Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Thanks to everyone who joined in for the LillyBo Quilts project. I've set up a dedicated blog and you can see it HERE or click the button with the bubble on my side bar! All the information and guidelines are there if anyone else would like to get involved and thanks if you do!

It's Wednesday and it's WOYWW 190 so I'm here again to fess up all about the state of play. 
I've been keeping up with Creative Jump Start and I've loved most of the posts with so many ideas for techniques and inspiration to boost my creativity. I think you can still sign up and catch up with earlier posts but, although it's FREE, you do have to sign in.

I've been captive indoors, whilst the white stuff was deep and crisp and even, I enjoyed a nice quality playtime this week experimenting with backgrounds and you'll spy the evidence here on my work desk. 
It's messy enough but it's only due to the things I'm playing with and could soon be tidied away. A much better snoop than a clean tidy boring desk, don'tcha think?!
Here below a close up of one of the the pieces on my desk. I stamped a face image then dolloped stencil paste around it before stamping into it with a crackle stamp. I then sprayed over with a few shades of Dylusions. After drying I rubbed perfect pearls over the texture and obtained this result below.
I laid acetate, stamped with script, over the top which but it hides the rich texture so it will be coming off!
Mind you, I think I rather like it before I started spraying colour over it.... back to the drawing board!
This, below, is something really different. It's the rather kitsch birthday card I made for my lovely DD2 who was 39 yesterday.
 I wish her all the luck and happiness in the world! 
The card has arrived at it's destination and I am pleased to say that she loves it! Shame that the parcel, which was posted the same day, hasn't arrived!
A couple of shout outs!
This bargain is in newsagents right now... 2 balls of wool, a purple crochet hook and a pattern magazine, all for £2.50...Great value... anyone interested!? 
Here's another of me bargains... I'm going to alter this multi frame as if it was a set of configuration boxes. It is about A4 size and cost only £1.99 at Home Bargains.
Stand by your desks and I'll be around soon on my weekly check up. I have to report to our Headmistress Julia over at the stamping ground and she will no doubt drop in on you too, quite unexpectedly, so be warned. She's been snowbound for a while so she might be quite tetchy this week, so be on your best behaviour!


Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, I've been holed up in my craft room, not because of snow but because it is so freezing and I'm not going out in it!

Well, maybe I'll dive out to the newsagent to see if they have that magazine in stock - knowing my luck it will be all sold out already :(

Love your pieces - it's good to try out different techniques. The birthday card for your daughter is lovely - I like the vintage style and the crochet shell edging is beautiful.

I've had the sewing machine out and had a go - managed a straight line of zigzag stitch - small progress but progress nonetheless!

Have a great WOYWW. Elizabeth x (too early for a number)

Tuire Flemming said...

Interesting experiments going on there!
I found the quilt instructions yesterday and went through my fabrics... I have got some cotton fabrics from my friends - I can now use them for this project!
Have not much time this morning - going to see my DD and little Olivia :)
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire #7

Sandy said...

Wow you have some amazing works on your desk today love the girl and all those colors and texture in the first photo just stunning. What a bargain for the multi frames they will work really well, isn't it fun to find things we can adapt.
Sandy :) #29

voodoo vixen said...

I love that crackle effect on the face, then I like the one with the overlay... and the one before the shimmer mist stuff so there is only one thing for it... use all three ideas on different pages!!
I hope I managed a shout on for the quilts on my post today, my viewing audience is always larger on a WOYWW and every little helps!! ;)

Claire said...

i love ALL the effects - amazing to see the same image in different stages!
love the kitsch card too!
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 5

Ann B said...

Can see why you are undecided on the before and after, I like both as well but the painted one is beautiful.
Made a mess with my scheduled post for today and its showing that I did it on Sunday - that will teach me for trying to amend it on. My iPad fingers too fat and I changed the date as well as the time
Ann B

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Jo
I'm pinching the acetate idea, thank you very much and I'm off down to Home Bargains (if we've got one) for a snoop round.
Have a good week busy lady.
Lynn xx

Helen said...

Oh, Jo that textured piece is just fantastic! Love the colours, and even though the stamping on acetate looks great, I agree it looks better without it! Shame to hide that lovely colour and texture. Hope your DD's parcel arrives soon.
Helen, 9

okienurse said...

Wow love the texture and I am like you I think the acetate gets rid of the 'look' but I like all three looks! That's half the fun of playing with these crafty goodies you get to try and see different ideas. My DS turned 37 this year...oh my I am feeling old! Have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #35

Paul B said...

Beautiful mixed media piece Jo. The textured paste work so well with your image and the colours are sublime. Love the bargains, especially the configurations box idea for under £2. What a find!!!! Pxx

Annie said...

I really love the effects you get when you're playing Jo. Thanks for the bargain heads up ...will have to check out the magazine.....that is if there is still any left by the time I can get out through all this white stuff.
A x #47

lisa said...

Well, you've certainly made the most of being kept indoors, Jo. I love all those papers you've created. The face is so ethereal, she seems to be disappearing into all that lovely texture.
How do you find all the bargains. I love that frame, lots of pressie ideas there. Pity we don't have a Home Bargains!!
Hugs Lisax #60

Neil said...

Good morning.
Just popping over to say Hi.Everyone needs a little kitsch in their lives! I like the coloured face but I can imagine that it would look good au natural, or monochrome..... I hope you have a good and creative week to follow.

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, love your textured piece, the face is so beautiful it does seem a shame to cover it up with acetate. Great card for your Daughter too, shame the parcel didn't arrive at the same time, hope it was not late. I really like Home Bargains but not seen that frame there, will have another look. The magazine is a great bargain too. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #57

sandra de said...

Love all your clever ideas and bargains as well. I think your face is gorgeous with all the colour and stencilling. The birthday card is a treat... I love kitsch.
sandra @67

Cardarian said...

Thank you Jo for the lovely gifts - I blogged it all today! Your desk is full of lovely stuff! I hope you can find time on Friday for a little Skype Chat!
Lots of hugs and love

Roudi said...

Hello there Jo!
Your birthday card is so lovely. Love the crochet border!
That's such a gorgeous piece or art on your desk, too. :):)

Happy WOYWW from Egypt. xx
Roudi #76

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jo- you realise I now have to go visit Home Bargains, don't you? :) I will definitely be doing a quilt for you,just been & had a look at the Quilt site.Love the face image- all three of them! Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #73

MrsC.x said...

love all the textures we all love a bargain dont we?? :)
Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #45

Unknown said...

Hi Jo those frames look fab - and at that price too! Great idea to use them like shadow boxes. They look nice and deep. I am not surprised your daughter loved her card. Is it a photo of her? I love the crochet border - I might have to try that! Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 42

ria gall said...

Oh I do love that image and what you have done with it so much texture and layers and the colours just go so well. Thanks for sharing
Ria #92

My name is Cindy said...

All this snow is a great excuse to stay in and play!! Love all that texture - it's hard though sometimes to know where to stop with things. Hope your parcel has arrived by now and happy crafting this week, Cindy #70

Twiglet said...

Thanks for the info re fleece and also the two bargains above - I think I will be nipping up to our local supermarket (when it stops snowing) I am sure I will be able to pick up the knitting mag and fleece. We are having a planning fun day Thursday. x Jo
PS love your experiments too!!

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a lot of lovely things here today Jo! Love that face! Well done with keeping up with Creative Jump Start I'm lagging behind a bit ! But hey, guess what I'm going in to town with hubby today so may just have to go to find that mag!! Chris@86

Jackie said...

Great bargains and a lovely assortment of work, thanks for sharing :)

SueH said...

Well, you have been a busy little girl!
I’m liking your ‘messy’ desk this week but I don’t agree with you about the acetate, out of the three I love that one the best.

What a bargain that frame was. I never see anything thing like that down in these parts.
Thanks for the heads up on the mag, I’ll have to pick that up tomorrow when I’m out

Happy Crafting!

Sue @ 111

Anonymous said...

TOOOOOO much to look at today! Love the card - so retro! and I ike both the stamped art pieces, with and without colour. SCORE on the faux configurations boxes too. Must file that idea away for a rainy (or maybe another snowy) day!



Anonymous said...

No snow here just mind numbingly freezing temperatures! Love the backgrounds, really like the lady with all the colour around her but agree about the stamped acetate, it hides everything! Interestingly enough I have a 25g ball of that exact same cream wool, it was free with a pair of bamboo needles, on a knitting magazine Andrew brought back from England for me. I've enjoyed reading it, the British magazines are so much better than the American ones! Good luck with the new blog and quilt project too.

Brenda 105

Minxy said...

Your messy play looks great, a messy desk is a happy one coz it means you've been playing.
Hugz Minxy #48

Nelle said...

Wow Jo, you really do know how to make the most of the word PLAYTIME
Love the results, she has such a pretty face..The backgrounds are really beautiful..
Nelle xx #89

Anna Karlsson Widmark said...

I really liked your page, I need to get brave and try some AJ work of my own. Will come back for inspiration if I lose my nerve.

Happy Wednesday!
/Zildara #96

Belinda Basson said...

Awesome multi frame, do show and tell when you get round to making something with it!

tuesday afternoon said...

I love your image pages and all the different techniques,

Pam said...

Your the 2nd person I've come across today using Dylusions, until today I had never heard of them! Hugs Pam x

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,

I love the girl with all the texture and inks. She's very pretty. The magazine and wool sounds like a great bargain too! And how clever are you to alter that frame set. I tell you, this WOYWW crowd is VERy crafty indeed!

Love your daughters card.

Kay #126

Unknown said...

What a beautiful effect the stamped ink with script has--absolutely gorgeous! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #112

Neet said...

I take it you didn't get my email, I had linked you earlier. Wont do it again as it is so confusing for you, sorry.
Great post, lots of information, lovely card for DD and what a good idea with the frames.
Hugs, Neet xx 5 or thereabouts

Julia Dunnit said...

Not wuite snowbound now, but as good as - so much work! Argh. Love the results of your table time, and I agree about the acetate, only because it hides the texture though..if it was non-heat resistant you could try to use the heat gun to make it crinkle a bit and become part of the intrinsic texture.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, I signed up for CJS after seeing it on your blog, so thank you ;-) Fab pages on your workdesk. I know what you mean though about the face. I bought a lovely pale pink pail from Dunelm Mill a few years ago to alter, but I quite like it as it is and so it's remained pale pink haha. Do you still work with Caz? I'm off to the craft show at Manchester Event Centre next month, don't know which day yet. Are you going by any chance?
Anne x

Caro said...

I love all your different backgrounds and especially your face one...it has worked so well and is stunning. My little parcel did arrive safely thank you and I LOVE it...Thank you so much. I sent an e-mail but don't know if you got it. Thanks for sharing. Caro #59

donnalouiserodgers said...

fab shout outs,I like the face all the different ways - why not do a tryptich?

I'm goign to try to skype Dolores Sunday - are you around too?


scrappymo! said...

Wonderful desk today! My mojo has been on hiatus so I've the tidy, boring one this week,,,tehheebut it's finally back so I can stop organizing and get on with crafting again! Thanks for the nice visit today.

I love the two versions of the lady. I agree the acetate hides the fab texture you achieved...

You got some fab bargains...can't wait to see that great fompilation of frames done up!

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow Jo you have been busy. I love your lady image and I love how you've used the script and acetate. Your make for your DD2 is fab and I love the details you always add. I nearly didn't post today as am struggling, but didn't want to miss out, might suffer withdraw symptoms!! Take care Zo xx 139

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I really must get my second sewing machine out and see if I can come to terms with it. I have written before about my lovely old Singer but that only does basic straight stitching. The second machine, also a hand me down from my mother is a little more complex, and I have always shied away from it. In line with this year's resolution to try new things, it is time to get it out and master the beast. Your lady is very beautiful, especially without the acetate. Have a good week. xx Maggie #20

Almo said...

Hi Jo loving the colours and the textures in your stamped face image. I too prefer it without the acetate though. Hugs Mo x

fairy thoughts said...

I love a messy desk me I just wish I was 'stuck' indoors too. love the face, the colouring is lovely, but i think i see what you mean about the script, sometimes less is definately more. Looks like you get the lillybo quilts off to a good start. I think lucy a work colleuge is going to make one too. I started mine yeaterday and hopefull will get a lot done at the weekend. keep us posted (sorry no pun intended)
janet #30

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Thank you for the heads up re the magazine, I'll look out for that! Isn't it lovely to see all the makings of quilts on various blogs today...well done for getting the ball rolling :)
Love your stampy, painty lady's face, she's really lovely, quite wistful.....
Hugs, LLJ 37 xx

Lucy said...

I love the colours you've used around the face and I have to say that I also prefer the textured picture to the flat scripted one. Very pretty, keep up the great work. All the best, Lucy #18 x

Francesca said...

Just love all that ink and spraying and texture. Great stuff. Francesca #72

Lavinia said...

Love what you have done with stamps here! I really liked the script over on the acetate, looks interesting! Messy creativity, fantastically colourful! Have a crfaty week.
Lavinia 98#

April said...

I think your backgrounds turned out great. I have been saving my Creative Jump Start videos but haven't been watching them - I need to do that. It looks like you've gotten greatly inspired. :-) April #110

trisha too said...

Gorgeous backgrounds, and great bargains, too! Okay, this is the second post I've seen mentioning LillyBo, which means you have me checking it out . . .

Happy WOYWW!
:)trisha #164 this week
and a little late!

Anne said...

hi there have also been confined to barracks due to snow. Good excuse to craft though. I started Creative Jump start may have been via your blog but not got as far as you. Also bought the Knit and Stitch publication - very pleased with that. Am off to look at the LillyBo project. Sorry I'm late visiting. Anne x #145

Spyder said...

I love your lady, She's fabulous!!
Thanks for my snoop! HapPy very late WoYwW!
((Lyn) #83

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i'm dropping by to say hi! i absolutely agree that messy
and creative makes for a better snoop! that's such a cute card
for you daughter! and seems like you've been having fun with all those
different techniques!
happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS

Stacy H-W said...

Love your project! So much great texture and color! GORGEOUS! I just love working with mixed media.

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog today. I hope my post didn't sound like I was complaining. I really had a fantastic weekend and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Keep up the good work. Stacy H-W

mamapez5 said...

Hi Jo,
I didn't make it to the Wednesday hop again this week, but I am trying to call in on those who I follow or who follow me.
I think your coloured face is beautiful. I love pearl effect. It's so much more subtle than too much bling, though I have been known to go there too!
I feel for all you poor souls in the cold and snow, but at least you are all making good use of the extra crafting time. Kate x

Ali said...

Doing a belated skip around the WOYWW posts!

Love the backgrounds you've been playing with - totally agree that the texture around the face is fabulous and shouldn't be covered up. :)

Ali #77

Lori said...

Love the face. Stunning!!!
Very late this week. Sorry.
Lori #129

Michelle Webb said...

I haven't popped over in a while, but these are gorgeous. Hope you are well. Michelle x