Tuesday, 4 December 2012

WOYWW 183 & Amazing Anastasia!

A chance to nosey around crafters crafting spaces in an ever increasing blog hop via Julia's stamping-ground! Pop in to see for yourself.
Today two huge Woo Hoos from me!
First, welcome to Anastasia who winged in whilst I was away. So lovely to come home to such a treasure and all thanks to Ann B for making her to join the ever increasing flock of angels hovering over my fireplace. Thanks so much Ann, she is so beautifully made and I love her!
I also came home to find that I was lucky enough to win the Letraset Blog Candy prize on Darcy's blog Art-and-Sole. Thanks to both for the much appreciated treat of a set of Metallic Markers.

If anyone in the swap has not received their angel from me, please let me know, as I sent 15 winging off together about 3 weeks ago so I am hoping they have all landed safely in their new homes. 
Not my usual work desk this week and it was a week of joy not "work".
I still managed some crafty time whilst I was away and, with the able help of ten tiny 3 year old fingers to administer sticky tape, we made some candy cane sledges and chocolate wrap snowmen and penguins, (info for making these in last post), for her friends and kindergarten teachers.  I must say that Pingu, below, did get his wobbly eyes once we found them.
It was fun to fill these tiny little hats with treats and put them up in time for Advent.
I made a set of them 2 years ago for each of my daughters to put up for my grandees so this is their third time out.

The lovely weather managed to change to snow, so pretty, but it didn't last long as the sun soon shone again. Pity the fate of the poor snowman that was left in the garden!
We managed to consume some of these ginormous sausages at the Christmas markets as well as a drop or two of gluehwein.
I also managed to take over this blanket I had almost finished and wove in all my loose ends whilst there. 
Twiglet and some others amongst you will remember these VIP special bears (Baxter and his Brother and stand in)...now lovingly known as Baxi & Bro. 
Baxi is waiting patiently for me to make him a new red jumper which can be seen in progress. Look how his green one has shrunk.
I enjoyed face painting to order and the request from the Boss here was for a red and pink lion..... Raaaaahhhhh! Nah! I know, this cute little lion just couldn't be ferocious!
There were lots of lovely Christmassy things, to see and enjoy around the town, such as these animated tableaus, for children, with a story narrated for each one at the push of a button. 
I've lots more photos to share over the next few days of this special visit and the best is that they will all be over here again very soon along with the Brighton Belles & Co.


sandra de said...

Now that looks like true "get into the christmas spirit weather". Love all the little creations.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

lots of wonderful projects to see once again. the angel you got is lovely and i love those little advent hats! congrats on your win! and oh what a cute lion!

Lynn Holland said...

The hats look wonderful Jo, what a lovely idea.
Not sure about that sausage though haha
Have a good week

Annie said...

What a beautiful post Jo. So lovely to see that special little girl looking so well now and lovely that you had such a special time over in Germany. I started to knit a set of little hats like yours but found them this week and only managed to make about 15 so will have to try and get them finished at some point!
A x #42

Eliza said...

Oh wow so much happening in your part of the world, snow, christmas markets and what massive sausages.

Eliza 38

Helen said...

What a great read - love the sledges, and the little cutie! You must be so happy! Helen, 5

Anonymous said...

Just love the Hat advent idea and your pink and red lion looks very smart.!
Glad you had a good time with family.
Tricia #66

Neet said...

Love the Lion "L" - bet she loved her face being done like that. Has Baxter grown or is it just that his jumper has shrunk? He is quite fashionable with his midriff showing. Love the sleighs and the bonnets hung up - great Christmas present for you to have time with C and L (not forgetting N of course).
Hugs, Neet xx

Cardarian said...

what a lovely post! So much interesting things! We must skype soon - ha, ha need to get the update on all going ons!
Lots and lots of hugs

Redanne said...

A really lovely post today Jo, so many lovely things to look at and really love that shop window at the end. Saw Anastasia over at Ann's blog, she is gorgeous. Not too sure about that sausage too, isn't it huge! Happy WOYWW, Anne x #49

Ann B said...

Lovely post and so good to see the little one looking so well. Have my candy bars and chocolate ready to have a go at my sledges - want to use them as place-settings for Christmas lunch.
Thanks for popping by - glad you like the angel.

Ann B

HeARTworks said...

What a lot to see here! Those little hats fro your grandees are adorable!!!! Love the angels I've been seeing- that was a great swap! Patsy from

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jo, what a beautiful angel. I am posting mine to you & my other recipient tomorrow,but can you please e-mail me your addy? I had it on a bit of paper, but with all the mess I have here, I seem to have mislaid it. It'll turn up buried under something before too long!Have a great week, Hugs,Shaz #54

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I feel all Christmassy now after reading your post - yay!! Lovely pics of all the crafting and goings on in Germany - how fab to see your beautiful grand daughter looking so well and happy!!
That must be the largest sausage I've ever seen :) The chips look scrummy too - can you tell I'm on a diet, lol!!
Hugs, LLJ #30 xx

Twiglet said...

Aw such a fab post Jo - so lovely to see your curly haired little poppet and her bears. I have seen hundreds of bears at the car boot sales but never seen another Baxter so we were so lucky to find him! Have a wonderful time. x Jo

Paul B said...

What a busy and creative time you've been having. Lucky having a little snow too to put you in the festive mood. Looks like you're having a whale of a holiday. Pxx

Anonymous said...

Fab. So much to look at this week. The featured angel is lovely, as they all have been. I love those tiny little hats - so sweet. And that is truly a ginormous sausage. Wow. No bun will be big enough lol!

Have a great WOYWW

MA (23)

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! Looks as though you had a busy time while away -though I'm sure you enjoyed every short minute of it!
Fortunately didn't have snow while away but icy winds! Chrisx

Caro said...

What a wonderful post and I love how your and your darling Grandee made some more of those chocolate creations. The advent hats are just adorable, what a wonderful idea. To top it off your little pink lion is too cute for words. Thanks for sharing. Caro #60

Kate said...

oo, er Mrs that's one heck of a sausage.

Loving all your Christmas makes. I wish things were as industrious here.

** Kate **

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh what a lovely week! I love those sleighs made up from candy canes what a great idea! also congratulations on your win! enjoy. Sunshine Girl no.21

Karen McAlpine said...

Beautiful angel...and yummy candy wrappers!!
Karen 97

Words and Pictures said...

Anastasia is stunning, and whoop whoop for the win! Lovely to see all those pictures of your trip... I'm envying you the genuine German sausage big time as well as the Christmas markets of course!! So love the little hat advent calendar - genius! Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Ali H said...

Sound like you had a great trip to Germany ! All so Christmas-y !!
I do love your angels ! Will you show us them all above your mantel next week ?
Have a great week Ali #9

Unknown said...

Glad you had crafting time with the little one. Thanks for leaving stuff for last Saturday's project. Missed you.
Yasmine wants a hat for her Barbie. LOL.


scrappymo! said...

Wow...you are a wonderful face painter...I will book you for our next Bday party!!!

Your angle is lovely and this sounds like a great holiday! Lots to see and do. The snow on the house looks so pretty and with that nice pitch to the roof, the snow would slide right off! Well planned, I say!

Jackie said...

What a nice post with some lovely pictures the lion face looks great and I just live the hat idea
Jackie 31

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah Jo what a great and quick week you've had! lovely pics..that blanket is just Devine. Loving your angels as they arrive too, great swap.

lisa said...

Oh Jo, what a joy to see your gorgeous little Fraulein Grandee looking so well and full of bouncing curls. The best Christmas pressie of all I'm sure. Baxi and his brother look as though they are well loved. They did their job well didn't they?
Germany looks lovely and festive, i'd love to visit at this time of year. I can almost taste that delish sausage and gluwein, yummy!!!!
I hadn't even noticed the coaster in the photo. We have so many different ones all over. People bring them back as pressies from holidays usually.
Hugs Lisax #56

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,

Wow - lots of cool things to see. How fun to have little ones to celebrate the season with. Your face painting is amazing.

Love the blanket! Wow.

Kay #100

Unknown said...

This has really put me in a Christmassy mood.
Thanks for visiting me. Carolyn #82

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos Jo, Germany always looks so beautiful in the snow, well, it's beautiful all the time but the snow makes it magical. Beautiful blanket too, really love the colours. How wonderful to see the little curly girlie so well and happy, she looks a picture. Anastasia is stunning too.

Brenda 79

Shoshi said...

So glad you had such a wonderful time away with the family, Jo - your market pics are lovely too! The little pink lion is just adorable, and all the beautiful things you've made, including the gorgeous blanket. So many lovely pics it's hard to comment on them all! The new angel is lovely too!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #55

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Looks like you had an amazing time in Germany!