Tuesday, 9 August 2011

WOYWW 114 in Pandemonium

Last week's big clean up was all in vain as today we totally messed it up but.... it was to make it even better. Pandemonium! What a palaver! For ages I realised that I could be enjoying the view of the garden, whilst I crafted, but the old blinds were falling to pieces and I couldn't reach the cords to open and close them so they remained permanently closed and so I crafted in fluorescent light. This week DH treated me to new vertical blinds for the windows and a roller blind for the door but it meant that I had to empty all the shelves for the job to be done.
Here's the finished result and wasn't it worth it? I now have another good clear workspace, super daylight light, and a view of the changing seasons.
Here's the before picture
This is the view I can now enjoy, photo taken before the new blinds were fitted. Look at all those apples on the tree to the left! 

 Below is my central round desk, with plenty of strawberries on view,before we started clearing the shelves.
Now it's heaving with so much stash from the shelves and window ledges which I will, hopefully, clear tomorrow along with all the boxes I've shoved in the garage. Only one tiny bit of strawberry in the bottom RH corner.
Have I no shame... why do I expose my crafting space for all to spy on and criticise or praise, as preferred?
Hop over to Julia's blog at the Stamping Ground and all will be revealed..... by around a hundred other brave souls nutcases who do likewise, just for fun.

I've received some lovely treats this week, tickets and card from Sam, vintage lace plus a lovely ATC from Helen, in swaps for Baker's Twine!  I love the cards Helen used to present the lace. 
Lovely treats... big thanks to you both.  
Thanks also go to my good friend Neet for these giant beads (for me to alter, maybe alcohol inks and all that) and two gorgeous teeny weeny bird cages, complete with teenier weenier birds inside.
We are looking forward to the Brighton Belles visiting (DD1 and 2 grandees) next week to brighten our lives for a week, but this week brings a little relief to our family as my grandee in Germany has completed the first intensive phase of her chemotherapy. Still a way to go but it will be kinder for her over the next two years of her treatment and management. 
Check out my previous post to see her long awaited Bloomsy Bead on her Bravery Necklace and the Smiley Face Bead waiting to go on for her 2nd Birthday, 13th August. I'm so proud of her, and her parents too, for getting through this difficult time. 
Thanks to everyone who has already visited and for all your lovely, caring,  comments. 
At last I'm ready to book my long awaited flight to see them.


Angie said...

Those blinds make such a difference ...you are really going to enjoy what will feel like a new room. Those cards the lace is wound on are fantastic ...old hosiery wool or nylon cards ...I remember my Nana and Mum both repairing stockings ...how life has changed ???for the better.xx

okienurse said...

Awesome workspace especially now with all the light! Love the windows! I have been on again off again changing craft space to another spare room but...it is so much work. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Jo! such delicious things there and do so love your new view of work place super apples there what fun to be had here in days ahead pray best for your dear little grandee, love Shaz in Oz.x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This will be a super space when you get it all sorted out. I really like the view, too. And I enlarged the photo to see the apples. Nothing to do with art, but it made me hungry. Have a great WOYWW.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely view from your window - what a beautiful garden you have. I'm envious of the apples, am going to get some espaliered apple trees to grow along my back fence with some birthday money from my Mum. But the best news is about your grand-daughter, what a fighter she must be. Long may her recovery continue xxxx

Sarah said...

so much loveliness here today...theblinds are fab- enjoy the light and view!
looks like a great space with lots of crafty fun and discoveries going on!
I also have a Dutch pretties parcel giveaway on my blog today if you fancy some colour!
Thanks for sharing your WOYWW desk today,
Sarah at 3

Sunshine Girl said...

Wow those new blinds have really made a difference havent they bet you cant wait to sort out and get creative again! Glad the family are all ok. Thanks for sharing.

Helen said...

I love your new look! Hope you enjoy creating in your improved surroundings. Have a great time with your DD's and continued best for your grandee!

Dragon said...

Poo... blogger just lost my comment!! I think I said - what a lot of fabulousness here this week... so pleased to hear your little girl is going well, hope it is ok for her and her parents... what a great view and what a shame to have covered it so long... now you have some real light breaking through... have a great week.. Don't forget my swap

Paul B said...

It may have been pandemonium but it sure was worth it as you say. What a wonderful view - and they say green is a creative colour - so your being visually inspired as you now craft away. My space is more like your 'before' picture. I have a shower curtain in front of my window so that I can't see the miserable grey street outside. Trouble is, it dulls the light it lets in. Oh to have the garden to look out of when I'm feeling crafty. Can I move in with you haha? Pxx

Annie said...

Those new blind look really fab....I bet you're thrilled with the new outlook.
A x

Neil said...

Thanks for sharing your space this week and I hope the rest of your week goes well! Brilliant to see your garden while working. I'm sure it will inspire you loads. Worth the upheaval!

Jona Panesa said...

messy or not, it looks so much fun in your area.

Sue said...

Hi Jo
well worth all the effort, lovely view from the window & fab light,great space,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Cardarian said...

I will send an email to you but I want to say here that I am really happy your grandee is doing well! Also I love your new craft space and all the changes you have made - looks really lovely! Your post is full of interesting things so a pleasure to read! I hope you are safe!
Lots of hugs,

Jan Hennings said...

Your new blinds look great and what a nice, bright area to create!

Anonymous said...

What an utterly amazing transformation and such an incredible view.
Hugs Joanne xx

akilli melek said...

Wow what a transformation and what a nice view to craft to as well.
caroline #83

Julia Dunnit said...

Gracious it's like a whole new room - and the view is gorgeous - how inspiring! Good works Jo!!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, what a difference those blinds make - being able to see out of the windows will be an added pleasure, although, in my experience, it can be quite distracting too ... I love watching the antics of the birds at the feeder in my garden :) So glad to hear the news concerning your grandee ... another mountain climbed and hopefully her health will now continue to improve. Love the smiley bead. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #60

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news for your little Grandee and her family, hope you get to see her soon. Lovely "new" workspace today, that's what it's going to feel like to you I bet. I like crafting by the window and looking out at the trees and the deck, can be a bit distracting at times, lol!

Brenda 73

lisa said...

Your new blinds look great, Jo. What a transformation and how lovely to be able to look at your garden while you craft.
I bet you'll be beating a path to the travel agents door!!!
Hugs Lisax

Ann B said...

Can't see the apples - maybe someone scrumped them before I got here - but I do like your magnificent fuschia, we have one like it but only half the size. You will have to watch out now with that lovely view that you don't spend all your time gazing out of the window.

Ali said...

ooh your room is looking lovely! Am feeling guilty now... I really really *really* need to completely clear my desks so that DH can get to the window to put up blinds (and clear all the junk off the windowsill, which I could then use for displaying projects) but it keeps not happening somehow! ;)

Thanks for sharing - and best wishes for your grandaughter.

Ali #66

Theresa Plas said...

Awesomeness view that I can see is giving you lotsa inspiration! Great studio Jo!

Tertia said...

Messy? Where? All I see is creative beauty!
Enjoy that view!

Yogi said...

F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. That is soooooo worth the effort. It's so good for the soul to be able to look out, regenerate and find a peaceful balance, and then create again. I have a really hard time if I don't have a window. thanks for the glimpse. Have a great day

donnalouiserodgers said...

YAY YAY YAY happy pahhy dance, goosebumps and tears,


that;s the important thing...

I still haven''t got skype reloaded - but we could do facetime mac to mac - you can use my email address - the line is open...or let me know which email address you use for facetime and I'll call you

Niall is back from a (traumatic) London job in half an hour so it might be best to make the call tomorrow...

famfa said...

Lovely new improved workspace. So much nicer to work with a view. I'm sure you'll get plenty of inspiration looking at all that nature.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I love your new space. So much light coming in from the windows. :) Lots of goodie on your desk, too. Thanks for sharing.

Jingle said...

So many fun goodies! Isn't that what cleaning up is for? To create a new, fun mess!!!

marjoleincreatief said...

Oh my, THE vintage lace!!!! It is gorgeous!!!! And what à space you have, keep THE view not THE clean desk ;-)

Greetings, marjolein

Anne said...

Hi there and thankyou for visiting my desk. Your room looks great and such a wonderful view as you craft away. I have to use the one end of a sparebedroom and it is away from the window- which is high up anyway but would like the light from it. Have to keep it as a bedroom though as my grandsons live in Leeds and come to stay - which I love.
Sorry to read that your GD has been so poorly but good to know that things are improving.
Love Anne x

Linda said...

You have a great workspace and a lovely view. Enjoy it and working in natural light!

Simple homemade living said...

Wow you are busy!! I love sorting out my craft room I get inspired along the way.

laura # 59

Unknown said...

You have a delightful blog and the studio looks great; lots of light. The cards further down on the blog are fantastic.
Is grandee used normally in England, or is that your pet name for grand children?

HeARTworks said...

Great of your husband to give you those classy blinds! Thanks for the peek into your craft space!

Larisa said...

Very nice craft corner! I wish I had the same in my home)))
Nice photos!

Mrs A. said...

Of course you do realise that the paparazzi wil be able to snoop in via your windows now!!! Norm says HI. He is getting quite a following already. Hugs Mrs A. & Norm. #85