Tuesday, 22 March 2011

WOYWW from Lueneburg

I'm here, in Germany, visiting my family and this is my "desk"... the apartment dining table, which looks out onto the balcony, where we are staying. We have spent quite some time shopping whilst my DD and her DH are unexpectedly back at the hospital with the little one so you can see some of the stash I've acquired. Shopping is good therapy! My fave craft shop closed but I found an even better one and they sell a great range of German stamps. I'm knitting to keep myself busy too and I plan to marble those eggs just like I saw being demonstrated at the craft shop. The rose plant and the Hundertwasser postcard was a welcome gift from DD's thoughtful inlaws. There's a lovely rooftop view, beyond the balcony, as we are two floors high, if only you could see a little more!
Call in on our wonderful leader, Julia's blog... stamping ground to witness an amazing range of so many more desks from all around the world and here is where I am this week....
Above, down by the river a really lovely spot..... below the special cart and horses will take tourist around this lovely picturesque historic town.


Neet said...

Lovely piccies Jo, I thought you said it was cold - must be cold but sunny. I also thought you were home now - shows what "thought" did. LOL

SheRar said...

Looks like a delightful place, I am so glad you have traced another Baxter for your grandee:)
Keeping her in my prayers.


Cardarian said...

Am am glad you went to Germany to be close to your family - even though you can't do much I am sure they are happy you are there! Lovely place Lueneburg!
Lots of hugs

Twiglet said...

Ooo those yarns look fab Jo. Hope all Ok there. Love to all - Jo

Annie said...

Lucky you to find such a craft store Jo. Look forward to seeing all the lovely things you make. My thoughts are with you and hope your little Granddaughter is coping with whatever treatment she is needing.
Hugs to all,
A x

Helen said...

At least you are in a beautiful place. I hope your granddaughter is being well cared for and getting all the treatment she needs, much love to you.

Cath Wilson said...

Hope you're feeling a bit better, being within reach of the little one, Jo. Glad you're finding something to enjoy, too. Love to Dave. x

Dragon said...

Been thinking of you, honey. Glad you have a replacement and can do a bit of crafting in those long moments between visits and supporting your family... take care and keep in touch, you know where I am

rach said...

What a beautiful place to stay. Hope everything goes well with the little one.

Zoechaos said...

The little one is home you say? have I read that right? Such good news. Wonderful for you and them that you can be there. XOXO Zoe

Scrapcat 1 said...

keeping you all in my prayers, looks like you are in a lovely place, hope little one improves really soon.

olive said...

at least the weather is looking good and you can get out and about..... loving the busy desk, looking colourful too. take care, love to all. hugs xxx

Dotpat said...

Lovely photo's Jo, hope you are getting to see the little one, our Kim spent weeks in hospital with Kaitlynn

Carola Bartz said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful town. I have been thinking of you and your granddaughter a lot. You are in my heart and I hope that the little one will be better - and good for all of you that you are closer to the family.
I love the color of the yarn, very rich and yummy.

donnalouiserodgers said...

Hi Jo,

glad you are keeping in touch with us, German 'craft' shops are some of the best, they take it SOOOO Seriously.....

peggy gatto said...

what a lovely spot!
hope you can enjoy your visit despite the circumstances.
thinking of you!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

What lovely picture. It looks like a beautiful place. Hope the rest of your visit goes well and the little one is soon recovering.

Caroline Hallett said...

nice yarns, and looks like a lovely place to be visiting. Happy WOYWW - Hugs - Caroline xoxo

Morti said...

A nice change of scene - pity about the little one being back in hospital. I did chuckle seeing the German buildings - I have house stamps that look just like them, coming from The Netherlands. Hope you have a safe journey home.

Unknown said...

Hope all is well with your family.
Nice to meet someone else from the North West.

lisa said...

I'm glad you are keeping occpuied while in Germany, Jo. Shopping is good therapy and it looks a beautiful place. I'm sure your DD is comforted to have you close. I think about you all often.
If you want something else to do with those eggs as well as marbling them, have a look at the gorgeous ones Michelle has done. Her blog is Midnight Crafter.
Take care of yourselves. Big Hugs

cockney blonde said...

What a picturesque town, pity you couldn't be there in better circumstances. Hope littl'un is doing OK, and mummy and daddy of course. Take care and see you soon, x

Julia Dunnit said...

Knitting in gorgeous colours of course! What a pretty looking town, and in the sunshine too. Know that your blog friends hold you and your darlings tight at the moment.

Anonymous said...

My prayers for you and your granddaughter. Lovely stash you acquired. Yes shopping is good during times like this.

jude said...

Looks beautiful place hunni .The wool looks goregeous too.Cant wait to see what you do with those eggs never tried marbling.Do hope things looking up at the hospital
.Thinking of you hugs judex

karen said...

I wish all my best wishes for you and you family. Good to hear that Twiglet found the bear for your grandchild! It looks beautiful there in Germany!
xoxo Karen

sandra de said...

Lovely view from the balcony. Must be such a comfort to your family to know that you are with them. So pleased to hear that twiglet found you the bear.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, yes you need to keep busy. lovely knitting yarn and looking forward to seeing the eggs ;-) Hope things are prgressing ok with your grandee though.
lovely pics, thanks.
Hugs Anne xx

Kirsty.A said...

What a pretty town. Supports my unscientific theory that any German town ending in burg or berg is worth a visit

The Crafty Elf said...

Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures with us. Don't you love the finding of a new store! Hope we get to see those german stamps. TFS

Anonymous said...

What a great desk! Please share images of your new stamps with us!
Thanks for sharing.

Sherry said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos - it does look like an amazing place.

All my best wishes to you and your family and especially your little one xxx

okienurse said...

Great workspace this week. I am sorry to hear your granddaughter is doing poorly. Hope everything turns out okay. Sorry I am so late making it around but last week was very busy. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162

Spyder said...

Lovely pictures Jo, and knitting! I haven't knitted in ages..years! Thanks for the very nice snoop!!
(((Happy Very Late WOYWW Lyn)))

Anonymous said...

I love seeing all of your photos of Germany Jo, they're really beautiful as are the ones of Brighton and Lewes too! Very sorry to hear about your little Grandee back in hospital again and what an awful thing for you all to have to endure. Life just doesn't make sense sometimes does it? How wonderful that Twiglet found her a new bear too! Very pretty little hats, it's good to have something to concentrate on.

Hugs to all