Friday, 25 January 2013

Friday Smile

I'm joining in again with Annie's Friday Smile on this dull snowy day. Popover to Annie's blog, a stitch in time, for some more.

I'm remembering the super sunny holiday I enjoyed last July when Donna and I visited Dolores in Slovenia. What a laugh we had together and it was so HOT, Hot Hot!
Having lunch at the restaurant atop Slovenia's highest mountain we had  forgotten the hats and sunscreen so we were trying our unglamorous best to keep the sun off our delicate English skin.
Remember Cole Porter's song about Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun? Here's his inspiration! Well at least I didn't tie knots in the corners of the hanky on my head!!

 Three crazy women had such a hoot crafting in the early hours of the morning... we hadn't even had a drop of anything other than TEA!
Just so if you really don't know us, here you can see us looking nearer to normal and we're not really crazy, we just love having fun!
It's Friday so SMILE!


Helen said...

How lovely to see these again, with you all in the hot sun, when it's been so cold and snowy here! Thanks, Jo, for making us smile.

M said...

Thanks for joining in Jo and I will add ....never ever change....we love you just the way you are. :-)
A x

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, it was worth seeing the photos again on this grey and dreary day and they did make me smile - thank you! Hugs, Anne x

BumbleVee said...

hahhaha... you guys must have had a blast! Was it some other Englishman who said.... "Who has more fun than crazy people?" if not.... well, it should have been ....

My sister and I say it all the time when we are shoveling horse poop on her little farm in 100 degree weather .... well, that and other silly things we do... like moving a mountainous pile of pine logs, by hand, in the same heat....acckkkk!!

Linda Simpson said...

Brilliant photographs JO, loving the sunglasses LOL. Thank you for making me smile.

Linda xxx

ps looking forward to catching up with you next Saturday :)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am smiling, Jo. We went to Spain for a wedding in the middle of August, and forgot the sunscreen too. We did have sunhats but they did not really go with a posh wedding outfit. So we were moving from shade to shade. Great time was had by all. xx Maggie

Caro said...

Definitely made me smile - so much fun and so nice to remember the sun! Thanks for sharing.

Twiglet said...

Brilliant - it's been a typically gloomy winter's day but I have had lots of giggles thanks to you and all Annie's smilers! Also I have been straining my brain trying to sort out the maths of my quilt!! Now I know why I am not really a quilter. Ha ha -- I love a challenge. Fab photos there Jo - what a happy bunch. x Jo

Unknown said...

I am smiling, honest Jo

Carol x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah you do cheers a little bod's heart an cos do know you loved it even more
:D huge grin.. love Shaz in oz.x

Gill Edwards said...

what a great time you had, love the improvised sun gear

fairy thoughts said...

you crazy ladies you. Looks like a blast though, thanks for making me smile

cockney blonde said...

Normal !!!!!

Cardarian said...

I just saw your Friday smile and had big smile - don't forget your pineapple glasses when you come in May - we might need them! :-O
Lots of hugs,