Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Almost forgot it's Wednesday and WOYWW ... and here's the state of play on my desks today Boxing Day in England and those over the pond or in different parts of the world probably won't know what on earth is Boxing Day.
Tell you later but meanwhile here's my goings on ....
a page in my mini book where I jotted down this quote. I love it as I know I am often ridiculous... it's far more fun!
My work table in the cold zone where I have just dumped various bits and bobs to keep the main warm cosy part of the house tidy.
Oh no! not more sleighs!!!!
Believe it or not I made two more sleighs last night "MAN" versions as I suddenly realised they won't want the girly ones. I'm sick of looking at them now!
Hope everyone enjoyed Christmas Day. We spent it quietly at home, just we two. I may be able to get around to visit when I've chivvied around the house.
Pop over to Julia's at Stamping Ground if you are looking for a bit of fun and you'll see how we are all absolutely ridiculous by showing our desks each Wednesday. That's where I'll be going!

Boxing Day... 
various theories to the origins of this public holiday in England, the day after Christmas Day. It was said to be the time when alms boxes were opened and the contents given to the poor. In large houses, the servants were given Christmas Boxes, gifts, for their services over the year and Christmas. 
Now I think it remains as an excuse to have an extra day off work and a tradition we certainly are not going to relinquish.


Annie said...

Thanks for calling by earlier Jo. I'd forgotten it was Wednesday too til I switched the computer on :-)
I've done the early prep that I can do for the party later[quiche, icing of buns, cooking of mini sausages etc] so there is just the last minute bits to go in the oven now. Now enjoying a quick bit of blog hopping and a coffee :-)
Biggest hugs,
Annie x

Belinda Basson said...

I love those two sleighs. Great gift ideas.

Words and Pictures said...

Well, I love the sleighs... as will the recipients, I'm sure - sorry to hear you're sick of the sight of them.

Love a quiet Christmas Day! That's what my mother and I have after big family stuff on the 24th with my uncle and extended family, and then the main family day today - so that's Boxing Day for us - opening our own "boxes"!

Love your sentiment about ridiculousness/boringness - couldn't agree more! Enjoy the rest of the festive season...
Alison xx

mamapez5 said...

Love the quote and the sleighs. I might have had a go at those but I couldn't locate any candy canes in time. I'll keep my eyes open for them before next year.
Boxing day hasn't caught on here in Spain so all the shops are open and it's back to normal here. But we had a lovely walk along a deserted but very sunny beach this morning and introduced our dogs to the sea for the first time. They loved running on the sand but weren't too sure about the waves!
Enjoy your Boxing day. Kate x

Glenda said...

As far as I'm concerned, you can't have too many sleighs! Wonderful desk!
Glenda #21

KatzElbows said...

That is a great quote. I think I'm going tomorrow it for something. And while you may hate your sleighs, I think they're great.

Have a very happy new year,
Rachel, #26

Spyder said...

What a fabby idea! Happy New Year to you and even more fantastic crafting!!


Kyla said...

More sleighs!! They are lovely though.
Boxing it seems to be the day we clear away all the boxes and cardboard!!

Kyla #31

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Man sleighs, lol!! You are good making many is that now?
Thank you so much for all your wonderful kindness and support this year, Jo. I sincerely hope that we manage to meet up again at some point during this year. That would be awesome! I might even drag Julia along!!
Sending best wishes for an amazing 2013
LLJ 16 xx

Hettie said...

I made 10 of those sleighs for small family gifts. They were fun to do and I got to eat the broken candy canes! Thanks for the idea.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Jo.

fairy thoughts said...

I feel the sentiment too... who wants to be boring . . viva la ridiculous. Yes the Tv was a bit miserable .. why do they have to do it every year?
Watch Miranda tonight she is always ridiculously funny.
Happy crafting in 2013

MiniOwner said...

Oh those sleighs are sooo cute - I am pinning them for next year (hope that's OK). Happy Boxing Day and Happy Wednesday, too. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@34)

Francesca said...

Great sentiment, thanks for visiting me and you kind words. Hugs franceswca #28

Krisha said...

I am borrowing that sentiment!! LOL it is so perfect, and my art journal needs it. I am going to try those sleighs too. Thanks for sharing your ideas and sentiment.
Krisha #48

Julia Dunnit said...

I 'ove the boy sleighs, how typical of you to realise and then make more rather than shrug! Love the quote you've shown, soooo true

okienurse said...

like the two new sleighs and I am sure the guys will love them. Quiet holiday around here too...It snowed and iced up most the day so DH and went to DD and SIL for the day...4 miles took over 20 minutes and then some to get there. I am sorry to hear the angel didn't make it to hang on the tree this year. I am hanging the ones I got from you and Neil in my craft room when the tree comes down so maybe you can enjoy it a bit then. It actually has a spring look to it...Have a quiet time off and enjoy the rest of the holiday season. Thanks for dropping by my desk! Vickie #4

SandeeNC said...

Keep warm and craft on my friend!! Waving hi from the rainy, but wishing it was snowing hills of North Carolina for the last WOYWW of 2012!!

Helen said...

Well, I left my post scheduled but am home from my brother's now and catching up on blogs and things. Hope you enjoy the rest of the festive rest. Helen, 40

Nan G said...

Love the quote! May have to borrow that too! Wish Boxing Day had crossed the pond! Have a Happy New Year! Nan 44

Tertia said...

I LOVE that quote, one of my all time favourites! In fact, I have one hanging in my classroom and I often remind the girls that it is a mortal sin to be boring. (yip, they think I am mad, but at least I make them laugh and remember a few things!)
Those sleighs are adorable, but I am so very bad at making mulriples of anything, I understand completely that you do not like looking at them any more.
Happy WOYWW and may the New Year bring you lots of happiness, good health and blessings.
Tertia #^

Unknown said...

ha ha I love your quote!! Your little sleighs are also so clever....wishing you all of the best for 2013!!

Ali said...

I love your minibook - and those sleighs are so cute too! :)

Your christmas sounds nice and relaxing... mine was manic with heaps of presents for the kids and DD2's birthday just the day before! :lol:


Angie said...

I totally lost track of the days ...glad you had a good Christmas ...and I MUST remember these candy cane sleighs for next year ...maybe you could do a reminderpostr of all you brilliant ideas ... late Novermber maybe? lol Hugs xx

Elizabeth said...

Merry Christmas! All the best for 2013 xx

Darnell said...

Those are fantastic "Man" sleighs, Jo! I'm sure they were a treat for everyone!!

Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!! Darnell #53

Ann B said...

Missed WOYWW, to much to do this time of year, and as we have Gson to stay the table is covered with his bags. My M in L loved her sleigh on Christmas Day, she took it home rather than eat the box on Bent's chocs I added to it. Don't think I can make WOYWW next week either but will do Vicky Stampers - and I have a little something for you - don't get excited it's an unwanted gift but I know you like it/them.
Ann B

Eliza said...

I think you will be pleased to see the back end of the sleighs, LOL.

Your desk looks sad without you playing on it....

Belated Christmas Greetings and Happy New Year.

Eliza #63

Sandy said...

Love your saying in your Journal, great colors.. Your sleighs are great and I am sure they will love the male versions.. Sandy :)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, I'm late, very late, but I had to pop in and wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous year! I like your sleighs, they are quirky and fun :)) Elizabeth x #30

Twiglet said...

Love your man sleighs!! Hope you had a lovely Christmas - we had a fab couple of dasys with Maxine. I am a bit late visiting desks due to festive fun! Happy New Year. x Jo

karen said...

Oh, those sleighs are fabulous! I just had a quick peek around to see what you have been up to lately and everything you have made is great! I especially love the Xmas tree gift boxes and the crocheted robin! Sorry I have been absent for so long, my schedule has not been working out to join in WOYWW and I do miss it. Hopefully in the New Year I will somehow work that out better!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the lovely comment. And reminding me of the wonderful people I have met thru WOYWW ... you being one of the best of the best!
xoxo Karen