Tuesday, 6 March 2012

WOYWW 144 & Sandwich Board Card

I was going to pretend that I had suddenly managed to become exceptionally, never before seen, tidy by just showing this desk. It is a new desk but it's soon going to be our new computer desk when the very nice man from Virgin installs a new connection tomorrow. Doesn't it look inviting and don't you think it would be so good for crafting???..... I'm sure I'll be decamping to it now and then. 
We are clearing out our small bedroom and changing it from our little office/ computer room to a bedroom for our little grandees. They are growing so quickly that they'll soon be out of their cot beds and into grown up beds.
This, perfect bargain find from a charity shop, is all set to be our new computer base in the dining room.
 Here's the real thing, the regular one, my stainless steel wonder desk, in my own room and I love it and must admit I won't forsake it! Not much going on there right now as I did all my crafting before the weekend for my workshop Saturday. 
On behalf of WOYWWer Carol, thanks for all your kind comments wishing her son well and I'm pleased to say he's home and improving every day.

"Why, Oh, Why?", I hear you say, "are you showing all this???".... well... just call in on our lovely Julia at the stamping ground, like so many do every week, for the maddest blog hop on the WWW. Don't miss all the fun!

Sunday I went to the Leigh "Sincerely Your's Show" run by Oyster Crafts and it was such a friendly show, well worth attending. 
Still some of my acquired stash is there on my desk waiting to be tidied away after I drool over it a while longer.
Here's the rest of all I never intended to buy.
Here are some of my samples from Saturday's workshop. We made a couple of projects and this one, whilst an old idea and so simple, is very effective and proved popular. 
It's a sandwich board style card with a centre panel slotted into the top which swings. 
It can be made any size as long as the lacy top is wider than the insert so it hangs on the top edges. 
The insert must hang about 1 cm shorter than the card (when closed) to allow it to swing freely when open.
It's an opportunity to make good use of die cutters and decorative border cutters.
This little cutie below is from my stamps of children "Freckles" I designed for stampattack. There is also a plate of quirky little girls called Tatty Heads.

I love this image from Crafty Individuals and we used an old technique to age the focal point picture. The image was stamped then clear embossed with 2 or 3 layers. It can then be cracked by carefully bending it about. A vintage colour ink pad was smudged over into all the cracks and crazes and, when the excess is rubbed off the surface, it looks like this ....
Side view of one in progress.
I recently read an article that pointed out, if you make a crochet square each day, then over a year they will all make up into an Afghan throw. Lately I've knitted so many scarves so, with the approach of Spring, I needed a change and decided to embark on this project for my "mindless" crochet or knitting. I always have something easy to do whilst travelling or sitting in waiting rooms, or watching TV. 
In 5 days I have made 29 x 4inch squares.... it should be at least one huge Afghan by the end of the year!!!
I must say how chuffed I am to have won Okienurse's blog candy!! Thanks to Vickie for her generosity and I look forward to receiving my prize packet.

Hope the new computer connection works perfectly so I can call in on some of you tomorrow.......


Angie said...

Had to drop by even though I'm not woywwing ...I finally got the bug, good and proper.... only felt like knitting and eating toast.
I love that card style ...it is so different ...must have a go. Your ones are fantastic.
Good luck with the blanket/Afgan xx

Terrie said...

Wow - you've been busy - those are lovely cards. You're sure that new desk has to be for the computer?? :) happy woyww

May said...

Wow! Jo a lot going on!! new desk, lots of stunning cards, crafty goodies,and lots of crochet, talking of crochet I have started my classes cant do a square yet! but getting there and really enjoying it!! Have a good week, Hugs May x x x x

Lavinia said...

OOoo that new desk looks ripe to craft on! You made some fab cards at the class! I love the face stamp that you distressed, very nice! Those Vintaj goodies are going to be fun to play with, love the look of those!

Neil said...

Hi there, trying to squeeze in as many visits as I can so just a quick visit today! Thanks for letting us in to see your world today! Those cards look lovely and I'm sure you'll enjoy your new goodies.
Neil #19

Spyder said...

I love that style of card, never tried one like that so must have a go! Have a great crafty week
Happy WoyWW #27

Anonymous said...

Lots of lovely desks, and I agree, that new desk is perfect for crafting, especially being right under the window! Love the new goodies and those cards are great, I've never seen them before. Not so sure about an afghan, you'll probably be able to carpet the living room!

Brenda 6

Danielle said...

That is a beautiful new desk. Sounds like you had fun at the show. The make and takes are great and you acquired a nice lot of new goodies to play with. dani33

voodoo vixen said...

Lovely cards and thank you for the how to on the crackled image... I will be giving that a go as the effect is so pretty! Have fun moving stuff about, good bargain you found with the desk!!

Darnell said...

Good luck with everything tomorrow! I LOVE that new desk. I had a good laugh about the "things I never intended to buy" comment! Boy, is that ever true. I'm sure I'd have way more stuff in that column if I had to divy things up between what I intended to buy and what I didn't!! Have a great week!

jude said...

Your cards are beautiful,love the vintage age techniwue.Well your squares are lovely this weather you could do with a woolie blanket!..lol
Wet windy and cold here,at least havent got the snow like sunday!Thought someone said spring was in the air..lol
Have fab wednesday and a creative week hugs
judex 9

jill said...

Hope all goes smoothly with virgin tomorrw.Its amazing the bargins that can be found in charity shops what a good find. Lovely cards , Happy crafting

Tuire Flemming said...

Great cards - have to try some time. Your crocheted squares are beautiful. Love the colours you have used!
And congrats for winning the blog candy :)

I´m not participating WOYWW this week...
Have a nice week!
Tuire xx

Annie said...

Good luck with setting up the computer on that fab desk. Love the card projects Jo and that's going to be one fab afghan throw when it's done.
A x

Helen said...

I am envious of your new computer desk - especially as it was a charity shop bargain!
Love the idea of your stash you didn't intend to buy - lots of lovely goodies that you got. The cards are fabulous, I've never made one like that.

Paul B said...

What a busy weekend you had. Love your haul from the Leigh show. I think it's the very first show I've missed since it began! Beautiful projects from your workshop. The clear embossed embellishment is gorgeous. Love that cracked look. Have a fab week. Pxx

sandra de said...

Lovely cards and what a good use you have made of those different size die cuts. The desk will be a wonderful addition to your crafting space .. it is important to spread the crafting love far and wide.

AerynK said...

I certainly know how the "I never intended to buy all that!" goes!
Aeryn @ #69

okienurse said...

Great looking workspace and getting a new computer desk from the charity shop is awesome. I went by the Salvation Army store a while back and found a box of stamps for next to nothing so I took them all...less than $40 for about 25 stamp sets. Glad you are happy to have won the blog candy. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

Ali said...

You have been busy! Love the look of your show goodies - it is of course impossible to go to a show and *not* come away with a bunch of things you had never intended to buy! :lol:

Love your sandwich board cards too - what a fab idea! May have a go at those myself. :)

Thanks for sharing.
Ali #35

Artyjen said...

Love the card idea;) You reminded me I've got a large bag of those squares still in my loft (I think!) somewhere!!! Never did make anything with them LOL
xoxo Sioux

Karen said...

I love your selection of cards, they are all beautiful and the crochet squares look good, so many pretty colours :)

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

Unknown said...

gorjuss cards, that sounds like a really interesting tech, might have a bash at that

Thanks for the peep

Judie xx

Ann B said...

Don't know how I missed you on Sunday Jo as I was obviously following you round when I see what you bought. I have masks and the Vintaj dies - and of course some blanks and hope to make a lovely brooch like Neets.
Great desk this week and those cards are even lovelier in the flesh.

Ann B

Cardarian said...

Love all your makings and that pile of stash! Lucky you! I guess the workshop was a success! Must try that board card!
See you soon!
Lots of hugs,

Debs Willis said...

Wow Jo, you have been busy! Love those swing cards, great idea, and looks like you had fun with what you didn't intend to buy ( I can relate!)

happy woyww

Debs #104

donnalouiserodgers said...

ha ha ha you could crochet a lap blanket on one flight ( hint hint) we installed a new router yesterday and it has fernerked up the email so I can't claim a woywwer badge or mail you that at 3pm I can skype, hope you get reinstalled soon,


lisa said...

Looks like things are all going on at your house, Jo. That computer table is lovely.
Your crochet squares took me on a trip down memory lane. I used to have a blanket made of those on my bed when I was very little. My Mum made it and used leftover wool from when she knitted us all sweaters. I wonder whatever happened to it. I must ask her.
Hugs Lisax

Sarah said...

Lots of fab makes and goodies to see today - how can we resist Vintaj?! I love the die cut cards and think it's a keeper. I'm a fan of cracked embossing too (put mine in the freezer normally!) Love the sepia toned image of the little girl...
I have just been given two days reprieve on shifting the crafty gear...the I think gas might be needed to put me in a coma...Thanks for sharing with WOYWW...Sarah at 1

CraftygasheadZo said...

Fab cards and great goodies! Take care, enjoy this WOYWW & I'm off to snoop some more! Wonder how many I'll get round today? Zo xx 60

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, love your 'new' desk, it looks a great bargain - hope all goes well with the broadband connection. Lots of lovely goodies on your other desk ... I need to keep new stuff out for a few days too - drooling is essential :) Your projects are lovely and love the cracked embossing - like Sarah I put any attempts in the freezer. Congratulations on your win too. Hope you're having a happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #22

Anonymous said...

Wow- what great cards!!! Thats great, and big congrats on the blog candy! I have a scrapbook sketch contest going on on my blog if you want to stop by and check it out!

Jingle said...

I LOVE your card! And your goodies look AMAZING!!!

Beckyt said...

Wow brill cards and I love the little crochet squares you have made. Thanks for sharing.
:) Becky #44

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh the hanging card is really lovely, you call it a oldie, but it's a new one on me! Great buy for the new desk, and vey tempting there just in the window! But as you say, our current desk I n it's own room is way too good to forsake!

yoursartfully said...

Nice stash!!!! I'm in love with CW stencils too. Hope you have lots of fun with it all.


mamapez5 said...

That looks like a very useful desk. I hope it does what you bought it for. All your new stash looks very interesting and the cards are lovely.
I just love the granny squares, mainly for sentimental reasons. My mum died in 1994 at the age of 90 (less a couple of months) and she lived with us for the last ten years. All through my childhood we had blankets and cushion covers made from granny squares, and she taught me to make them when I was quite small. I still have the small blanket that she wrapped around her knees in her last years, and now I wrap it around mine! Kate x
PS Thanks for visiting both my blogs. I'm glad my ramblings about life in Spain are interesting for someone beyond the family.

Sheilagh said...

Those cards are lovely, must give them a try when I have cleared some space....

Twiglet said...

That's a gorgeous card Jo. Yes I am the same - I have to keep busy and hate just sitting - mainly cos I fall asleep in front of TV! That's why the tinies have so many shrugs and cardis. The granny squares will make a super blanket.


Fingers crossed for your connection. I have just discovered that I can't go to the show at the NEC in a couple of weeks, my DH is swanning off to Spain for a few days which means I am on toddler duty on my lonesome again (did a week and a bit just the last week!). Still will save the pennies for something else :)

Jo said...

Gorgeous cards, love that style and the new desk looks fab!Crochet squares take me back a few years, might just have to dig out that crochet hook....
Jo x

Susie Jefferson said...

Love the desk - are you sure you can bear to keep it for the computer, not for craft? And I'm well impressed with the crochet squares. Keep meaning to do it myself, but I don't knit, so am trying to find friends I can beg oddments from, as well as buy wool. So I have plenty of different colours. Remember Roseanne's from the series Roseanne? On the back of the sofa? Always loved it (and that's how long I've been intending to make one). Lovely stash, too - I think you were positively restrained, lol lol lol

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I realize I am really late getting here, especially since I am #2. But I have had a terrible time keeping my computer running today. Seems it wants to shut down after I visit one blog. I love that style card. Never saw one like it before. I must study it further.

Happy WOYWW.

karen said...

Wow, that is a lot of crocheted squares in 5 days! So one more day and you will have a year's worth!
I love the clear embossing technique to age the picture! Thanks for the tip!
Great find on that desk! It's lovely and looks to be very functional as well!
xoxo Karen #179

Lynn Stevens said...

Love the slotted card. I've never seen it done before! Great desk too
hugs Lynn

Dotpat said...

Love the cards Jo a really good change and as always made so lovely. Years ago I made a crochet through for my double bed, I was amazed I finished it but did bigger squares

scrappymo! said...

Lots of yummy new things to play with! I'd be drooling too!
The swing arm cards are great. I even managed to follow the directions! Unusual for me!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, lots to see in your desk today. you've been busy. i spotted VINTAJ in your unplanned buys. no wonder you had to buy! looks like that's going to be a great afghan! thanks for sharing

LuLu said...

Happy WOYWW!

Nifty workspace - very TIDY - thanks for the peek.

Would love for you to visit my blog, and become a follower when you have a moment or 2. Also, get Freebies to celebrate my 2nd blogoversary!

'LuLu' #169

Neesie said...

It's my first week with WYOWW and I'm quickly trying to work through to everyone's desk...its so exciting but I'm a little overwhelmed by all the talent.
What a great space you have. I enjoyed my peek at your desk ;D
Have a great crafty week...must dash and check out a few more desks! :D

Yogi said...

lots of things going on. Nice die cut/punched cards. Thanks for the peek. Have a great day