Sunday, 7 August 2011

Mini Slide Mount Book & the Bloomsy Bead

Had another great day yesterday at Vicky Stampers where Carol of stampattack took the workshop and we did a flag tag book and a mini slide mount book. 
As always we had great food thanks to the birthday girls Gill and Mandy and great company. Paul showed us how to make some yummy paper flowers too. 
As usual I never finished my projects in class but I did finish the mini book today.......
I added a 50p coin to the picture to give an idea of the size.
I added extra pages to the original sample.
We are having an Open House Fun Day on the first Saturday of September at Padgate Community Centre where we meet. There will be an exhibition of our last year's samples from our workshops, Make and Takes, Free Refreshments and a chance to meet the group and see what we do. If you are interested in coming along just email me for full details but I will mention it again nearer the time.

A Special Day for our Family
I just have to share the wonderful, joyous, news that today my little grandee has, at long last, finished the intensive phase of her chemotherapy successfully and will now move on to a gentler management programme of just tablets and fewer hospital trips over the next two years. She really has been the bravest star, and supported by her amazing parents and, of course, the hospital team, she has come through with lots of smiles despite it all.
Not forgetting that thanks must also go to the B team of Baxter and Baxter Mk2, Charlie & Lola, Pepper Pig, Shaun the Sheep, et al, who helped to keep her happy.
The final treasure... the Bloomsy Bead has been added to her long string of bravery beads... one for each procedure during this difficult period. You can also spot a yellow bead with a smiley face which will be added on 13th August for her 2nd birthday. 
I am so pleased, grateful and thankful that part is over at last. 


Martina said...

This is incredible, dear Jo! I love everything about it.

Sheilagh said...

Oh I am so pleased to hear this news Jo, she really is a brave star. Hope the next two years take her on to full recovery.

I was hoping to get to there yesterday, but yet again circumstances prevented me. I will make a concerted effort to get to the Open Fun Day in September. Hopefully will will have had some answers about my husbands eye by then.



Annie said...

Oh Jo that is the best news ever. I have tears running down my face here now :-) I am so thrilled that that gorgeous little poppet has finally got her Bloomsy bead. What an achiemement. Big hugs and lots of love for all the family.
A x
ps you've made my day :-)

Angie said...

I want to say i was so pleased to read that the end of the worst stage of treatment has been and your family must now feel a little reduction in pressure and an increase in happiness.I am so happy for you.

I love that little book ...I am sure I have some slide frames ...somewhere.

Twiglet said...

So glad your little one has reached the end of the beginning of treatment. What a lot of beads, bless her. All our love and good wishes for the best possible outcome. x Jo

Cath Wilson said...

Lovely news, Jo. You must all be so pleased. Let's hope she can get on with just being a little girl for a while now and doing what little girls do, without any interruption. I pray she stays well. Love the idea of the beads :-) xxx

famfa said...

Your mount book looks great. Glad your grandee has got through that tough time and is still smiling.

Paul B said...

Hurrah for the good news! You'll soon be able to see her and give her a huge hug too. The slide book is beautiful. love those vintage images and the seaside theme. The shells are a lovely textural touch. Pxx

Von said...

What a yummy little book you made Jo :) and so many beads she sure is one brave little soul
Take care
Von x

Julia Dunnit said...

Marvellous marvellous news Jo, a huge relief for you all and a break for your darling baby..good lord how she has endured. Am sending love and goodness vibes for an easy and trouble free management programme that will ease her away from this pernicious disease.

What a great idea the open day is...wish I lived near enough.

sam21ski said...

Oh Jo, I'm so pleased to hear your news about your grandee

Still thinking of you all

Sam xxx

hazel said...

I'm so pleased to hear the good news about your grandaughter, it must be a great relief to you all.
I love your mini slide mount book.
xxx Hazel.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, love the mini book :-) The open day sounds great fun but as we're planning on going to a show at the Great Yorkshire Showground that weekend and more than likely the Saturday it looks like we'll have to give it a miss.
So pleased your grandee is over the more intensive chemo programme.]Hope you and OH are ok ;-)
Anne xx

Lee said...

Love your blog,always sooooo interesting n inspiring.Can imagine your happiness at the wonderful news about you little grandee.Hugs xxx

Diane said...

I'm just catching up, Jo but that's such wonderful news. The whole family must be very relieved.
Diane x

lisa said...

Your mini book is gorgeous Jo, a tiny work of art!!
And what wonderful news. I'm so happy for you. I can feel your joy from here. Fingers and everything else crossed that the worst is finally over. What a brave little star she has been.
Love and Hugs Lisax

Unknown said...

I am so happy to hear the news about the little one. Best wishes to all of you.