Thursday, 6 December 2012

Weinachtstmarkt & Donna's Angel

This wonderful creature fluttered in from Derby to join the fireside host of angels, thanks to Donna. I don't officially have her name but I think I know. She is such a character and it looks like she knows something about our weather and came prepared. 
Thanks so much Donna for sending her to me, I love her already!

Last week we visited several, very different, smaller, Christmas Markets, all so different to the ones in the bigger cities.
This first one was in Bleckedde and was only a one day event. There were braziers where people sat around on hay bales keeping warm and toasting various items of food. I can't imagine with all our "Health & Safety" rules that this would ever be allowed in England but it really did create a great atmosphere.
Just below the Christmas tree the little one in the day glow safety jacket can be seen with her parents on the way to take a ride on the carousel. Part of my lovely family!
Lots of little craft stalls selling handmade wares.
The animals were a great attraction for the children.
On to Deerberg, which is a lovely country shop, and they held light festival with lots of entertainment, crafts to make and take and crafts to buy. Waffles, gluehwein, sausages and lots of treats for a very small price.
 Here's the leather craftsman below...
Wrought iron goods being made to order..
Lights and mists on the lake surrounded by the craft tents...
Unfortunately this fantastic creature, below, scared the living daylights out of the little'un so we had to move indoors to the shop where I bought myself a nice new dress for Christmas.
On to the Mediaeval Market where we were greeted by this gallant knave who needed a charity donation before we could pass...couldn't refuse him now, could I?
These pretty damsels were selling black bread slices spread with what we in England would call dripping... looked like lard and on the right my DD's MIL relished buying a slice or two to take home.

Still a few more pics saved for another day but looking again at this group makes me realise what an experience I enjoyed besides sharing quality family time.


Paul B said...

Great photos, it looks amazing over there. You're going to be filled with inspiration after a trip like this. thx for sharing. pxx

Words and Pictures said...

What a lot of wonderful things - the ironmongery is just glorious, and to see him engaged in that ancient craft, right there in front of you! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us... oh, and another great angel!
Alison x

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, I absolutely love that Angel from Donna, she has quite a cheeky look on her face. You do take the most amazing photos of your visits and these are no exception. That large lady on stilts is enough to scare any child! Hugs, Anne x

Carola Bartz said...

OMG Jo, you really got me with the black bread and lard. Oh yummy!!! I love that and it just belongs to this time of the year. My mom used to make that, it was such a treat in our home. Wonderful "Schmalz". How much do I envy you for all these beautiful places you went to - nothing like that here in the States. Advent is such a tough time to be here...

Carola Bartz said...

OMG Jo, you really got me with the black bread and lard. Oh yummy!!! I love that and it just belongs to this time of the year. My mom used to make that, it was such a treat in our home. Wonderful "Schmalz". How much do I envy you for all these beautiful places you went to - nothing like that here in the States. Advent is such a tough time to be here...

Neil said...

Fabulous pics, makes me want to go and see for myself. The figure looks just like something you would have created!

Nan G said...

What an amazing outing! Nothing like that here in the States. Love those stars/snowflakes in the last pic. Hugs, Nan 85

lisa said...

What brilliant photos, Jo. I just wish we had events like this here. The Germans sure know how to do all this traditional stuff properly don't they. You are so lucky to have experienced it all and spend time with your lovely family too.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Hugs Lisax

Helen said...

Thank you for sharing these amazing photos! I love the one that scared the little'un!!

Annie said...

Fab ohotos Jo. :-)
A x
ps Jo says....please check your email

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos Jo. Love the large lady and those corn decorations are just amazing. The last time I went to Germany I was 14 so that's quite a while ago!


Twiglet said...

Such fun!! Lots of special memories I am sure. I have emailed you x Jo

fairy thoughts said...

hi jo your trip looks amazing, you really should be full of Christmas spirit now.

Shoshi said...

So many gorgeous photos, Jo! I can well believe that you had a very special time with the family. Thanks for your lovely comment - my friend loved her card - we had a really nice party this evening, and ended up singing Christmas carols around the piano!


Ann B said...

Wouldn't mind trying the black bread out (reminds me of my favourite childhood book, Heidi) but will give the lard a miss, than you.
Thanks for sharing the photos, looks like you had great fun.
Love Donna's angel, and speaking of angel mine from Shaz arrived yesterday (have let her know) so it will be on my desk on Wednesday.

Ann B

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This reminds me of the Renaissance Festivals they hold in early autumn here in the States. It was a craze started in California, then spread across the country. I love it because they encourage you to dress in medieval outfits and wear flowers in your hair. Pretty awesome.

It's a pity about your "health and safety" laws. I hate it when govt. gets in the way of common sense.

Neet said...

Love the pics Jo,k especially the one of the grandee who looks enthralled rather than scared but I guess that would scare anyone. Dripping butties - ugh, remind me to tell you of the scout camp where we were given them for supper.
Hugs, Neet xx