Friday, 25 March 2011

Hats & Dolly Pegs

Craftwise, I haven't made much more than a mess of late, as I haven't felt in the mood, but whilst we were in Germany and during the journey, I did crochet these hats for my grandees. With so many tiny girlies in the family they will always fit one of them!
Sometime ago, someone (I think in America), wanted some of these Dolly Pegs. I bought these, quite cheaply in Germany so if it was YOU who needed them then please let me know. If more than one person applies I'll raffle them, but I can get more on my next trip!
More pics of Lueneburg, the picturesque town where we stayed. First the view from the balcony of our rented apartment, over the Aldstadt (old town)...
Below, the old church of St Michaels, in the old town, where Johann Sebastian Bach was a choirboy around 1700
Market day in the town hall square
Bicycles everywhere!
The Rathaus... (Town Hall)... it's history dates back to 1230 and the town's prosperity was based on the salt trade.
I love these statues and the little girl in the middle has her tongue out to catch the rain!
Down by the river
Everyone sits outside, Winter and Summer, but there are warm blankets provided with a different colour at each cafe.


Annie said...

Gorgeous photos of your vist Jo and those little hats are really lovely. I've been knitting little hats today too :-)
A x

Julia Dunnit said...

I love the idea of blanket provision at the cafes..that's perfect! I hope you've returned with some reassurance in your heart.

Twiglet said...

I love the little hats Jo. Annie has been knitting similar!! Your photos are lovely - everywhere looks so clean and inviting.

Dotty Jo said...

Pretty hats! great pics Jo, thanks for sharing, Jo x

Tuire Flemming said...

Beautiful sunny photos - as you saw, we got more snow! Not much, but we already had a lot... maybe after a month we can expect the Spring to come here!
Love Tuire x
(in Finland...)

olive said...

loving the hats and the town looks trememdous in the sunshine. hope you are both well...... hugs xx

Scrapcat 1 said...

such a pretty place and the sun was shining too! hope your little grandee is responding well to the treatment.

SheRar said...

Great photo's, lovely hats, hope your little drandee is progressing well.



cockney blonde said...

More cute little hats. Grandee Rose loves the one you made for her. Love seeing the photos too, x

lisa said...

I'm glad you've got home safely, Jo. Those little hats are lovely. I bet all your little girls look beautiful in them.
What a pretty place your family live in. The flowers in the market are lovely and you had great weather by the looks of it. We keep talking of having a holiday in Germany. It tends to be a place that gets overlooked but is very beautiful.
I hope your little Grandee is doing well. I think about her often.
Thanks for your lovely comments.
Hugs Lisax

Dragon said...

So glad you managed to get some crafting in, Jo, and were not too dispirited to leave... Positive vibes winging their way... That is a very picturesque little town and such nice weather... It has been nice here though... Been to NEC today... Got an interesting piece on my blog just now, and some kittens on Saturday if that would cheer you up!!
Love and light

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo beautiful hats :-) Beautiful pics too; love the idea of the blankets, though here we probably get far too much rain to adopt that idea.
Hugs anne xx

Dotpat said...

Love the hats Jo and photo's are fab as usual, you can but thos pegs here you know

olive said...

Jo... thanks for your support, yes i would love some wine gums. Maybe thats what I need to give me a boost!!!! hugs xxx

ps hope everyone is doing ok and your Grandee is responding. xx

Helen said...

What a beautiful place! I too love the ideas of the blankets at the cafes - what a wonderful idea! I bet it encourages business.

Diane said...

What pretty hats, Jo and wonderful photos! Looks like a great town to visit.
Diane x

Carola Bartz said...

Your beautiful pictures make me feel homesick.

cockney blonde said...

Hi there, I've put a link on my blog for the easel card, x

thekathrynwheel said...

Ooh lovely pics. I remember dolly pegs - I used to make dolls out of them when I was little!