Tuesday, 15 January 2013

WOYWW 189 & LillyBo's Quilts Appeal

 At last, I have begun to craft for the first time since Christmas and there on my desk  is the first little project I have made. It's a cute little package but I can't divulge it's contents until I make several more and they are received by various people around the world.  I'll show the project and a template in the next day or two as nobody knows they are to be sent out and it's the contents that will be important to each of them. You'll find out soon!

At the back are stacks of boxes.....including  some CD cases to, hopefully, reorganise my unmounted stamps. I saw a friend's stored this way and they were so organised and easy to find so I'm going to see if I can manage to do my stash bit by bit. Each time I spot these handy A4 plastic boxes I buy a few more to replace the many different types of boxes already in use so one day they will all look the same... all so neat and tidy and organised... who am I kidding?!?
That's my work room desk for this week and if you are intrigued enough to want to see more there are far more than you can possibly view and more fun than you can imagine over at Julia's stamping ground. Take a hop!

LillyBo's Quilts Appeal
On my other desk, where I sew upstairs, I am in the process of sorting out my fabric stash for a very special reason. 
Some of you will already know about my 3 year old grandee, and the journey back to health she has so bravely fought over the last couple of years. She is doing so well now and I would like to pay back, in some little way, in thanks for her treatment. Whilst she was in hospital undergoing the worst of her chemotherapy etc., she was given a lovely, small, patchwork comforter quilt, made by a lady, over there in Germany, who makes lots of them for these special children as a comfort during the long processes in hospital and it certainly is special and precious to our little fraulein. 
It can be used as a play mat, a cushion when folded up in it's simple bag, a blanket to cuddle and keep warm when feeling yucky etc., and is handy for travelling in the car, in the hospital and at home. The bag also carries some toys or books when travelling to and from hospital.
In the New Year I decided to make some to donate to children here who are going through similar health  problems. 
Jan, LLJ, also wanted to channel her sewing to charity purposes this year and has so kindly agreed to make my quest one of her charity causes (huge thanks Jan) and so we wondered if there are any other WOYWWers out there or any other bloggers, who can do simple sewing, who would be willing to make a small patchwork quilt or two to donate. 
 I am willing to appeal for fabric if people don't have enough or cannot afford to buy some.

I have approached CHICS, a children's cancer support group who are thrilled with the idea and will place the quilts with suitable recipients and they can find loving homes for as many as we can make. 

They can be as simple or detailed as you like and to make it easier the patches don't have to be too small.

To save postage we can give links to CHICs branches near to your home where they can be donated in your own area.
All quilts will be blogged here no matter where they are donated.

If anyone is kind enough to join in I will post basic guidelines for making them, a picture of my first quilt, when finished, and full details of the CHICs organisation. 
I have a meeting soon with the local organiser.
Dust off your sewing machines and clear out your cupboards to find all your spare fabric and let me know if you are willing and able to join us in this lovely cause.
Every stitch will be so appreciated and each quilt will become a treasure for a special child, just like my grandee's is to her.


famfa said...

Wow you commented quickly. Thanks.
You sound very organised. Well done. I would live to help with the quilt however I am very new to sewing, would I be of any use?

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, I'm intrigued, but then you knew I would be - can't wait to see what's in the box. I'd offer to make a quilt but I haven't sewn for years and I've still to get to grips with the sewing machine that hates me. It does sound like a lovely project, though. Just let me get the killer machine out and I'll do a bit of practice first and see how I get on before you send me the guidelines. Happy WOYWW and have a great week. Elizabeth x - too early for a number.

Tuire Flemming said...

I do have a stamp storing problem too... now they are here and there in different boxes.
I will sew some quilts too! That´s a lovely idea! What size?
Have a nice day!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Jo ah that is such a lovely idea and would love to pop over and have a sewing day with you... :D

... well in my dreams, I can!!

.. and love your idea of storing stamps too sounds good am thinking of revising my way of doing it at present so maybe a goer?? mm, lost of thought needed, happy WOYWW dear Jo and God bless your kind hand, Shaz in oz.x #4

sandra de said...

What a wonderful idea of making the quilts.... I am sure they will be treasured by the recipients.
Sandra @16

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Wonderful post, volunteering at any level is so rewarding. It makes one realize what we take for granted. I'm sorting fabric too, and your idea sounds great. My son is an electrician, worked in a Children's hospital and many nights he'd call me on his way home and say "Mom, so many kids, have such BIG problems, we are a lucky family" When his son got Mennengitis he was overwhelmed at the people who helped out in small and loving ways.
Enjoy WOYWW and thanks for what you do. #13

Helen said...

What a lovely idea your quilts are. Sadly my sewing non-skills leave me unable to join in, but I applaud you!! I am sure you will find lots of volunteers.

I hope you achieve your unmounted re-organisation, I know you can do it! Have a great day. Helen, 10

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Intrigued to hear more about the very first piece of crafting you have completed this year. Re. quilt project. This could be the thing I need to get my 'new' sewing machine actually being used. I would love to join in. Ali x #27

Ann B said...

Have sewing machine, will quilt. Lovely idea Jo and so 'you' - count me in please.
Am intrigued by the earlier bit in your post, now what is that mysterious lady up to now?
Ann B

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I've got the easy bit, just doing the making! Thank YOU for being the organiser for it all. I do hope that a couple of others feel they can help out, it's such a wonderful cause. I hadn't heard of CHICS before but it sounds just the sort of thing that I wanted to support. It is so much more satisfying to make and hand over something than simply plopping money into a collecting tin.
And why didn't I have the nous to check out the threader on google myself??? Doh......
Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

Annie said...

Do you need to ask Jo? Count me in with the quilt making and send me the details please. I may not have time to make more than one or two but I'm sure every one counts.
A x #50

Paul B said...

Great to see you crafting again :) Intrigued as to what you will share over the next few days. It'll be worth the wait, that much I know :) And such a lovely idea with the quilts. So nice that a person's hobby can be used for such a fantastic cause. Good luck with it. Pxx

Sheilagh said...

I would love to do something, not a good sewer but willing to give it a go.



okienurse said...

what a great idea making those quilts! A friend of mine has a quilt that folds up into a pillow that I wish I had a pattern for. Neat idea. Have a great week. Vickie #43

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, like Elizabeth I have not sewn for years and not sure if my little machine is up to it but I would love to give it a go. I have some fabrics already, that may be suitable to make one quilt. It is such a good cause, it would be so hard to say no. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #35

Words and Pictures said...

Ah yes... organisation seems so desirable, and those boxes really do look as though they'll help! I would love, instead of CD cases, some DVD size ones for stamps, but they're really hard to source without the holders in (except the Darkroom Door ones for £2.50 a pop - yeah, right!)... Glad to see you're back on the creativity trail! Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Lynn Holland said...

You are such a lovely big hearted person Jo. Always giving.
Thanks for your lovely comments on my course work.
Lynn //66

Sandy said...

Oh looking forward to seeing what you are making.. Good luck with the quilting..
Sandy :) #25

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jo, love this quilt idea,especially after my move from room to room means my sewing machine is now visible, lol, and I have a box full of fabric pieces that ' I'll do a quilt with one day', as I said at the time. I'd love to join in with this, do we have to have them done by a certain date? Also, you said about appealing for fabric? Most of mine came from sample books being given away by a local soft furnishings shop a few years ago,so they would be a good place to ask for anyone wanting to take part.Have a Great Wednesday, Hugs xx Shaz #64

MrsC.x said...

what a lovely thought; i however cannot sew :( when i have some spare pennies i will send you some fabric from our fab fabric man and ask my lovely friend who sews if she can help.

Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

Julia Dunnit said...

Well, I wanna see inside the box! And I'm intrigued by the stamp storage system that has set you off...clear stamps are the devil's work when it comes to storage! Am full of admiration for your CHICS idea and will speak to Jan about my teeny contribution. xxx

My name is Cindy said...

Wonder what is in those boxes? You are mysterious!! The quilt idea is a lovely one but I can't sew a straight line to save my life and my machine is on it's last legs so I will be unable to help - though I am wracking my brains thinking if there is something else I can do. Well done you anyway, big hugs Cindy #74

Ann B said...

Which garden centre? High Leigh, on Monday, didn't see you there Jo.
Ann B

C said...

Sign me up, Jo...what a wonderful cause! #86

SueH said...

Oh Jo, I know exactly how you feel about wanting to give something back by way of thanks from the treatment that your granddaughter received. I was the same when dad was ill and that resulted in the nine cross stitched quilts and twelve matching cushions. I would love to help out in some way but as you know, I’m useless with a sewing machine so I won’t commit at the moment. I’ll watch out for the instructions and maybe give one a go and see how it turns out. In the meantime, perhaps I could make some special little gift tags to go with the quilts…..just a thought.

Happy Crafting!
Sue @79

Angie said...

Your project sounds very interesting ...I wish I could get back to crafting ...have not touched a thing since I know not when.
Wish I could sew for you...I think the quilts are brilliant ....I never mastered my machine ... couldn't even get the spool in properly.... doh. I didn't woyww but there are GS and hedgy pictures xx

Neil said...

What a tease of a desk today! Looking forward to the reveal!
Have a good day

Unknown said...

Having just had a look at your last entry for woyww I want to come and craft at your house.

Glenda said...

I have tons of those cases but have only used some of them. I store dies in them. I love the idea of the quilts. Wonderful giving thought!
Glenda #96

Morti said...

I'm sure I can manage at least one - I've only ever had one feeble attempt at patchwork in the past, but would be willing to have another go at it now. I look forward to seeing on the how to infos (and as I live near Jan I can always go and get some help!!! LOL) on your blog in the near future...

Thanks for the heads up on the prize win! I'm chuffed to bits.

Thanks for stopping by - hope this week is good for you in terms of everything, but most especially in terms of stamp reorganisation! Don't envy you that one....

Cardarian said...

Hello my dear friend!
I am quite intrigued by the thing on your desk so I will wait for your reveal! I have never done any quilting but as it is a lovely charity cause I am willing to do it as long as I get some guidlines! You know me I am always up for a challenge! I think I have enough fabric in my cupboards! I will talk to you about it on Skype when you can!
Lots of hugs,

Anonymous said...

Outstanding idea. I will have to look over my box o' scraps (fabric this time) and see if I can join in too. I need a project that gets me AWAY from the computer :)

MA (1)

MiniOwner said...

Oh how lovely to make those quilts for poorly children. When you;ve doen with organising your stamps please come and sort mine! It's a job I'm always promising to do ... but havn't yet! Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@104)

Twiglet said...

Sounds like the perfect project for 2013 Jo - I am in!!! Send me details and we will see what the Crafty Sewing Sisters can come up with. x Jo

lisa said...

It's great to see you crafting again, Jo. There looks to be lots of new storage about to happen too judging by that tower of boxes.
I shall do my very best to have a go at some quilts. I have done quilting in the past so think I could manage if it's fairly simple. At the school were I help out there is a little boy, only 4 years old, with stage 4 cancer and he's so gorgeous, it really opens your eyes!!
I will look out for your instructions.
Hugs Lisax #70

Anonymous said...

Quite a mysterious post this week Jo, bet the boxes will be wonderful when they're all finished. What a lovely and thoughtful idea to make quilts, the only time I tried to sew with a sewing machine I sewed right through my finger! As a consequence I'm terrified of the bloody things and my husband ended up making all the curtains in our house! Would love to see then when they're finished though.

Brenda 106

ria gall said...

gosh you sure have been busy and I can promise you that once you get your stamps stored in the A4 boxes you will never look back.
Ria #114

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,

Isn't stamp storage always an issue? I can't decide what to do with my mounted stamps - then there's the unmounted ones (those are easier to deal with). The plastic boxes look like a great idea.

How nice of you to organize the quilt project. I don't even know where my sewing machine is though!

Kay #123

voodoo vixen said...

I have the material, I have the sewing machine, I probably do not have the necessary skills to make a quilt though, well, not one anyone would want to keep and time is going to run out on me too! If you make the details available, and I have a go and it isn't a disaster... ;) Its a fabulous way to say thank you for a kindness given. Annette #3

Jackie said...

Well done on making the quilts happen sounds like you have really got behind this
What will be in the boxs ???????
Jackie 26

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow organised! Intrigued by what you have made, look forward to seeing it! And good luck with the charity quilt appeal. Take care Zo xx 80

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oooh! the intrigue! Hubby had a big sort out of our cd's so I got some of my stamps into quite a few! Chris@89

SandeeNC said...

I am so happy that your grandee is doing so well, and what an awesome, worthwhile charity to be involved in. (((hugs))) ♥ waving hi from the soggy laden hills of North Carolina :)

Angie said...

Just popped by to say that these hedgehogs are bread as a pets and originate in Africa I believe. They must not hibernate and their main environment has to be kept at a particular temperature.
In the winter we have to keep the light on in the room from morning until really late so she stays asleep ( an over cast day up here could cause her to wake up too soon) and then turn it off to encourage her to play in her cage over night and early morning.
When she comes down to play in her pen we turn the lights off if we want her to be playful. She is so cute.xx

Kyla said...

So funny, many people are organising their stash at the moment!!

Love the idea of the quilt, I must admit I cannot cut straight even with a trimmer so it may be beyond me. but when you post the pattern I will have alook. Either way, when its posted I will let others know who may wish to take part.

kyla #17

fairy thoughts said...

hi jo
what a lovely post. First part is very intruiging I will pop back later to see what you make. I love boxes too ... all types. I have 11 of the bead boxes i posted today . . . all full!!!!!!!!!!
2nd...... count me in for making at least one quilt.

tilly said...

I started quilting just 8 months ago. if you send me the details, then I would certainly like to try and make a quilt for this very good cause, hope your grand-daughter is now much better

Queenie Jeannie said...

What a lovely and thoughtful idea! My heart breaks to hear about sick children. I'm sure these quilts will be greatly cherished!!!

Jeannie #47

Nan G said...

You'll love having your stamps in the cases! What a fabulous and generous thing you're doing with the quilts! Happy WOYWW! Nan 113

Nelle said...

My friend and i try to craft together at least once a week, I set a task and we do it together in my craft room. Sadly the only thing i can sew is paper. She on the other hand is a very good quilter. I teach her paper crafts, maybe she could help me with a quilting task.I think what you do is such a kind and thoughtful thing.
One of my son's didn't make it into this world, When they brought Thomas to me to hold he was wraped in the most beautiful blanket that someone had made and donated to the hospital to use for this reason. It will always be special to me and it comforts me at sad times.
So to be able to help you in any way at all would be a pleasure.I know just how special these comfoters are. xx

Craft secrets....I just love them.
Look forward to seeing what you are up to.
Regards and much respect for what you are doing,
Nelle xx #152

Lori said...

I store my unmounted stamps in CD cases too. Works great.

Sorry I am a day late. Fighting the nasty flu.
Lori #84

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love the idea of those special quilts. I won't promise to make any but if I can, I will, if you understand that. I will keep my eyes peeled for the instructions. Have a good week with those little packets and take care in the snow. xx Maggie #37

Caro said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog. Sadly I am rubbish at sewing so wont be able to join in. I hope you get lots of takers. Thanks for sharing. Happy 'belated' WOYWW. Caro #63

Nicky said...

Love your secret project and your idea for the quilts unfortunately my lack of time mean I could not help but if things change I will contact you - I have not shared my desk this week as am busy looking after my friends cattery but am enjoying looking at everyone else craftiness - Have a great week

Hettie said...

Sorry I am a little late calling by but been spending too much time at each desk I call at! Count me in for the quilts please. I am also making some comfort cushions for breast cancer victims so I am sure I can squeeze a few of these in too¬

Darnell said...

I'm so happy to hear that your granddaughter is doing so well, Jo, after a really rough journey to get there. It tears you up, seeing the little ones go through something like this. You are so right to think of something to do to pay back; it's natural to want to do that. I love the idea and will be watching with interest and then going to my local hospital to see if they could use an idea like this. It's fabulous!

Thank you for all your visits to my place and your sweet anniversary wishes! I hope you don't forget to go back to Ardyth's blog and link up a photo!!

(Sorry I'm so late coming by. I took some time off to celebrate with Mister and I'm slowly making my way 'round!)

Have a wunnerful weekend! Hugs, Darnell #64

Pam said...

Good to hear your granddaughter is doing well. I tried organising my stamps in cd cases but I'm just not organised enough :-)

Pam said...

Oh forgot to say yes I looking forward tothe get together in June x

Unknown said...

Love the idea Jo.
