Monday, 24 December 2012

It's Christmas!

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house was a mess everywhere cos I'm messing about!

I have been playing around making more tree boxes to hold treats as little gifts and they look good around the house as decorations. So quick and so simple, just print the free template from the sidebar on HERE onto printed paper, cut out, glue together the sides. That's all there is to it other than filling them with little treats and adding a star and few decorations to them if you want to bling them up.
These below were cut from plain or holographic card, then I added triangular panels of printed paper.
I also made some more sleighs with chocky characters at the reins (an idea from Roni of inkstainswithroni blog) and cotton sacks (an idea from my DD2) For my first ones which you can see on last Tuesday's post I used Aldi chocolate bars but here I've wrapped Kit Kats which are a bit wider and rest on the candy canes instead of being stuck to the sides, so they end up far more stable.
It's Christmas Eve and it was so wonderful to receive a parcel from Mike, our postman. 
It was like Christmas.. oops! IT IS CHRISTMAS! but how amazing that this wonderful work of art arrived from Carola Bartz over in California today of all days. 
This was beauty was made for me by Carola and sent in return for a little favour I did for her......just a little favour!
...but look at all these goodies that came too! What a lovely Christmas Gift to receive, I certainly did not expect so much. Thank you so much Carola, I am really thrilled and keep having another peek and fondle of everything.
Don't forget to take a look at Creative Jump Start...
I joined last year and found it so inspiring to try out hints, tips, inspiration and quick projects from a variety of creative people as a kick start to the New Year. 
It is a great idea from Natalie Kalbach link HERE
and I can't say this too often....


sam21ski said...

Happy Christmas Jo xxx Sounds like your already having fun!!

Sam xxx

Redanne said...

Your boxes and sleighs are fabulous, as ever. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Jo. Hugs, Anne x

Carola Bartz said...

I'm so glad that the package arrived safely and even before Christmas! Enjoy!
Thank you for the links - I will check them out. Those little trees look lovely.
Have a wonderful Christmas, Jo!

fairy thoughts said...

Wow what a wonderful Christmas gift.
have a fun filled christmas and a peaceful new year

Kyla said...

Love the verse at the start....SO true (a 8pm tonight I decide to make 4 cracker gifts!).
Love the trees and such lovely gifts too.

Merry Christmas

Cath Wilson said...

Happy Christmas to you, Dave and family, Jo! I hope it's a special time for you and you get to see your girls xxx

Linda Simpson said...

Merry Christmas Jo, I hope Santa has been good to you and you have had a wonderful day.

Linda xxx