Friday, 17 June 2011

Birthday Surprises & Blog Candy!

Tomorrow it's my birthday...and, I am really getting on in years, (multiply 3 x 9....add 8.....subtract 2... subtract the result from 100...EEEEK! YES! I really am THAT old... well check your maths to see if you get it correct tomorrow!) Even though I am of an age when I really don't want any more birthdays, they do make me realise how I am well blessed with good friends and family who do remind me and won't forget the date.
 The birthday has well and truly started! I have a basket full of cards and gifts, which have already arrived in the post, waiting to be opened tomorrow and a couple of days ago my friend Jayne treated DH and me to a lovely birthday lunch, a gift, and a great day out. Thanks so much Jayne.
Today my friend Neet, with her lovely fella Chas, drove over an hour each way to bring an amazing surprise for me. She had remembered something I said a few years ago about how I'd never had birthday cakes as a child so she decided it was about time I had a proper one. 
Pop over to her blog at Hickydorums for the full story and more pics.
Well, seeing this beautiful creation brought me to tears ... all hand made with every flower painted by Neet, just for me! I really don't know how I'm ever going to cut it but Neet showed me how the flowers can be removed in one corsage, which I will save, so the temptation of the yummy fruit cake beneath might just tempt me........ eventually! 
I also don't know how to say thank you enough to Neet, a woman of kindness and many talents...don't want to be too gushy but you must know how I feel... how would you feel? Well I feel more than that!
 THANK YOU for making me feel so, so, special.

Well the goodies can't all  go to me so remember, there's still time to stake a claim for 
my Birthday Blog Candy... 
full details on my side bar and on my 7th June post.
Lots more to win than in this pic go on, have a go! You know you want to .. just to make an old lady's birthday a happy one.
I wonder what's in all those packets and envelopes for tomorrow.... watch this space........


sam21ski said...

No way Jo, I can't believe that you will be 67 tomorrow!!! You certainly don't look that old (lol) and you are extremely activie. If I've got my maths right, well done to you for not acting your age - lol!!!!

Happy Birthday for tomorrow.

Sam xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Jo what a beautiful gift - that Neet, we WOYWWers know her as a giving and kind are lucky to know her better than most of us. I wish you many many happy returns - and enjoy the cake - Neet meant you to when she made it!

Annie said...

Hope you have a really special day tomorrow.
A x

Von said...

It's all this crafting that keeps you young :) have a VERY Happy Birthday tomorrow
Luv von x

minnie_mac said...

Wishing you a very happy day on your birthday.

That cake is spectacular. Enjoy !


Nikki said...

Have a fantastic BD :) and that's one yummy looking cake MMMmmm
hugs Nikki

Neet said...

It's early Saturday morning so popped on to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY - hope it is filled with all you love.

Hugs - Neet x x x

Dragon said...

Woo. Many happies for tomorrow!!!! I am in Venice just now with intermittent wifi but so wish you well... And thanks for making my day as I read your comment on my latest work... It means a great deal from you as you know what I feel about yours!!!
Much love and light bright sunshine

Twiglet said...

Happy, happy birthday Jo!! Hope you have a wonderful day. What a fab cake that is. Love & hugs. Jo

Dotty Jo said...

happy birthday babe - don't forget you are only as old as you feel! It was my birthday on Thursday, so many happy returns to a fellow gemini - hope you have the best birthday ever! Jo x

Hlora said...

Happy Birthday to you!! Have a nice day! Let's all dreams come to be true!
thanks for great candy)
I linked it on sidebar.
hugs. Hlora.

olive said...

happy birthday.... you deserve all special things Jo. lots of love and hugs olive xxxx

that cake looks amazing!!!!!!!

Annie said...

Have popped back to sing Happy birthday to you....just as well you can't hear me eh? Hope you're having a great day.
A x

Paul B said...

Happy Birthday Jo!!!! Have a fabulous day and enjoy your trip to Derbyshire xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cath Wilson said...

Happy Birthday, Jo! Hope you have a really special day, although I see it started early, lol. LOVE that cake! Isn't she clever? Hope it tastes as good as it looks - go on, spoil yourself! Love x Cath

lisa said...

Oh wow, Jo what a stunningly beautiful cake, how clever is Neet and what a lovely friend to remember what you said.
I hope you have a very special and Happy Birthday and are thoroughly spoilt, you deserve to be.
Hugs Lisax

Ann B said...

Hope you are having a wonderful birthday Jo - love the cake.
Ann B

Helen said...

Hope you are having a wonderful birthday - and enjoy the cake - what a beauty!

Cardarian said...

Oh I missed your birthday by one day but I do wish you all the best! VSE NAJBOLJSE ZA TVOJ ROJSTNI DAN (Happy birthday in Slovene)
Lots of love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,Sorry I know I am a day to late...I hope you had a wonderful day and hope you have been surrounded by loved ones and got spoiled!
And remember: age is just a number!
As long as you feel happy and healthy it doesn't matter what age you are.I love the cake they made for you,I bet it tasted delicious!
Greetings from Holland of Stempelientje.

Jingle said...

I hope your birthday was absolutely FABULOUS!!!!

Dotpat said...

Well Jo you were truly spoilt, that cake is fabulous, Neet really must of made your day

Anonymous said...

You have great sense of humor :)!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i remember seeing this cake in Neet's blog and thinking how lucky her friend was. so you are the lucky one! glad you have a lovely friend like Neet.

Carmen said...

No way. No way on Earth you are that age. Blimey - you look younger than me now! That's just not fair :D

Hope you had a fantastic day - it sounds like you did :D

Carly said...

Oh what a gorgeous cake ... I bet it tasted as lovely as it looks.
Took me a while to work out your age .. ha ha ha.... you look a lot younger and I had to double check my maths.
I'm glad you had a wonderful Birthday and that you spent it with special people.
Thanks for the chance to win some candy as delicious looking as your cake.