Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow People Friday Smile

 Just look who was in my garden when I went out to feed the birds!!! Just had to add them to (Wipso) Annie's Friday chuckle. Pop over there for some more smiles to cheer you up during this cold spell in England and for all our friends sweating in Australia, USA, Africa etc......stay cool and don't complain!


 No lawn to mow and my garden looks picture perfect and as good as anybody's!

Stay safe and warm and keep smiling!


Annie said...

Oh Jo these are gorgeous....a real fairy wonderland. Thanks for joining in the fun....and yes I am smiling.
A x

Caro said...

I just love these photos of your statues in the snow! Thanks for making me smile. I have joined in with the Friday smile as well...I hope mine makes you smile too!

Caro said...

I just love these photos of your statues in the snow! Thanks for making me smile. I have joined in with the Friday smile as well...I hope mine makes you smile too!

Angela Toucan said...

you have some lovely ornaments in your garden

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love the moustache on the man, and the fairy's snowy white tutu. It also made me realise that our garden looks as good as anyone's for a while. It is full of birdlife to watch and wonder over. Thank you for sharing those photos with us. xx Maggie

voodoo vixen said...

Oh my, what lovely things you have flitting about in your garden!! I love the sun with his handful of snow, brilliant! Annette

BumbleVee said...

I always love how ours looks in the winter time as well..specially this year with everything dug up and wrecked in the middle of our major renovation we began in July and never got to finishing ...cuz the landscaper guys got caught out with early snows... it'll be a wreck for months into spring too when they get back to it....ugh..... give me pretty white marshmallow-y snow.

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, what a lovely fairy wonderland your garden is! Thank you for putting a huge smile on my face... Hugs, Anne x

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Jo
Love the photos, we have the same standing fairy but she is indoors in the warm at the moment. Looking forward to making the quilt, I have been sewing all day.... just discovered the 'walking foot'... I love it.

fairy thoughts said...

Hi again Jo
i have just posted some pictures of some sewing I have done today, you have jump started my sewing again thanks, I mentioned your quilts too so maybe you might get some more volunteers

Hettie said...

Very pretty but I bet you don't have a Snow Chook. I have. I will share it tomorrow!!

Darnell said...

NO one would be able to keep from smiling, Jo! These are such sweet happy pictures. The first one is a total joy. You should be looking around for a photo contest to enter that one!! Oh, wait, I think maybe the second one, too - what a hoot!

Carola Bartz said...

I wish we had some snow here. I love your winter fairy garden.

mamapez5 said...

What fun. I love the little dancing fairy. I'm so glad we don't have snow out here, not just where we are anyway. It is beautiful to look at but I hate having to go anywhere in it.
Stay safe, and warm. Kate x

Twiglet said...

Love all your snow babies! Have a great weekend. x Jo

cockney blonde said...

Fun photos Jo, thanks for sharing, x

Nelle said...

Your very own little NARNIA..
Nelle xx

Linda Simpson said...

These are just fabulous Jo! Loving the way the snow has fallen especially on the fairy.

Linda xxx

voodoo vixen said...

Jo, be prepared to sit in shock! I made a quilt! Yep, I did indeedy! Now a sane person might have started out with a placemat or a table runner but I bit the bullet and went for it!! I'll put it on my blog and look out for the details of what I am supposed to do with it now!!

froebelsternchen said...

great impressions!
A wonderful blog Jo
I became follower!



Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous photos, Jo. Isn't nature just wonderful ... especially when it leaves the sun man with a handful of snow :) Elizabeth xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Jo,
Well first time able to get in here and do some blog hopping!

I do so love your gorgeous photos.. aren't we bloggers crazy the way we go round taking pickies just so we can share them with our dear friends :D!

Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #58