Sunday, 3 February 2013

Zig Zag cards at Vicky Stampers

We enjoyed a great fun day at Victoria Stampers, yesterday, where we did a couple of inky, painty techniques and then a couple of folded cards, thanks to Carol who was our tutor for the day. I didn't take many pics as I was too busy catching up with all my friends and I think I gabbed more than I crafted. I did, however, manage to finish this Zig Zag card. I am certainly going to experiment with all the ideas and make some more.
Here's AnnB's lovely butterfly version. 
 Pop over to LillyBo Quilts blog and see the update as some the lovely quilts are starting to roll in for this worthwhile project.
There are more to come through the week too.


Redanne said...

Hi Jo, both cards are beautiful, it is certainly a nice design of card and a bit different, I really like it. Thanks too, for showing my quilt! Hugs, Anne x

Annie said...

What beautiful cards Jo.
A x

sam21ski said...

They look great Jo, they also look very complicated too - lol

Glad you had a fab catch up day, does you good sometimes doesn't it!!

Hope everyone is well.

Sam xxx

mammafairy said...

Lovely zigzag cards. Very neatly done. Lots of possibilities there.

Ann B said...

Loved your card Jo and pleased with mine as well -nice to see it on your blog.
Ann B

Paul B said...

Well I gabbed too and wasn't half as productive as you. You designed some beautiful papers to convert into your ZigZag card. And I can see a hint of my favourite mosaic stamp in your design :) Of course i'm going to love it haha. Lovely to catch up with you, and it'll probably be another six months until we bump again lol. Like two ships passing in the night. Have fun. Pxxxxxxxxxx

Words and Pictures said...

Wow... never seen a zigzag card, and now two brilliant ones come along together!! Fab work from both!
Alison x

Gill Edwards said...

ive never seen one before either, they are a great effect. Good job

Gill x

Lee said...

Beautiful creations.i am going to have a nose and catch up with your posts next week.Am also doing my blog list again.Hugs xx

Linda Simpson said...

These are fabulous Jo, it was lovely to see you on Saturday.

Linda xxx

Di said...

Great cards Jo, and thank you SO much for the lovely cross (plus extras) which arrived yesterday. I'll be seeing Abi at the weekend and am sure she will be so pleased. Thank you again, hugs, Di xx

Gibby Frogett said...

Happy WOYWW Jo, thanks for visiting earlier. What a fabulous space for your sewing prjects and what a lovely quilt too - great cdolours. So in awe of all you talented people that can sew...happy crafting Gill x