Monday, 18 February 2013

Stitches NEC

We drove down to Birmingham yesterday to attend the Stitches Trade show, at the NEC, with Carol and Fred of Stampattack and had a really good, but tiring day there. Not as many demos on the stands as usual but we did think that the event was quite sophisticated in it's staging, which I really enjoyed. 
Carol braved through it cheerfully, despite having had an operation only 10 days ago, but she wizzed around happily in her motorised "turbo charged" mobility vehicle.

I loved the Sissix displays in so many different themes.

Everyone adored this paper peacock dress, which I think was also at CHA
 We had a chat and a laugh with Dyan Reaveley and watched her demo
 Love her giant polymer masks and stamps for journalling
Carol found the biggest owl ever
Amazing pieces of art from Andy Skinner
Last but not least we met up with lovely Leandra of PaperArtsy and snapped this pic especially for my dear friend Dolores. We're all colour co-ordinated!
 Leandra had finished demming and apologised that she didn't have any  samples for me to send to Dolores, as they'd all be given away.
I didn't see another WOYWW badge all day although mine was proudly pinned on. It was also good to see Jennie Artistic Stamper a couple of times. 


Dotty Jo said...

Looks like you had a great time! Jo x

Sheilagh said...

Looks like a great day out Jo:) All that lovely crafty stuff, it uyst have been a arty/ crafty version of heaven.

Sheilagh xxx

Helen said...

Great photos of the stands, how impressive they all look! I am loving Leandra's new products.... !

Annie said...

That all looks really fab Jo. Thanks for sharing.
A x

Cardarian said...

Ohhhh how lovely!!!! Thank you for the lovely photo!!! I am thrilled to bits!!! We must chat soon - let me know when you are up for it!!
Now I will go back and have another look at all your photos!
Lots of hugs and love

Paul B said...

Glad to see you had a great time at Stitches. I went on Monday and it was quite a quiet affair. Like you i was impressed with the Sizzix stand. Did you see neil's books on the Tando stand? I bet you'll want those :) Pxx

Angie said...

Wow ...the stands looked amazing ...and that peacock dress was beyond words. I have never been to a show like that ...are they all that amazing.
Just thought I'd add come you look younger in every recent photo will be in your teens soon lol xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

Looks like you had a great day. Well done on the badge, I'd wear mine too. Take care Zo xx

Twiglet said...

Looks like a great day out! I love your colour co-ordinated group pic! x Jo

Redanne said...

Oooh Jo, I would give anything to go to a show like that and have room to actually see people demoing! Loved that peacock dress, that is fabulous. Would love to meet Leandra from PA, she is so inspiring. Hugs, Anne x

Unknown said...

Looks like lots of fun and inspiration! The paper covered guitar caught my eye .... I love orange & pink :)

Gill Edwards said...

sounds like a great day was had by all, how does Dyan still manage to look so cool even with inky fingers

Gill x

Linda Simpson said...

Great photographs and thank you for sharing.

Linda xxx

fairy thoughts said...

Wow it looks like you all had a
fab day, I really should persuade our buyer to take me along next year. LOve the peacock dress.... gorgeous

Lynn Holland said...

That was a fabulous read Jo and it sounds like you had a great time. Lovely to see Carol up and around. That dress is fantastic . It reminded me of one on the front of a book I've got. I will send you a picture it's beautiful
Lynn xxx

Neet said...

Great pictures Jo, thanks for showing them to us. I never saw that dress and I did search for one (or two or three) and the owl - didn't see that either.
Love the photos especially those of Andy's. They have to be my favourites.

Thanks again
Hugs, Neet xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. I had a ticket for the event, but in the end decided that I couldn't cope with the long drive on the day. Next year! Ali x

Scrapcat 1 said...

glad you had a good time Jo, love the dress

Mariëtte said...

Hi Jo,
I was there too all 3 days... don't think I've seen you there :-(
Fabulous show!

Mariëtte said...

Hi Jo,
I was there too all 3 days... don't think I've seen you there :-(
Fabulous show!