Tuesday, 23 August 2011

A Closer Peek in the Making Room!

After the guesses to my question on my previous post I have had suggestions that the mystery item could be a bangle, a bowl or even (thanks for the laugh Paul) a CHEESE !!!Even a chamber pot thinks Alison CB!!! Nah!! All WRONG!
Here's a closer pic of the area including the item I want you to spot and identify. A small blog candy prize is waiting for someone lucky. 
 Now that I've given you a close up pic, if more than one person gets it correctly I will draw from the names.
This is the cheeky chappie that many couldn't even spot!
 During the Winter of 2009/2010 we had a penguin trail in Liverpool with big decorated penguins around the city centre streets. I bought a couple of little ones to paint and this little fella is a reject having been painted over 3 times and I still want to do him over again so he gets pushed around my craft room whilst he waits for a new top coat. Aaaah!
I've been enjoying a visit from the Brighton Belles... DD1 plus two of my three little grandees. Each morning the 4 year old want to go in to my craft room to play, as she calls it the Making Room so we made a sign to go on the door. My writing and her painting, stamping messing etc.
 The major project of the week.... a treasure box to contain special items that she can look at when she starts school soon. She decorated it entirely unaided other than my spoken assistance to suggest things she could do, each time offering choices such as the hand print. 
 We have already started adding items inside from places she has visited. She walked down Penny Lane and wanted to learn the song after her Mummy sang it to her. We stuck photos of our visit to Dinosaur World in Chester Zoo. She also learned the Worm song so the words are there and there is a blank album to add photos of family and friends when she goes home.


Paul B said...

Somebody obviously has the creative gene in them. Children have such confidence in their artistic self. And i'm sure you'll help her keep it alive as she grows. Px

Jingle said...

I love that penguin! You have me stumped on the item, though. It's not the right shape to be a pestle, and I think a nut bowl is just too easy! LOL! Is it a shaving soap container?

Von said...

You do have fun with your little ones Jo, making memories :)
The penguin is so cute and love those little mannequins
No idea what the mystery object is but it reminds me of the rabbits bowl lol
Take care
Von xxx

Twiglet said...

Looks like much fun was had by all!!

sam21ski said...

Awww what a sweet idea Jo. Love the hand print on the front.

Hope everything is okay your end.

Sam xxx

Ann B said...

Love the treasure box Jo, it's turned out really well.
Now I can see the penguin in all his glory - love him as he is but bet he will be even more beautiful when you have finished with him.
The mystery item looks like earthenware pottery so I'm going to take a wild guess at a sagger - always remember a contestant from the old Whats My Line programme who was a 'sagger-makers bottom knocker'