Monday, 22 August 2011

Altered Matchbox Swap

A few weeks ago I made an altered matchbox for a swap organised by Neil Walker and it was suggested that it contained something about yourself. I think Sarah, who should by now have received mine, has been away on holiday so I'm posting it in the hope that she will open the packet before she sees my post! I hope she likes it!
I really wasn't sure how to approach this swap and so I just made what I wanted to and the only other matchbox I have seen is so different but really exquisitely made by Neet of Hickydorums Blog. Take a's on Neet's post last Wednesday, 17th August.

I also added lots of tiny embellishments for Sarah to use as she wishes.
Inside are little matchstick flags with words that are so important to me and my family.

I was thrilled to be featured by Debbie and Paula on their 2gypsygirls blog on Friday when their topic was inspiration boards. (Debbie is the chief designer for 7gypsies.) 
They included my cupboards in my MAD HOUSE craft room, which many of you will already have seen via WOYWW, and if you take a look at their blog you'll see lots of other stylish, amazing display systems, all so much prettier and tidier than mine. Some look like a works of art in their own right! Anyhow....I can honestly say that I didn't tidy a thing before I took my pic and it is a well used work area! So that's my excuse!
There are so many treasures to be spied there......that lovely face painted by Donna, my dressform with the metal boobs by Liverpool Lou (Annie), a henna painted hand, a black and white pic of me aged 16 (when I was around a quarter of my present age and probably half the weight!)... 
What can you spy? 
There's a small blog candy prize for the first to tell me what is the item behind the penguin, just to the right of him in the picture?


cockney blonde said...

Love your matchbox art Jo, very original. As for the penguin, if its where I think it is then the item behind looks like either a wooden bowl or even a wooden bangle??? Who knows, lol, x

Jingle said...

That is absolutely amazingly awesome!!! I love it!!!

Ann B said...

My eyes must be going, I can't even see a penguin. Congratulations of being featured.
Love the altered matchbox, would never have believed you could get so much in such a tiny space.

Angie said...

Fantastic matchbox all the elements.

What penguin??? ah is that it? ... now could that be A WOODEN BANGLE to his right ?

donnalouiserodgers said...

I need my eyes testing, I can't see the penguin, let alone what's behind him, did spot 'my' face though...

I loved Neets altered mbox,and I love yours too, I hope Neil will do a gallery?

I think these matchboxes would make a fab love token from a women to a man...and vice versa


Hettie said...

Hey Jo! That matchbox is absolutely brilliant. Well Done! Lucky Sarah! What penguin?

sam21ski said...

Great idea for your matchbox Jo, love all those beads dangling from the bottom and the flags inside are a wonderful idea.

Hope you're keeping okay Sam xxx

Paul B said...

Such a beautiful example of altered art. And the fact that you included some bits and bobs for the recipient to use says the most about you. You are one of the most generous crafters I know of, always sharing your finds and treasures with others. Congrats also on being mentioned by the 7Gypsies girls. Well deserved. As for the penguin question, I thought the same as cockney blonde, so to say something different, i'll opt for the fact that it's deceptive in appearance and is in fact a cheese. Pxx

Neet said...

Love your matchbox Jo, not what I imagined when you described it to me over the phone. Thanks for mentioning mine.
Not sure I found the penguin but think I did - not got a clue what is behind it so am going to say "beeswax" although mine is not that shape at all.
Hugs Neet x

hazel said...

Fabulous matchbox Jo - I love all the bits and bobs that you've put in it.
If the penguin is what I think it is then I think it's a wooden bangle at the back of him.
xxx Hazel.

jude said...

Well i have to say after 10 mins of looking for a penguin think ive found him.I think little wooden bowl ,behind that a wee black book.Thats if im looking in right

Sarah Anderson said...

I LoVe it Jo, thanks so, so much. It arrived the day I was going away so sorry it's taken me so long to say thankyou! It's full of such personal meaning which I feel privileged to have shared with you, and I love all the different elements, especially the little flags and the fold out top to the interior of the box :)