Sunday, 16 December 2012

Liverpool City Lights Up & Home Too!

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here and whilst I usually get stressed about it all, I have relaxed this year, because I know I will see my family just after the holiday so I've had a burst of enthusiasm for everything.  
My host of angels is increasing day by day and here's how they are gathering hovering above the fireplace.
Two more beauties arrived yesterday which I will save to show on Wednesday so all the WOYWWers can share them.
The Christmas tree is trimmed far earlier than usual and now it just needs me to wrap some gifts to go underneath.
I made this sweetie tree, below, by sticking wrapped chocolates onto a 12 inch high cone, made of card.
 It's a bit of a bodged job as, the double sided sticky tape I first used was an ancient roll and, within an hour sweets were dropping off onto the table. The trouble was that DH took this as an invitation to snaffle the ones that dropped off. 
I redid the tree using Red Line tape but ended up having to patch the gaps that had been devoured but I didn't have enough left of the right coloured sweets, so it is somewhat uneven. 
Sometimes it's good to show things which are imperfect and maybe it will inspire some of you to have a go making one because you know you can do better....and  no doubt far neater than mine!!!

A few pics I forgot to post.....
On a rainy November Day I wandered through the Liverpool One area of shops just as the lights went on for Christmas. 
It was so vibrant with special characters adding to the atmosphere and spectacular light and ice sculptures. 
I took these pics whilst the crowds were at the other end of the boulevard waiting for Father Christmas to arrive on his sleigh. No chance of a photo of him thanks to all his fans!
Ice sculptures here and there...
There is even an ice slide somewhere, which I have not yet seen, and an ice bar where even the glasses are sculpted from ice.
Two morel lit up ladies on stilts...
The John Lewis new HUGe store on the right and, in the middle, the dome provides and exciting the performance area for choirs of schoolchildren to sing their carols.
The tree in Church Street, the older part of town where the continental Christmas Market was being set up and is now open.

Have you ever seen fairies like these before?
Since Capital of Culture 2008 in Liverpool the city has benefited from major redevelopment and it is vibrant and buzzing. With 9 wonderful (and free) museums and galleries it is well worth a visit.


Glennis F said...

What amazing sights - we don't see displays like that here!

sam21ski said...

More fantastic photos JO, we will have to make the effort and visit your lovely city.

As ever your sharing is much appreciated.

Sam xxx

Words and Pictures said...

The angels look so fabulous all floating in a row (under what I'm guessing is one of your extraordinary artworks - beautiful), and what a great idea the sweetie cone tree is - whether perfect or not (husbands seem an awful nuisance, sometimes!)!
Alison x

Paul B said...

Liverpool has done a spectacular job with it's festive decorations. Love the reindeer and the ice sculptures. Such a wonderful city for culture. And your table tree of sweets is gorgeous. i'm afraid I'd be as tempted as your DH. In fact the tree wouldn't last more than a few days. i'd be sneaking the 'odd one' until realising it was bare lol. And with your angels, it looks like Christmas certainly is colourful at Chez Jozart :) Pxx

Redanne said...

Fabulous photos Jo, all of them. I did have a chuckle at your DH eating the'fallen' chocolates - love that part. And wow, your pics of Liverpool are just amazing, so beautifully decorated. Big hugs, Anne x

Helen said...

Love your sweet tree! Liverpool certainly looks fantastic and I wish I could get there - maybe I'd even get to take in a game at my beloved stadium! ah well, dreams can come true...

Hettie said...

Love that Sweetie tree and I am sure my Hubby would do the same as yours by nicking the fallen ones. I am having a job to keep his mitts off the Christmas cake. It isn't decorated yet either!
Love the angels above your mantelpiece and your fire would look great in my dining room.
Great pics of Liverpool!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oo all these amazing photos over there Jo hey do go to town about things dont they??

and your home too is so very beautiful, I am not doing anything this year as too much to get organised that is okay... next year God willing.:D

Thanks so very, very much for popping over to my latest post and for your encouraging remarks too! God bless you dear friend Shaz in Oz.x

Sheilagh said...

Loving your angels all in a row ;0)

Liverpool is looking FABULOUS and makes me proud to be a scouser.

Have a Very Happy Christmas Jo.



lisa said...

Your decorations are looking beautiful, Jo, very festive. Your sweet tree wouldn't have lasted long in this house, it would have been snaffled whether the chocs fell off or not. I live with two chocoholics, good job I'm not one!!!
Liverpool looks beautiful with it's Christmas dressing. We really must make a trip next year and see it for ourselves.
Hope you have a good week.
hugs Lisax

hazel said...

Your angels look wonderful and I love your sweetie tree [I may pinch your idea] and thank you for sharing the fabulous photo's.
xxx Hazel.

Gaby Bee said...

Thanks for your kind visit and your lovely Christmas greetings! I want to have a *no-pressure* season and spend time with my family!
Sending warm wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful Christmas and much health and happiness for 2013.

Hugs to you my friend!

Twiglet said...

Your angels look all ready for Christmas! Lovely tree and sweetie tree too. Doesn't Liverpool look exciting.x Jo

fairy thoughts said...

fab photos Jo Liverpool looks such a fun city. Yes it does look a lot like Christmas!! have fun