doke, I'm off to check out that Creative Jumpstart malarkey - thanks for stopping by!

lisa said...

Right put the kettle on, Jo. I'm coming round for a snoop in all those lovely looking cupboards and drawers!!!
I thought my back of door storage was good but you have the king of all door hangers there. My goodness, where did you find that!!!!
Love the angels flying around. No you definitely couldn't banish them to the dark for the year. You always need angels in your corner!!!
Hope the family blues are banished soon.
Take care and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #59

Robin said...

Hi Jo! What a beautiful green garden to look out at! Don't you just love a clean table! I do...It makes me want to go in a mess it up! I loved looking around your room, I would love to spend time looking in all the stuff!

Have a lovely day,

Robin #36

lisa said...

Thanks for your lovely comments, Jo. she already does steal my stash but it's great to be able to craft together. Precious times.

Ali H said...

Hi Jo - amazing to see your whole room - how lucky are you to have all that space ! That one area looks like widow Twankies laundry with all the ribbons hanging from the ceiling !! Thanks for stopping by & looking forward to see what transpires on that spookily tidy desk !! Ali #4

Words and Pictures said...

That's a big old WOW for the clear table - time to play - and for that wall of storage, which I don't think I've seen before - WOW! Lovely that you're keeping the angels up, they don't belong in the dark, I agree. And I also wanted to say thank you for the tip about the Jumpstart. Thanks to you I signed up last week, and also passed it on to my SIL Laurart... Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

ria gall said...

This is my first time at WOYWW and I hope you don't mind me looking around your blog while I am here.

voodoo vixen said...

Now that is what I call an all round nose and you are correct, I would love to be able to have a poke about in real life!! Love all your angels, and agree, they will give you pleasure all year now! Also love the ATC holder on the back of your door! Annette #37

pearshapedcrafting said...

Fabulous place to create, thanks for the tour! Looking forward to trying out something new but so far the tidying is getting in the way! Mojo is still playing hide and seek!! Chris87

Shoshi said...

What lovely photos of your room, Jo. Great to see all the angels flying around! Angels aren't just for Christmas, anyway and I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate being stuffed in a box!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #77

Apryl said...

Fabulous space just waiting to become a crafty mess ;)

Happy WOYWW Apryl # 9

Apryl said...

love your space! Happy WOYWW!

Apryl #9

jude said...

Loving seeing all your creative ness !Yes im back health permitting to try get inspiration and find my mojo as not realy done anything since June.
have had big clearout and starting craftyness from scratch.1
have greta day
hugs judex 144

Laura said...

Wow! Can I come and play please?!
Thanks for stopping by

Di said...

Crumbs Jo - put me on the list to come and play too please! Belated Happy WOYWW, Di xx #32

Jenny Marples said...

You really hit the nail on the head with your description of a bazaar! WOW! That looks so fun/colourful/interesting/inspiring and what a lovely large table to craft on. I'm sure you will be filling every void very soon! Thanks for dropping by, hugs Jenny #35

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Jo,ah been thinking of you and not little one... a d love the views of your room and remember seeing the window and sink once before.. love the banners in coloured lace hanging too .. but still miss those strawbs you know cant you paint few with leaves and white flowers in the corner of your metal and practical desk ? wouldn't it look lovely?? ah well just a thought!
Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #6

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great tour Jo, I love the wall of inspiration, a bit surprised at the empty desk though, hope the mojo kicks in again soon.

Brenda 94

BJ said...

Thanks for visiting me, only just found you on the extremely long link list this week. You definitely have an Aladdin's cave there despite the tidy table! BJ#52

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your room looks so much fun, with so many different things to play with. Thank you for showing us so much of it this week. Thank you for your visit and encouragement. I am not sure things will be any tidier as I have started crafting in the middle of the mess, but I will try. Have a good week. xx Maggie #32

April said...

Wow - a clear work space....impressive. I've been watching CJS as well. Lots of good ideas. Love the Cairo portion of your room - I can't wait to see what you create once your creative juices get flowing again.
April #136

Darnell said...

What a snoop delight this was, Jo! We went from a clean and empty table to the opposite end of the spectrum of "where to start?"! TFS!!

Have a wonderful week! Darnell #30

Tertia said...

Wow, you have a LOT of stash!
Love how you have displayed everything.
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #17

Hettie said...

Thanks for the link. Will have to peek tomorrow as it is late now! Love the Cairo look and gosh I thought I had some stuff! You got a map to know where everything is?

okienurse said...

great looking studo/crafting room. Looks almost pristine today! Sorry I am so late getting around but life definitely reared its head and got in my way! Hope your week has gone well and you have been able to do some crafting. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Vickie #31