Tuesday, 1 March 2011


A first birthday card for my teeny grandee is is the only crafting I have done over the last week and above it is pictured, not quite finished, before we headed off to Brighton.
I just couldn't manage to get time on line to take part in WOYWW and I really missed seeing what was going on.
This week I have to confess to a new mess but with good reason.
I had good excuse messing up last week's tidy desk as I needed it to use as a dumping ground whilst a new shelf unit was installed for me by DH. Here below is my old  one which was so slim that all my ink pads kept diving off.
It was replaced by this new deeper unit from Ikea. I still have to organise it and fill it with all the items to be stored, but there is so much more room.
If you are intrigued by snooping on crafty messes on crafty desks then hop over to our leader Julia's blog, Stamping Ground to see many more.
All together now... aaaah! Here is the lovely reason I have been craftily inactive recently and what a joy it has been to share precious time with two of my gorgeous little grandees. We stayed in Brighton best part of a week then brought them up North to stay with us and I will really miss them when they return home on Thursday. The good thing is that soon I will also visit Germany to see my DD2, her DH and my other gorgeous grandee.  
These are the cutie cakes, with little gnome candles, made for the special teeny girl's first birthday last week. 
Stand by your desks as I'll be spying on as many of you as possible this week!


Neet said...

Love those cupcakes Jo and that photo of the two of them is delightful.

Love your new shelves - wow - those are fabulous - need to come over and see in person. Am so envious of your big craft room.

Anonymous said...

loving the colourful card - very striking.Enjoy your trip to see your family.

Annie said...

Love the new unit Jo. I can see one of my new desk tidies would come in really handy there today :-)
Don't forget to pop over to our shop and put your name down in the next gift draw.
A x

jude said...

Wow love your storage so worth the wait!Look fab and holds so much.As for the cupcakes adore the candles !never seen those before.
Please pop by i have candy on offer until 31st march.Have fab wednesday
hugs judex 35

okienurse said...

Very cute pics of the grandkids. Mine will be moving to the states sometime the middle of this year. I miss them all. Your work area looks very creative. I love the new shelving. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #49

rach said...

Love that new book shelf and a beautiful pic of the grandees, sound like you had a great week!

oneoff said...

Lovely picture of the grandees; they look so happy! Those gnome candles are fab.


Julia Dunnit said...

ooh new shelving - what will you do without flying inkpads! Beautiful pic, love that treatment.

Helen said...

What a beautiful visit I have had here today - so cute those little angels!! The cupcakes don't look half bad either. Bet they went down a storm; and lovely art to cap it all.

Scrapcat 1 said...

Love the pics Jo, if you pop over to my blog today you will find a little surprise for you!

Sue said...

Hi Jo
gorgeous card, luv the new unit, aww gorgeous piccie of them hun, have good day, happy WOYWW sue,x(31),

Dragon said...

Great desk, new shelves and especially your grandchildren... arn't they just the best thing ever!!!! LOVE mine and yours are adorable. Have a great week

minnie_mac said...

What a beautiful card. Love all these colours.

What a beautiful picture of your granddaughters.

And that new unit looks great and very practical.


Andria said...

Those cupcakes look delicious, making my mouth water lol. Happy new storage too!
Andria - 38

Sheila said...

Sweet grandbabies!

lisa said...

Your new shelves are looking perfect, Jo and I adore those gorgeous cupcakes.
I'm glad you're enjoying time with your family, that photo is beautiful. Enjoy your last few days with them.
Hugs Lisax

Dotty Jo said...

What a stunning card! Great post, so glad I dropped by, Jo x

Tertia said...

Aaaah, they are sre so cute! Lovely cup cakes!
That new unit looks great.

olive said...

Jo what a fab post, the grandees are gorgeous as are the cakes. I'm popping to IKEA in the near future, might have a look myself. Look forward to seeing you on Sat. hugs xxxx

Twiglet said...

Adorable photo of the tinies and those little candle on your cupcakes are brill. Enjoy stocking up those neat shelves.

donnalouiserodgers said...

Missed you too, will be posting in a bit - still waiting for the vid to load up, a PIF gift awaits - just need your addie (again again)


cockney blonde said...

What an adorable photo Jo. They are just the cutest little girls. Love the cakes btw. Glad you're getting some time with the grandees, x

The Crafty Elf said...

What an amazing picture!!! They are so beautiful you must be so proud. I'm so jealous of your work space - love it!

Charli said...

Wow, what a bright and funky card to open the post with - I love it!!

The photo of the little ones is stunning, so very beautiful!

And although I'm really not a fan of gnomes at all, those candles look so cute, standing in a whirl of yummy icing.

Charli x

Minxy said...

Great new unit, gotta love ikea, where would we all be without it lol!
Stay Inky
Hugs Minxy #11

Sherry said...

Your new storage unit is fab! I do so love anything Ikea. Glad you spent some happy time with your precious little ones.

Sherry (118)

shazsilverwolf said...

The new unit is great, and the cupcakes look fab Shaz #125

Angie said...

What a wonderful card ... so eyecatching for a little one ...and those cakes wow ... never seen anything like them before

Carola Bartz said...

Beautiful picture of the grandees, very very cute. Like your new shelf, what would we do without IKEA?

Dotpat said...

Brill Jo love your unit

Nicky said...

Love the new unit and the picture of your grandkids - Nicky running late this week - no 16

sandra de said...

Gorgeous photo, love the shelf and the cupcakes.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

great new storage! i don't blame you for not getting to craft so much. those grandkids are adorable!