I have sweltered long and hard today to try to sort out, clean, tidy and generally organise my craft room. All together now... "Aaaahhh!" and a round of applause too would be appreciated!
It really was getting out of hand after a marathon of crafting last week (will show the evidence soon) and, although I cleared the desk so I had space to work, it wasn't good to know that there was so much lurking around that should be in the bin. I filled quite a few bin bags!
Here is the AFTER photograph, YES!! "AFTER" I had cleaned and tidied all day... 9am to 6pm... I bet you thought I was going to say it was the "BEFORE" photo... how very dare you! Well...I must admit that it doesn't look as though I've toiled all day to get it to this moderate state but I can tell you that it is organised, clean and smells, well reeks, of floral disinfectant.... all the work surfaces, floor, sink, so much tidier than before. I just never thought to take pics before I started so you'll just have to trust me..... would I make this up?
You can't complain as there are vast areas of strawberries to be seen on that thar desk!
Now if I have intrigued you, and if you enjoy noseying here then, you'll love it if you visit our Number 1 Leader Julia at the Stamping Ground Blog where you can whizz around the globe and see the Wonders of the Work Desks of the World which are exposed every Wednesday.
This side still needs all those baskets sorting then I'll have a second work space... maybe tomorrow!

I found another cute little children's sewing machine beneath the accumulated mess and I left the Baker's Twine out so I'd remember to ask if there is anyone out there, who asked for a share, who still hasn't received it. I sent out about 20 wraps and I became confused (it's not hard!) and I think some people received 2 packets and some were missed out. Please shout out if you are still waiting. As you can see the roll has hardly diminished!
Here's the reclaimed sink I rescued from a skip... great to mess in and to keep all the inks, dyes and paint out of the kitchen. Lots of ATCs in my door hanger and my Vagabond handy on the shelf. Still hanging on to my little green machine just incase Mr V packs in on me. All those reports of returns worries me.
Big sigh! A wonderful sight to see the floor beneath my desk so tidy.
I can't guarantee it will look like this for more than a week but I'm raring to get crafting in there. Now let's see if it kick starts my mojo... watch this blog!
I take my hat off to you ...well I would if I had one ...what a job....and in all this muggy weather. I love your space ...and a sink too ...must be great to create in.
Wow, loud applause from Oz, Jo!! and my lot of bakers twine has arrived thanks muchly and the gorgeous tag too... have emailed you... thanks so much! now I cant get over several things 1. you actually have a sink in your craft room how awesome is that!! 2. and also the colours... look at that carpet so bright and cheery, now I am used to strawberry cloth, but that carpet tis another thing or maybe a mat? Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x PS love the little sewing machine sooo cute..
hello, Jo, i enjoyed my visit today. as long as the strawberries are in sight, it surely is an after picture! any cleaner and there wouldn't be anything to admire! your little sewing machine reminds me of one i had when i was young. i'm sure it is somewhere in my mom's house or in my attic. and i love your matching striped chair seat and floor cloth!
You are SO impressive. Come help me unpack boxes (grin). Actually, I enjoyed seeing all your space. It gave me a sense of the entire area, not just the strawberries or sewing area. You did great. I look forward to seeing even more soon. And that sink is perfect for dyes and such, while the ATC "wall" is very inspirational. I see you are really organized.
I love everything in your craft room and now you show us your kitchen sink. What a wonderful, practical inclusion in your craft room, it cannot get better than a kitchen sink.
thanks for the crafty snoop...hugs kath xxx
LOVE that rug... wow, tis lush! Tidying for so many hours? Yep, am used to that lol A sink in the craft room is now what I need... mmmm, gonna have to put my begging face on lol BTW There's a giveaway on my desk today ;O))
ooohhh can't wait to play...I have made a purchase, I was hoping to have it on my desk today but it is at the post office awaiting collection - I upgraded the Mac whilst I was migrainous and now I can't find skype ( think I have to redo all my download freeware again, but will at some point in the next five days get organised....then again we could use facetime?
You have been very busy getting so organised you deserve a treat! Hope you have a good day.
Great job on the craft room Jo. I was nodding away with recognition as I read your post. My own craft space is screaming out to be tidied up. I'm going to have the bite the bullet & take inspiration from you & set a day aside to have a really good clear out. And I'd happily have a little of the twine if you're going along on Saturday, if you bring some along :) I love using it in my embellishments etc. Hope you're resting now after your efforts and enjoying your cleaner craft space :) Pxx
Well done you for the big tidy up. I can imagine lots of fun going on in your space cos you have so much fab stash to play with :-)
A x
Gosh you had along day tidying ,but have to say looks lovely.Adore your rug those bould stripe colours.Hope your craftroom says tidy have fab creative week
hugs judex
Oh well done you ... you have been SO busy. You put me to shame... my desk is often reasonable, and this week I had enough room to put down my gridle, but the rest of the room is vile!!! Yours is wonderfully full of stuff!!!
I remember those 'strawberries ' being one of the very first woyww desks I visited waaaayyy back when I first started visiting!! Clever you for tidying up, PLEASE come and do mine for me!! Lovely crafty stuff, all looks so good to me!!
At least theis week, so far touch wood, I've been opening the comments box first time!! have a great crafty week Happy WOYWW!
Well done you!!! great job! I keep putting my big tidy off, my excuse to wait now is that I'm looking for some more storage so there's no point tidying 'til I have that to tidy into!! :o) Looking forward to seeing your creations made during your crafting marathon!thanks for sharing.
Well done, Jo - that is quite some clean up. I love your stripey rug - very cosy and nice colours - and that is quite some big roll of twine.
Julie :o)
Thanks for sharing and its lovely to see the strawbs too! great idea for a re-claimed sink too!
I LOVE your room! It looks like the set from a children's tv programme - and I mean that in the nicest possible way, lol. All those gorgeous bright colours, such a cheerful space! I seem to have missed out on some goodies - were you giving the twine away to all and sundry? Would you like to swap for some vintage nylon lace my mother dug out of a cupboard? Do let me know if you're interested. Oh, and a huge round of applause for all the tidying.
Helen S
So tidy, and on a hot day as well you deserve a big treat. I love that stripey rug as well
That's huge clean up! You did a great job! I love the colorful chair. :)
You have been a busy little bee Jo. Hope you've not worn yourself out for Saturday, lol. I wonder whether you will have messed your room up by then, lol. BTW love the matching rug and cushion, and the sewing machine is adorable, x
Thats a great space to play in - what a huge effort to get it all sorted - well done you! My room is tidy today (thats cos I have been sewing in my dining area for a change - now the rest of the house is a mess!!) happy crafting. x Jo
Your space looks fantastic!
Ooo wow! Looks fantastic - well done. So when you coming over to do mine? Kim
Well done for all the tidying - doing that makes me work better, I know that for sure! LOVE that photo of you and Neet, lolol, Julia and I hooted when we saw that this morning!! Thanks for dropping by, have a good week :D xxx
What a great post, though just for a minute I thought I was looking at your kitchen and I was sooooo envious - would love to craft in my kitchen and, but for my husband, I would! You have a great crafting space. Elizabeth x #73
Can I tempt you with chocolate and craft things? It is only a small space...LOL!
A whole day of slavery? The mojo pay off will be worth it AND you need supplies to make the kind of beautiful work that you do Jo. Lovin' the sink in your craft space too...and the rug...and the color! Inspirational.
I think you space wonderful. I adore all the colors and designs. Nice to have a sink in your area too.
WOW! *Applause* Your room looks great! I love it! The colors are so happy and vibrant! Great space! Thanks for sharing your WOYWW! (and we won't tell when it gets messy again!) -Amanda
What a tidy tidy-upperer you are, can you come and do mine now? Love the rug:)
Hoping blogger takes my comment.
Wow that is a BIG clearout. I would have been too tempted to sit down and craft with something I had found if it were me!
Thanks for your comments. The Spanish one is a bit funny - there is allegedly Spanish in my Hubby's past but I have yet to find it!
Funny you should ask about the twine, I was wondering if you fancy a swap - I have some old old bus tickets which I am willing to swap you for the twine - please!!
Sunshine and happiness shows in this space! Love all the ATCs on the doors. #92
Oh what a fab space!! I love all your goodies...so much fun to sift through and be inspired. I seriously need to go through all my stuff...but I won't...not yet anyway!
Happy Day!
Awesome looking workspace this week. I love all the work you do and give you a high five and all the applause you would need! I always like it when my space is neat and I don't know why it won't stay that way...well kind of don't know the reasons behind why! Thanks for sharing. Vickie
Thanks for the peek. Isn't it nice to have a tidy area again. I love doing that after a project so I can mess it up again... BIG GRIN Have a great day
((clap clap clap)) You've done a marvelous job Jo! Your work area is awesome and I wish I had a sink. Maybe not cause I'd probably fill it with stuff. That wouldn't be good. Happy WOYWW :D
Loud applause going on here, Jo. You have been busy and in the high temperatures we've had this week too. Your room looks amazing and I adore that colourful carpet!!
Enjoy creating havoc again!!
Hugs Lisax
In my world any clear space on a green self healing mat means it is POST CLEAN! Lol!
thanks for popping by earlier
caroline #55
So loving your craft area, its full of crafty inspiration every where. Kezzy x
It’s always very satisfying to have a really good clear out isn’t it Jo, just having everything in its right place even if it only last’s for an hour or two. Lol!
Thanks for dropping by my blog this week, your messages are always appreciated.
Happy Crafting!
LOL - I envy you all that space and light! I'm about to move into a 15th century thatched property, and as you well know, they're not known for big windows and natural light... oh well, never mind!
Thanks for stopping by!
Oh my gosh what a fab room.My room is soooo small lol,and looks a complete mess most of the time.I just don't get time to tidy !!!! Hugs xx
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