Tuesday, 19 February 2013


It's Wednesday! Time again for a snoop courtesy of WOYWW. 
 The detailed instruction book will be on display at Head Office, 
over at the Snoop HQ,  Stamping Ground, alias Julia's Blog.
So here's some of the action in my crafty place ...

First a good recycling tip...If you buy wrapping paper from IKEA, save the inner roll of brown card as it can be really useful for crafting.  I stuck together two layers to make a heavier weight card which, when dry, was perfect to make manilla style tags of any size. I managed to cut 12 out of one inner roll of card.
They are still supple enough to be crumpled and take various inks well.

After our trip to Stitches at the NEC (see previous post) I was inspired to make this tag, using one of my recycled tags, and spend some time experimenting. 
The face is stamped onto Mica so it was hard to photograph, due to the sheen, but I think the finished effect can still be seen reasonably well.
Below is a make and take I did at the show and I really like the effect on the bird. 
We stuck double sided sticky sheet onto mount board (leaving the other side of the non stick backing on) then die cut the bird. The non stick backing was removed and copper foil was rubbed very roughly and somewhat  streakily onto the sticky surface. Embossing  powder was sprinkled onto the remaining sticky areas then heat set giving a lovely texture.
Not too messy on my desk after my crafty session 
I'm off down to the South Coast, all on my lonesome, next week to see the Brighton Belles and as I'm taking the cheap option and travelling by coach I won't be around to post for WOYWW. Have fun and be good but be warned I'll still be spying on you all!


peggy aplSEEDS said...

Hi, Jo! lovely projects you've finished! and i received the lovely surprise you sent Patsy and me. aww, i got teary-eyed at receiving such a lovely and meaningful gift specially after my trip to the holy land! thank you so much! i love it! actually it's on my desk today but i didn't get to load the closeup pic and didn't finish my post before i left for the office so i will just post about it next time. God bless you!

Lynn Holland said...

Hello neighbour we are next to each other on this weeks WOYWW line up.
That was a good tip about the ikea paper. More stuff to stash away Jo, I'm already in need of a clear out from my last one.
Have a great time while you are away. Stay tuned.
Love Lynn x x x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Love the tag and the recycling!! Great job!
Hopefully you might be receiving quilt number 3 sometime soon..it's the one featured on my blog today. Hope you like it!
Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

Paul B said...

Love your tags, very funky. The copper and embossing powder on the bird die is a lovely technique. Great recycling idea too with the brown paper :) Enjoy your trip to Brighton. Pxx

Ann B said...

Love your little birdie Jo, will have a go at doing this as the texture looks fab.
If we don't 'speak' before you leave then have a good trip. Hope you sit next to someone nice on the coach and convert them to crafting.
Safe journey.
Ann B

Annie said...

Love your makes this week and will miss you next week but know for sure you won't miss us ;-)
You have a really wonderful time with those gorgeous girls.
A x # 52

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, that is a great tip about the inner paper on the IKEA roll. Love the tag you made and also the make and take one - that technique looks very effective.

Hope you have a wonderful week away with the girls, interested to hear how the coach travel goes. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #37

Helen said...

Great tags, and love that birdie!! Have a good trip and I hope the weather holds up! Helen, 5

okienurse said...

great recycling tip! I will have to remember to save mine! Love the tags! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #28

susibee said...

Your bird looks amazing as do all the tags:)

Happy Wednesday. Susi #86

Kate said...

Lovely tags. The lady's face stamp is beautiful.

** Kate ** #88

sandra de said...

Gorgeous tags and great recycling hint. Enjoy your trip to Brighton.
Sandra @83

Jackie said...

Love the tag and your little bird they are great
Off to read your stitches post
Jackie 19

shazsilverwolf said...

I agree, that bird is fabulous. Sounds like a techniquue itching to be tried out. Enjoy Brighton, Have a great week,Hugs, Shaz #91 xx

Anne said...

Love the tags and thanks for the tip re the Ikea wrapping paper roll inners. Have fun down South. Happy WOYWW Anne x #99

Heathers Inspiration said...

Have a Lovely holiday x
Gorgeous tags, love the shimmer and detail to them.
Happy WOYWW Heather # 72

Anonymous said...

Lovely stuff. And if you fancy a stop-over near me - we could meet up. Not sure what your route might be but LMK if you pass thru Basingstoke!

cheers m'dear!

MA (16)

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hope you enjoy your trip! Why did I not think of that, just put my inner rolls out for recycling! Ah well I remember next time. Thanks for popping by earlier. Footy was good but we lost to a team who are now top 3 so no disgrace there I guess! Take care & enjoy this week whatever it brings. Zo xx 59

mamapez5 said...

What a talented and versatile lady you are Jo! I love the bird. I bought mica pieces at the NEC many moons ago, before I really knew anything about the, and I've only used them once!perhaps I should dig them out and try again!
Have a great time in Brighton with your little ones. Kate x

famfa said...

Beautiful tags. I don't know how you do so much. Enjoy your trip. Lovely comment on my pst about your nan and her crochet hook. I wonder?
Famfa 127

Lori said...

Love your tags and thanks for the ikea tip. Need to make a road trip.

Have fun nosing around the WOYWW blog hop.
Lori #57

Gibby Frogett said...

Happy WOYWW - your tags are absolutely fantastic... haved a good week..Gill x #103

Neet said...

Great tag you made Jo and I like the effect you got on the little bird.
Have a wonderful time in Brighton, hope the sun shines whilst you are there and you and the grandees can get out.

Take care
Hugs, Neet xx 11

ria gall said...

thanks for the handy tip it is lovely how much crafters are prepared to share.
Your tags are lovely the face is so beautiful the way you have stamped it
Wishing you a really great WOYWW
Ria #73

pearshapedcrafting said...

Fabulous tags you've made there! Love the coppery look! Enjoy your trip! Chrisx

Laura said...

Love your bird tag.
Happy WOYWW, have a super week,
Laura 146

Caro said...

I love your recycling tip and the gorgeous tags you have made. Thanks for popping by my blog. Have fun with the Brighton Belles! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x #65

scrappymo! said...

Thanks fore thw Ikea paper roll tip!
Love yiur tags The make and take bird one has such a great look with that copper leaf tachnique!

Have fun in Brighton!

lisa said...

You look as though you've been having a lovely play this week, Jo. I've just bought some Ikea wrapping paper so will definitely be inspecting it for the inner brown paper!!
Have a wonderful time in Brighton, hopefully the sunshine will return for you.
thanks for stopping by earlier and your lovely comments. I do love my sewing machine, it has a lot of history attached and you are so right about why it is so heavy, I never thought of that!!
Hugs Lisax

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Jo
that is a great tip with the wrapping paper, I always keep the inside and have several stored up, but I hadn't thought of layering it. Love the tags, especially the one with the face.
Have a great week away, it's been lovely and sunny down here I hope it lasts for you. You might like to pop into C AND H we still have some great patchwork cotton in the sale (sorry about the advert!)

Twiglet said...

Great tips there Jo. It reminded me of when I was tiny and I used to save the paper that came inside the wrapper on a bar of soap - we must have been pretty hard up in the 50s - lol x Jo PS have fun with the B belles.

Anonymous said...

Lovely tags this week and I adore brown paper, always have. I kept all the wrapping from Di from that huge box of flowers that was on my desk the other week! Thanks for the congrats, I'm still really excited! The wool sounds fantastic! I wonder if you could make larger cardi's and then felt them into beautiful little jackets for the girls? Have a great time down South.

Brenda 114

cockney blonde said...

You're such a little womble (affectionately recycling). Will remember the tip about the IKEA rolls. Love what you've done with them, x

Francesca said...

Love your upcycled tags. Francesca #29

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Have a safe trip. Loving your beautiful tags. I recyle most everything at one point!! Some textures are just better than others.
Happy WOYWW and Enjoy your outing.

Hettie said...

What is it about crafters that we will try and recycle anything!!
I use the centres of tubes to help store my quilts!

Elizabeth said...

Great tags, Jo, and I'm going to have a bash at the technique used on the bird - it looks super. Great tip on for the Ikea wrapping paper inner - I wonder if it would work with the inner of my lesser wrapping paper :) Have a wonderful time with the Brighton Belles and safe journey. Elizabeth x #58

VonnyK said...

Those tags are so beautiful and using Ikea wrapping, very clever. That bird effect is fabulous.
Have a great holiday.
Von #62

Nan G said...

Have fun on your outing! Love the tag! Yes the face shows nicely. Love that bird technique too. Have a great week. Happy WOYWW! Nan 7

Di said...

Love those tags Jo - and have a safe rip plus a fun time in Brighton! Let's see if we can arrange for some sunshine for you! Hugs, Di xx

akilli melek said...

What great tags Jo, and a great idea to use the inside roll. I hadn't thought about doing that.
have fun down south
caroline #168

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love being able to use the "rubbish" to craft with. That Ikea stuff is such a good idea, and I love what you have created with them. xx Maggie #42

Cath Wilson said...

Lovely work, Jo - love that blackbird idea but your mica looks fab and has inspired me, too!

Enjoy the BBs - I'm sure you'll enjoy it xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy Very Belated WOYWW. Still going around a few blogs and trying to get comments published! I have several rolls of left over brown paper/card in the corner of my craft room. Comes in handy when packaging parcels, but will also try making tags with it. Ali x #40

Scrapcat 1 said...

have fun in Brighton, love the bird project you have done and a great tip about the wrapping paper inners.

Anne said...

Oooh! What a lot of lovely goodies to delight the eye! Super projects throughout your blog and the tags are stunning! TFS!

HeARTworks said...

Hi Jo! Lovely lovely texture on your tags! And what a funny picture of you and Neet! Aren't you FUN people (in capitals!) Thank you for your gift! How very sweet of you! A wonderful surprise!
Patsy from

Barb said...

Fantastic tags !!!
Barb in Texas