Tuesday, 16 August 2011

WOYWW 115 & NOT a Configuration!

After all my clearing and reorganising my room, new blinds, throwing out so much useless stuff, etc., I am still sorting out boxes and boxes and, whilst it looks way better, it still isn't there. Still a long way to go but here's my desk and I'm pleased that there are lots of strawberries on view.
Once again it's WOYWW... What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, once again joining in with the World wide viewing, spying, snooping, ogling, craft spaces round the globe courtesy of Julia at Stamping-Ground... why not pop over for an interesting nosey or join in and show us your desk too. Go on... you know you want to!!!
The Brighton Belles are here for a visit so I hope to get some crafting in with my eldest grandee, who is 4 years old. When she starts school, all the children have been asked to take in a "treasure box" so we plan to decorate one of these boxes, below, for her. The box will contain family photos and items of interest which are special to her so that if she feel sad or homesick she will be able to look inside for solace and comfort. It will also be an aid to telling other children and teachers about herself. It is a wonderful idea and will be as good making it as it will be using it.
Ages ago, long, long, before Mr T H started his Configuration Boxes I started to collect items to stow artistically in a printer's tray which I had decorated. When I saw Tim's I gave up, not just because they are excellent, but I thought everyone would think that I'd copied his idea.  I hadn't... I was just a little slow making mine! As I cleared out my room I found all this still waiting. I think it makes a rather interesting eclectic mess and who knows...maybe one day I will get round to doing something with it, but it's great browsing through the stuffed collection of bits and bobs, lying every which way, and waiting  patiently to be selected.
I found quite a few mini treasures around the place, amongst all the rubbish, including this paper flower that my fab friend Paul, of Artsiders Blog, made for me at the last Vicky Stampers workshop. He does them so beautifully and kindly gave us an excellent impromptu tutorial. Thanks Paul!
I love the little wooden bird stamp and the two black and white beads. The last two items nearly ended up in the bin!
This piece of paper was also rescued from the bin... a few priceless quotes I'd jotted down on a scrap which I now think are so worth sharing.
Shaz in Oz sent me this lovely thank you card, card topper and letter in return for sending her some Bakers Twine. Thanks so much Sharon it is really beautiful and much appreciated.
Ann B  won some blog candy from me a while ago but as she's been on holiday she only received it last week. Sooo today I received yet another lovely card ... Thanks Ann... beautiful colouring!
Thanks again for all your lovely comments last week.. all really appreciated.


akilli melek said...

love the idea of a treasure box. will you paint or decopatch it? hope you find cool stuff to put in like the flower too.
caroline #19

Sarah said...

What a great post and I love your growing collection of findings - go for it and do it JoZarty style...
Thanks for sharing your desk today. Sarah at 2.

Annie said...

What fun to find lots of lost treasures when tidting up :-) Love those quotes too.
A x

okienurse said...

Great looking desk! I think the treasure box is an awesome idea to make for your granddaughter to have at school. Four is so young but they are starting them to school young everywhere now. enjoy your time with the girls. Vickie

Helen said...

OOh, I love your printers tray! And your thank you gifts/cards are lovely. Have a good time with the Brighton Belles, decorating the box - what a good idea.

Dragon said...

Great stuff to ogle this week and I hope you have a great time with that box and your little one... it's a great idea as you said... have fun

Franka Benjaminsen said...

What a great idea to make a treasure box for these kids at school. When you have some photos and things in it it's easier to tell something about it. Love all your small treasures too. Maybe a good start for a TH treasure box? Or maybe you prefer your own design. Have fun and happy WOYWW.
Bye, Franka

Paul B said...

That's the trouble with clearouts - they take forever!!!! You're very good to stay committed. Love your box of treasures and trinkets. I want to pick up and touch everything in it. Those buttons! The Bobbin! The teacups! The birdhouses! Such an eclectic mix of vintage wonderment. Pxx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love the bottom comment on your scrap of paper - wish I'd read that when I was 20!! It's taken me years to suss it. The shot of your treasure box filled me with the desire to have a good riffle through it, my fingers are itching :) xx

AerynK said...

I really like your card with the scalloped frame. Very pretty.

Neet said...

First of all a BIG Thankyou for linking me (struggling with this in the hotel) secondly love your printers tray - and all your goodies. Have a great time and forget everything whilst enjoying your BBs

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah me and you both Jo - I have 4 printers trays at the ready, it seems a little over the top but there was a (gift) reason at the time!
I don't know Jo which I like best - the quotes you jotted down or your beautiful handwriting...would cheerfully cast all of those in rubber just as they are.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there dear kind Jo, thank you for the lovely twine, my first and only twine..and love the great ideas on this post - like the quotes, some read before but good to remind oneself! and great idea of the treasure box, and fun to make as you said happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

Ann B said...

So much to see this week Jo, not least all those bits and bobs in your printers tray. Reminds me of those games you play where you give someone 1 minute to look at a tray of stuff and then cover it up with a cloth while they try to recall as many of the items as possible. I got, Lucas light, spinning top, miniature candlesticks (love these), buttons... and then I forgot.
Enjoy playing with the Brighton Belles and decorating the treasure chest - a lovely idea for a school starter.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I gave up on organizing my studio. :) Too much stuff piling up. Cards look awesome!

Hazel said...

Love the idea of the box - happy crafting - Hazel WOYWW #65 x

Anonymous said...

You've unearthed some great treasures there Jo, your room must be like an Aladdins Cave! Great quotes you've written out, I love quotes, so inspiring. Have fun crafting with the little ones.

Brenda 80

Jingle said...

Oh, that box of goodies is so fabulous! My Mom kept a shadow box printers tray on her wall for years with little doo-dads! I have always loved compartmental trays like that!

dianneo said...

Just blog hopping WOYWW...have a great week!

ScrappnBee said...

Crafting with the grandee will be a blast! Love the treasure box idea! The bits that you have collected are totally cool! I am so looking forward to seeing how this turns out! Thanks for sharing your WOYWW! -Amanda

Tertia said...

All those strwberries, WOW! It took me 3 days to clean my room, but it was so worth it!
Lots of lovely thing you recieved.

donnalouiserodgers said...

ooohhh my fingers are itching, I am driving Niall mad counting days and hours...


Jona Panesa said...

loved your treasure box! the cards you got are gorgeous!

The Crafty Elf said...

JO...I had to sit back in my chair for a minute after reading your post, awesome!!! That little treasure box? Fabulous idea!! What kind gestures from those who are thankful of your generosity! Now, those quotes.....POWERFUL to say the least. Sidenote - You have lovely handwriting as well! Last but certainly not least....lovely clean desk!

Angie said...

Love the quotes ...glad you rescued them and shared them.
The memory box is a wonderful idea.xx

Ohhh Snap said...

I'm thinking making the memory box will be another great memory too :D. Those little striped beads are lovely, so glad they didn't wind up in the trash. I'm sorting things too, just a lot slower lol. Happy WOYWWs! #89

Elizabeth said...

Great to see so many strawberries this week. Love the printer's tray and all the bits and bobs in it - the words of wisdom are just wonderful and worth keeping. The box of treasure for your grandee is such a good idea - clever of the teacher to think of it. Enjoy the busy time you have ahead (read about it over on Dragon's birdcage post). Elizabeth x #70

sandra de said...

I love the idea of the treasure box and children always find the most memorable things that have meaning for them. So special. Best of luck with the cleaning and tidying it always results in lots of surprises.

Hettie said...

Wow there is lots to look at today. Lovely quotes too. Do you change your cloth when it turns to Autumn and then Christmas?
You are mentioned on me blog this week to say thanks for the twine!
Still no internet so I have resorted to staying in lunchtime so I can play catch up with you lovely ladies. I cannot believe I have not been able to go on blogs since Monday - besides not being able to shop!! Arrrrgh!!

Twiglet said...

I love the treasure box idea - what fun you will have making it and how good for that youngster to be able to share all her "special" bits and bobs with her school friends. I wonder what you will put in.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, I look forward to seeing the printer's tray completed. If people choose to think you just copied TH once you've said you thought of it before he brought his config boxes out I woudn't worry about it - some people are always negative. People can come up with the same idea totally independent of each other. After all I invented the Craft Robo - well not the actual CR but before I'd heard of it I had thought it would be fantastic to have a machine that could cut any shape you wanted but obviously I wouldn't know how to go about actually making one but knew that somebody could! hehe
Anne xx