Monday, 28 January 2013

The Cross in my Pocket

( Update......Please note, it might help to look at my post in Feb 2015 as I have altered the template and details are HERE)
A short while ago I made these little packets and sent them out to several friends. I didn't divulge the contents of the packets and so many people wanted to know what secret lay within.
The template for making the packets is HERE from a week or so ago..
They held, a pocket cross and a little card with the poem
A Cross in my Pocket.
Years ago when I was a Guide Leader I used to make them with my Guides and we made so many as they were so popular as tiny gifts and a super church fundraiser. 
For many years when I was asked again for them, I just could not find my sample and couldn't remember how to make them but by chance I recently found it in my workroom and decided to make them for a few friends who I knew would value them. 

I still have a few in hand so let me know if I didn't previously know you'd like one, and I'll give them out in order of request until they run out.

Whilst I am not very religious I found it quite meditative to make them, and it's  so therapeutic to sit threading the ribbon and beads. It's so simple too.
Everyone knows someone special who would value this symbol of their faith so at the special request of some of the recipients I am posting details below for how to make them.

They would be lovely on an Easter card or for Christenings and Confirmations. 

Add a little more creativity, here's a white one I spritzed with water then sprayed with blue and purple Dylusions. It looks more shaded IRL.
The base is cut from Plastic Canvas (7 gauge i.e., 7 holes to the inch) and an a piece 12 x 18inches costs around £2 and will make over 20 if you are careful cutting them in alternate directions. Apologies for my error clipping off one square too many on the bottom left take care!
A guide below for threading the ribbon. After you've done one you will find it really easy thereafter.
(April 2nd 2016) Just noticed Mountain View popped in to look at my blog..... as they have done so often .....please leave a little comment to say "Hello" and tell me who you are, please!
I'd love to know.

The poem for you to copy and paste to print....
Just make a tiny card to fit into the packet and print it small enough to fit the card.

The Cross in my Pocket
by Mrs Vera May Thomas

I carry a cross in my pocket
A simple reminder to me
Of the fact that I am a Christian
No matter where I may be.

This little cross is not magic
Nor is it a good luck charm
It isn't meant to protect me
From all physical harm.

It's not for identification
For all the world to see
It's simply an understanding
Between my Saviour and me.

When I put my hand in my pocket
To bring out a coin or key
The cross is there to remind me
Of the price He paid for me.

It reminds me, too, to be thankful
For my blessings day by day
And to strive to serve Him better
In all I do and say.

It's also a daily reminder
Of the peace and comfort I share
With all who know my Master
And give themselves to His care.

So I carry a cross in my pocket
Reminding no one but me
That Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life
If only I'll let him be.


Annie said...

I saw the ones you sent to Cardarian Jo and was really touched by them. They are just beautiful and look simply made now I've seen how you did them. I have a little wooden cross that our vicar gave me as a little gift for sewing that I did for him and I really treasure it. It fits perfectly in my hand and is very comforting at difficult times.
Thanks for sharing these.
A x

Annie said...

Oh and by the way I have something to show you on Wed so keep a look out :-)
A x

Leanne said...

Beautiful!! I love the way you made the cross. I have this poem laminated & with a metal cross.

mamapez5 said...

These are lovely Jo. I was given mine around 40 years ago! It is a very tiny metal cross on a printed card, and then all laminated. It is not hand-made, but it was a gift from a dear friend and it has been in my current handbag ever since. Last year I made a copy of it to give to several friends and they all loved it too, as I am sure the recipients of yours will. The little ribbon cross is very pretty. I shall have a go at that. Thanks for showing us how it is done. Kate x
PS. I am not at all religious but I am a Christian, so the 'cross in my pocket' is very special.

Neil said...

wow Jo, these are lovely and something special. I love them so thanks for sharing. I would not say no if you have a spare!

cockney blonde said...

Love how you've made the crosses Jo, x

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, the poem is lovely and your little crosses are so beautiful, thank you for sharing how you made them. Hugs, Anne x

Paul B said...

What a lovely idea Jo. I'd have never guessed how these were created. What a clever use for plastic canvas. The recipients will be delighted by your thoughtful gift. This is a tutorial I'm sure lots of people will be taking inspiration from. Pxx

Sheilagh said...

What a beautiful gift to receive. I love this poem.

You are a very talent and giving lady.



Gill Edwards said...

that is the cleverest make ive ever seen. How did you design it, it looks amazing and again thanks for sharing

Lynne said...

Lovely, Jo! I share your sentiments. And something else we have in is 30 years to the week when I started the 19th Reffley Girl Guide Unit here (or rather THERE! in Kings Lynn) and they have just had their awards ceremony and celebrations in the Town Hall. I 'retired' when I went back into nursing in 1986. But my Guiding friend's daughter took up the baton and is still running avery successful unit. My friend was presented with the Laurel Award the same night, much to her amazement and joy.

Karen said...

These are just so wonderful and I can think of a few friends who would appreciate them. My friends who have helped me through my cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, and DVT's amongst many other health issues. I'll email to ask more questions. Karen 84 x

Anne said...

Hi there these are really lovely and if you have one left I would really like to have one. Anne x

Amanda said...

Hi Jo! These little crosses are just gorgeous! Thanks for the detailed instructions. When my mojo returns, I might just have a go at it (if I can find the plastic canvas).
Have a great week!

Madonna said...

Do you still make them to sell?

JoZart Designs said...

hello Madonna. I tried to leave you a message on your blog with no luck so hope you come back to see this. I have NEVER EVER SOLD one of the pocket crosses. I made quite a lot as gifts to send to those blogging buddies who would appreciate them. They are so easy to make and so I posted the details here for anyone to copy.

Ivonne said...

I loved but really loved this. Where can I contact you in case I get stuck trying to do them? Where can I get the white canvas like material? This is precious!

sthrash said...

Hello from an over-joyed Pinterest junkie! A group of 25 ladies from my church will soon be traveling to Santa Anna, El Salvador and we were looking for a little gift that we could take to some teachers in the school we will be working with. These crosses are a heaven sent item, they are beautiful and for the life of me I could not figure out how to make them, That is when I found your wonderful instruction sheet. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, these crosses are exactly what we needed.! Blessings from Texas!

Choose Dharma said...

Thank you for sharing how to make these! I will be making some for Christmas. What a beautiful way to spread God's word! I would like one if you have any of your's left.
God Bless

Unknown said...

The Cross and the poem are wonderful. I want to make and give

to my friends.Thank you very much. Hope we will get many more

cute crafts and inspiring poems from your end.

TTRAVERS6927 said...

Thank you for your wonderful cross pattern.
God Bless!

OFallon, MO