Tuesday, 11 December 2012

WOYWW 184 & Angel Ariella

Here is the evidence of what's hanging around my breakfast table where I have settled to craft due to the cold weather. 
WOYWW is the result of Super Girl Julia's amazing brainwave to invite the crafters of the world to own up to what they are doing, where and also to confess to the messes (or occasionally tidy spaces) where they create.
There was another fluttering through my letterbox this week as Ariella landed, very elegantly to claim her rightful place amongst my host of angels. I was thinking of putting a sign outside my house "ANGEL LANDINGS" but they have almost all arrived. A couple of them have gone missing in action but I'm hopeful they will arrive in time to take their starring roles on Christmas trees around the World.
Thanks so much to Shaz of silverwolfcards blog who created Ariella for me from a riot of purple and black feathers with bejewelled acetate wings. So beautiful and such a treasure!
 I've been amusing myself in short bursts decorating the pages of a tiny blank "meander fold" book I made some time ago. I just do a page at  a time with no thought of a subject until I begin and there isn't an overall topic. Free spirit crafting! 
There's a clock themed acetate page here which inspired the addition of the words which were written with my lovely new Letraset Metallic Markers.
 On this page I added strips of washi tape, a simple addition, which I think works well.
 I'm enjoying this little exercise of nipping in and out of this tiny book and adding a little bit more each day without knowing what I will add to it each time.

 My super prize of this set of Metallic Markers, in a lovely colour palette, from Letraset arrived really quickly after I won them via Darcy's blog candy draw.
Thanks to Darcy for hosting it and to Letraset for supplying such a generous prize. If you pop over to Darcy's blog here there is another set on offer along with her fab table tree project.
I have only had a little play with the markers but they work really well on most surfaces and the bonus is that they will blend well with water. I love that they don't make me cough as most marker pens do.
 My in car crafting has been crochet hats and I've been experimenting with beret shapes which are great to wear and can be pulled down to keep the little ears warm when it is really cold... LIKE NOW!

Last night we went to see Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band. 
Each Christmas they tour the country with their seasonal show of Carols & Capers. 
Usually we have to travel quite a distance to see them but luckily this year there was a date in Liverpool.
This one is especially for LLJ who has provided us with some lovely carols recently! Here's a lovely one for you Jan!
The highlight of the show this year for me was when they sang Poor Little Jesus. Beautiful harmonies so take a listen to the YouTube link below.


Sandy said...

Your Angel is so lovely and love those colors in your book what a great little book to just add a little whimsy too every now and again.. your berets look just the ticket to keep your head warm and colorful.
Sandy :)
No number yet

Annie said...

Love your latest angel and your mini book is so cute. What patience your must have.
A x #38
ps I've not had my other swap angel yet

Paul B said...

Gorgeous hats Jo, a must for keeping you warm in this cold season. Love your meandering book. As you say, what a great project for dipping in and out of, with no plan. Pxx

lisa said...

Your latest angel is a stunner, Jo. I love all her feathers. I hope they are all behaving themselves, you must have a real crowd now.
Love the crocheted berets. Just what you need in this chilly weather.
Hugs Lisax #45

Helen said...

The angel from Shaz is fabulous! I love Maddy Prior - used to go and see her in Steeleye Span. Thanks for the link. Happy WOYWW, Helen 4

Ann B said...

You're a bit later this morning Jo, having a lie-in.
Wouldn't blame you. Freezing outside this morning.
Love the berets and your little book, such a good idea to craft on a mini.
Ann B

Eliza said...

Lovely Angel and brilliant book work. Those berets are great for the cold days. I really like the purple and orange one.

Eliza 12

Anonymous said...

Love the angel and the meander book, So sweet. Glad you loved the Snorfs - they are so cute and easy (except the cutting of the hands and the ears - a bit fiddly) and FUN!

Laugh if you will but we are kindred spirits - the first album I bought was Steeleye Span Below the Salt, and I have many of the Silly Sisters tracks on my shuffle. I am hard pressed to pick between Maddy and June. At the moment I seem to be loving Silver Whistle. While I do love shuffle play it can be quite jarring to move from that, to Marilyn Manson singing Personal Jesus to Stevie Ray Vaughn singing Texas Flood then Emmylou Harris and Deeper well, as I experienced yesterday. :) When you mix in DDs pop tunes it's a wonder I don;t just drive right off the road LOL!

Berst move on - at this rate I'll not make a dent in the list ...

Mary Anne (15)

Anonymous said...

Coming back to clarify re: your comment :)

Silver Whistle is a song from the June Tabor/Maddy Prior Silly Sisters collaborative album (can't recall if it's the first or second one.)

Hear it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYK9_z-18uE

Love The Grey Funnel Line from that album too :)

And yes, we have all the groups you mention in our collection. DH is a massive folk fan and his dad is too - he plays in a bluegrass band (picks a mean banjo and indeed ANY stringed instrument) so between them we have the folk thing covered!

Cheers again


shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jo, lovely to see my angel- especially as I completely forgot to photograph her before I sent her- what am I like?Your little book is ace, I really need to start myself a little project like this I can dip in & out of.And thanks to your previous commenter Helen- I read your post & was racking my brains to recall where I remembered Maddy Prior from- blimey we are all showing our age here :)Have a great week,hugs, Shaz #67

Inkypinkycraft said...

great hats and love your use of washi tape!trace x #9

Redanne said...

A really lovely post today Jo, the angel is beautiful. Love your little book too, gorgeous colours in it. Really love your crocheted berets, they are beautiful, I am doing mits which is about as creative as I get with knitting but I do enjoy it. Will go over and listen to the group later, thanks for the link. Hugs, Anne x #21

Shoshi said...

Oh Jo, your posts are always so full of interest and colour and variety!! Loved reading this one. There's a wonderful theme of pinks and purples in it, in so many different media. Just listening to the carol as I write - I adore Maddy Pryor. What a voice!!

Your in-car crafting is brilliant. What a good idea. Perhaps I should start taking something small with me to pick up while waiting for my hubby to do this and that!

Your mini-album is absolutely stunning. Love the markers and what you are doing with them. Time is such a lovely theme to work with, and I'm really enjoying it in my own album at the moment.

Your latest angel is a stunner, too. Wish I'd been able to get involved in this swap! It sounds like a lot of fun. By this time you'll have enough to decorate the whole house, I should think! Lovely to think of them winging their way around the world, isn't it.

Your creativity never ceases to amaze and delight me.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #69

Shoshi said...

PS Jo - thought I'd just share my fav carol by Maddy Prior - with Steeleye Span:


Gives me goose bumps.


Cardarian said...

Your newly arrived angel is really nice - ha, ha mine can't compete but I guess it isn't a competition! Your little journey entries are soo nice - wish I had your talent and the berets are wonderful - I bought one for myself when I was last in England and I love it - I would rather have a nice one like you made but I am a bit lazy for crochetting these days!
I am at home Friday evening and all weekend so whenever you see me online just give me a buzz!
Lots of hugs,

Anonymous said...

Gosh that book is tiny, it would do my eyes in, but I really need an eye test though! Beautiful angel from Shaz, love those purple feathers. Great hats too, I want to try a beret next I think, or maybe a beanie for Andrew. Maddy Prior was in Steeleye Span wasn't she? That seems like such a long time ago now!

Brenda 73

Twiglet said...

Beautiful angel - such arty folk out there!! Your berets are so cosy Jo - I am not a hat wearer but my ears do suffer so I might be tempted! x Jo

MiniOwner said...

Love your angel but even more I love that little book - such fab colours and what a great idea! Happy Wednesday :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@64)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, that gave me the tingly winglies - what a beautiful carol! Thank you so much for the link, Jo, I really enjoyed it! Maddy Prior has such a clear, bell like voice and I loved all the harmonies in it, which are incredibly hard to get right! I love anything with a Minor key, spirituals and Jewish music reach my soul :)
Hugs, LLJ #27
PS Fab berets too and thanks for the Wool website - I shall definitely take a peek at that!

SandeeNC said...

I love, love that tiny journal book and the idea of "free spirit crafting"! I think you may have inspired me! Also the berets look stunning! waving the #92 from the hills of North Carolina :)

Sandi McLean said...

What a lovely angel! And you are so productive with the berets! I will check out the utube... Thanks for coming my way, Sandi 5

okienurse said...

WOW you have been busy! I feel like such a loafer with nothing done this month so far! I had a great time on my cruise but now I am so feeling the crunch of the holiday season. I plan on getting the tree and decorations up by Friday and leaving them till...?? I hope you have your holiday plans more in control then I do! Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment! Have a great week! Vickie #3

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit Jo, and your nice comment! Glad you like Gaudete too! I sang in the choir part of it a couple of years ago at our church carol service. In Dulce Jubilo is another of my favs too! Like you, I miss choir singing. I did give it a shot again, a few years ago, but it turned out to be too much of a commitment in my present state of health, and these days, if I sing for very long, my throat starts to ache. My sister gave me a CD yesterday of her choir doing Christmas music - she said they recorded it back in the summer which felt weird, singing Christmas carols when it was hot! I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet.

The Black Cat Cougar is a fabulous machine! I remember last year someone on the forum posted a pic of just how small it would cut (using the detail blade which I haven't got yet) - it was an ultra-close up shot of a tiny front of fir tree she'd cut, and beside it was this great big slab thing which she said was a flake of glitter!!! I've got the pen holder which is brilliant for adding text and drawing and it's so accurate that you can actually cut along the middle of a gel-pen line you've already drawn. I haven't tried print-and-cut yet but you can print stuff and then trace it in Inkscape and cut it out which is handy for decoupage etc. etc. Endless possibilities really.

Have a great week! Hope it's not too cold where you are.


fairy thoughts said...

great post Jo. love the angel and the little book. The yarns you have used on your hats are fab too.
But best of all the blast from the past that is Maddy Prior, I didnt know she was still around... saw her many years ago when she was with steeleye Span, seems like another world.... which it probably is.
janet #24
thanks again for the gingerbread men they are really cute. I will post a picture when Erin has moved into her new house... dont know how long it will be though probably not until late january

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am so jealous of you getting to see Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band. We saw them a couple of years ago at Tewkesbury but they have not been round us in the last couple of years. What a great show, and I have quite a few cd's etc. We also saw her with Steeleye Span twice. Wow. Back to crafting, your angel from Shaz is beautiful, and such typical colours from her. Good thing she had already done it as she is rather limited after her nasty fall. Thanks for your visit today. I am going to sort Christmas out next year in August or before - I cannot cope with all the stress when someone finds yet another job that only you can do ... We all know what it is like. Hope you get all your projects finished in time. xx Maggie #33

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I picked the wrong time to go on hiatus. I've not even been on my blog for many days, since I scheduled a bunch of posts in order to complete a few Christmas gifts. And to think you changed your comments just for ME. Thank you!

That little book is adorable. I like how you can pick it up any time and not feel pressured. And those hats are precious. And warm, I bet.

I'm off to read a few posts back. I'll leave a few comments along the way, I'm sure. After all, I can't stay quiet forever (grin)!

Anonymous said...

Love everything I see in here. That angel is gorgeous!!

Happy WOYWW!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your latest angel to fly in! Love your meander book, looks as though you're having fun with it! Chrisx

Nadia (WithGlitteringEyes.blogspot.com) said...

Your little book and crochet hats are so colorful and beautiful. They relate to each other, despite the different media! Love your work!

Happy Wednesday,
Nadia (WOYWW #58)

Nan G said...

Stunning angel! Cool little booklet and very pretty berets! Thanks for the vid link. Happy WOYWW! Nan 14

Di said...

As always, fabby colours on your posting - and I adore those hats!! Belated Happy WOYWW, Di xx

Neet said...

What a lovely last picture on your blog Jo, and I love those hats. Bought one in Germany last week and I love it - and it keeps me warm (as toast).
Off to visit your market pictures below and thanks for the private ones of your grandee.
Hugs, Neet xx 2

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, great posts ... I've just read your last on the German Market and your most recent with the angels. Loved the pics of the market ... nobody does the Christmas markets quite like they do. And the Liverpool craft market looked like a money pit ... well, I'd probably spend a fortune on those cake stands :) Your berets are fab ... I should get back to finishing my crocheted beanie, it's perishing here! Hope you have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #32

Tertia said...

Love that Angel! Sounds like you have been very busy.
Happy very belaed WOYWW!
Tertia #11