Tuesday, 12 February 2013


To spy on the action in crafty spaces around the globe,  Julia, our lovely lady leader, will give you the links to so many over at the stamping ground... it's a great snoop!

 so here's my weekly bout of confession for WOYWW 193

It's a Twofer, (Two for one) or a BOGOF, (Buy One Get One Free) today as I'm spreading my mess around the house and showing two workspaces. 
No 1 work station....
I'm working on a tiny coffee table in the living room making fancy dress head dresses for the Curly Girlies princess outfits. Lots of luscious trims are being stitched and glued onto grungeboard then a coat of Glossy Accents to make everything secure.
Here's one I made earlier. I made the fronts to tie on and off a stretch sequinned headband which stays on the Curly Girly's heads better than the plastic headbands.
I put a heater in my craft room so I could face the scary morass which met me as I opened the door. Once it was warm, ........(brace yourself before looking) ....................

this is what I had to tackle.......

wait for it... some of you may need to lie down after the shock.....

the shock of the accumulated mess but I'm blaming the cold weather.... 
For weeks, I kept opening the door to grab what I needed or to plop it back in there onto the table  whilst I crafted in the living room, the dining room, the bedroom..... anywhere warm!!

Ta dah!! No 2 workstation in all it's glory!
Ah, ha! but if you look below and you can heave a sigh of relief to see that it's all getting back to the realms of sanity with space to craft at last... and stay that way for a while.....if only I remember to put a heater in the room before I need to venture in there.
Now if I had shown this without the previous pic you would have thought it was just a mess, but having seen the real mess this now looks simply amazing!!! Good psychology!! Yep? Nah!!
There on my desk is my new heavy duty teflon mat ... a baking sheet from Aldi for £3.50. I can fully recommend them. They will roll up to take to workshops and they last so much longer than the pricey brown craft mats. 
You can also spy my new vice for my jewellery making which was also from Aldi for only £6.99 and comes in the suction version (above) or the clamp version. I bought one of each so they will fit anywhere I wish to work and I will have two for when Donna comes round to make treasures with me!

To spy on more action in crafty spaces Julia our lady leader will give you the links to so many more over at the stamping ground... it's a great snoop!

Last week I did a last minute trip to the craft show in Manchester at Event City and it was great to meet so many WOYWWers in person. 
L to R, here's me (JoZarty), Chris (pearshapedcrafter) at the back AnnB (Anniestamper, then Pat Crafter in front and Annie (Liverpool Lou) 
I also met up with Lynn Doodly Bird and Anne (Redanne) and Mo but they escaped a pic as I couldn't stay long enough to meet up again later.
I must say that I was the only one wearing a WOYWW badge!

Why not also  pop over to LillyBo Quilts to see Janet Fairythoughts Noddy Quilt.. It's a treat! 


Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I know how you feel about crafting in the cold - I have a radiator in my craft room, but still have a heat pad to put on my lap as well. We went to the Caravan Show at EventCity recently - my first trip there and we thought it was a brilliant venue. How wonderful to meet up with so many WOYWWers. I visited LillyBo Quilts last night and was amazed at all the wonderful creations. Ali x #12

Redanne said...

Wow Jo, where to start! The head-dress is fabulous, I bet curly girly looks beautiful in that. What a transformation in your work space - oh my goodness...... I like your black mat from Aldi, I have a bright orange one which is a little hard on the old eyes, will have a look for the black one now.

It was so lovely to meet up with you and then Ann B and Lynn later on. I am hanging my head in shame at not wearing my badge.......

Happy WOYWW, Hugs, Anne x #37

Gill Edwards said...

Hi Jo,
Im just recovering after seeing your workroom, what a transformation. I wondered if a silicone sheet would do just as well, thanks for the tip i will try to get hold of one here.
Your head dresses are fab, youre so clever.

Gill x

Lynn Holland said...

Great blog page Jo and it was lovely to see you again last week. I came home with an empty purse after falling for some French chambray fabric
Lynn xx

Annie said...

Looks like we are all in the sorting and tidying mood....spring must be on it's way...wahooooooo
Love the pic....so many look very different to their blog pics :-)
A x #55

lisa said...

You are so clever, Jo those headresses look amazing. Your littlies are going to look like princesses in their costumes.
I had to smile at your desk, so full of intriguing looking things. It's supposed to get milder soon so maybe you'll be able to brave the room to make some space.
I use those baking sheets too, they are great although the black surface for inking on can give interesting results as you can't always see what's going on...adds to the fun though.
Hugs Lisax #66

Helen said...

How lovely that you met so many lovely crafters! your desks don't scare me, I can mess with the best of them.... and the headband is so pretty!! Have a wonderful WOYWW, Helen #2

Heathers Inspiration said...

Wonderful before and after in your now much warmer room :0)
Happy WOYWW Heather # 62

okienurse said...

It hasn't been too bad this year in my craft room cause I have been leaving the door open more. Can't get it closed due to all the stash! ;-) Looks like you guys had a fun time! Have fun creating and crafting. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #17

ria gall said...

Oh WOW the headbands are totally amazing and a second Oh WOW just look at that craft desk. Good job on the clean up you should be super proud of yourself for your cleaning skills
Happy WOYWW I hope you have a great day
Ria #47

Gibby Frogett said...

Neat or messy, they were both great workspaces. Love the headband too. Happy WOYWW Gill x #64

Paul B said...

You & Neet are in competition for messiest desks this week though both of you have tidied them too lol. Sounds like you had a great time at the craft show. hope you didn't go too overboard with purchases. Pxx

Unknown said...

Hi Jo I love a good tidy up shot - amazing but I am a little curious to see the counter behind ;-) I always think it is lovely to see real life meetings between WOYWWers. Isn't it fab that bonds are formed from our virtual community. WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 56

The House of Bears said...

We tend to spread ourselves out around the house too, choosing the warmest room to craft in each time. Our craft space is probably the coldest room in the house but the one the desk fits best in.

The bears @#78 this week

Karen said...

Lots of crafting smiley faces! Hope you had a great time. Happy WOYWW! Karen 86 x

Ann B said...

Love the headdresses. Did you see those stunning feathers on the lace/ribbon stall in peacock blue and green shades, they were beautiful and wouldn't have minded a headdress in those myself - I could wear it at Vicky Stampers.
Love your messy desk as well, it's about as messy as mine this morning especially now as I have added white pens and picture frames to it, all piled up.
Ann B

Neet said...

Great bargains Jo, lovely photo of the get together at Event City, nice tidy up session (I sort of had one in the wee small hours) and lovely head dresses for the girls.

Will write about the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe which was changed to the Bedroom, the Bathroom and the Craft Shelving (my pickle) as soon as I can.

Hugs, Neet xx

Marit said...

I LOVE the before-and-after pictures! Great cleaning - can you come over to my house too please *teehee* Enjoy your day. Love from Holland, Marit #89

Anonymous said...

Oh those headbands take me back! My cousin used to do competitive ballroom dancing and my mam and my aunt used to make all her costumes, sequins everywhere! I fully understand about a cold room and the accumulated mess from rushing in and out, I got mine tied up for last week, still looking tidy this week. Looks like a great trip out, haven't seen Liverpool Lou on woyww for ages!

Brenda 100

CraftygasheadZo said...

Great post Jo. Love seeing your spaces and what you're making. Always looks fab! Great Woyww-er pic too! Enjoy your week, take care Zo xx 93

Morti said...

Hello - just flying by to say hi - managed to sneak on this week with a short post (for me). I need your home address hun! Not for the quilt (got the materials needed, not yet got the time for sewing) but for something else entirely ;-D

Morti #109

Cardarian said...

Oh the headdress is sooo beautiful! I see you boaught two of those things for making jewelry with Donna! Have you forgotten about me??? I want to make jewelry with you too some day!! :-) Lovely photo of the WOYWWers! It was so nice talking to you on skype - hope to do it again soon!
Lots of hugs and love

Eliza said...

Wow I am glad that I don't live near you or I would be on your back about cleaning up the mess, yep put a heater in there and play more.

It was lovely meeting up with all the ladies, nice to put a face to the names.

Eliza 13

famfa said...

Nice to see some faces of names I recognise. Lovely mess. Gorgeous princess headdresses.
Famfa 117

mamapez5 said...

You are right Jo. You can't work properly when you are too cold. Even I have a little halogen heater on in my room today. Anyway, you manage to stay so busy. the girls are going to love those headbands.
Lucky you to be able to meet up with internet friends at the show. I hope you all had a good day.
Kate x 126

Claire said...

that's a great tip - good ole aldi! and hey, messes mean creativity - so it's all good :)
a happy WOYWW to you and i hope you have a wonderful week!
no. 7

Anne said...

Hi Jo great to see both your spaces and the before and after shots. My GD's would love the headresses.
We ( well DH) turns radiator right down in dining room where I craft and so have been using kitchen table this week as it has taken ages to heat up.
Happy WOYWW Anne x #134

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jo,love your reverse psychology with the desk!Glad you enjoyed your meet-up, this is so cool, making real friends out of the internet. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #129 xx

Daniella said...

Those headbands are beautiful!! And your messy desk was just creative chaos, I call it. But it cleans up very nice!!
How fun to meet our WOYWW friends! I visit their blogs each wednesday, but you got to visit them for real!!!

Twiglet said...

What a fab photo of you all - great to meet up at such a fab event too. The little head-dress is so pretty and will be so well worn I am sure. I am not really visiting desks today as we have been out crafting but couldn't resist popping in here. x Jo

Almo said...

Hi Jo, Great headresses, and great desk transformation, do you have a magic wand? It was lovely to meet you last week, glad I dodged the photo though, not very photogenic. Thanks for the heads up on the black mats will look out for these. Hugs Mo x

voodoo vixen said...

Oh my. love those gorgeous tiaras you are making and yikes to the craft desk!! I think you need to invest in a timer for a radiator... of course, it will only work if you know what time you plan on crafting!! LOL

pearshapedcrafting said...

Definitely Aaagh! and Aaah! Well done for the tidy! Love those headresses - some fun coming up! Sorry we missed you second time round! Great photo - no need for editing I see! Have a good week, Chrisx

Julia Dunnit said...

it's the heater thing..needs to be on one of these timer plugs!1 Love the sequinned and beaded and sparkled headpieces, the curly girlies are going to want to wear them all the time! Cor your Manchester meet up was a good last minute arrangement, how fab. Aint blogging grand.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Definitely Aaagh! and Aaah! Well done for the tidy! Love those headresses - some fun coming up! Sorry we missed you second time round! Great photo - no need for editing I see! Have a good week, Chrisx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am lucky enough to have a radiator in my room, and I tend to leave the door open too to grab any extra heat from the rest of the house. It looks as though you are beginning to find your working space again, but I am sure your highlight was meeting up with all those great crafty friends. Thank you for your visit today and have a great week. xx Maggie #8

MiniOwner said...

Oh well done on your transformation of your works desk - it looks great. The head dress is gorgeous. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@147)

Ohhh Snap said...

What a great idea! A crafting sheet from a cooking sheet. Lots of crafty goodness there. And I love the fancy headdresses : D. Happy WOYWW! #145

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Jo
I'm not sure what is more fabulous the headress or the very messy desk.I'm sure the curly girlies will love it especially as you made it for them.
The impromptu meet up sounds fab, so may smiley faces
thanks for the lovely comments about my quilt.
janet #15

505whimsygirl said...

Wow - the before and after photos are amazing! tee hee You can't quite craft when you lose circulation in your hands due to the cold!!

What a nice photo - and how nice to meet up with some other WOYWWers!

Kay #125

jellinacreations said...

Thank you for visit my blog!
I really enjoy woyww and look at other desks.
Yours is very....eeh ....a inspiration
Love it! :-)

Caro said...

I love the before and after shots of your desk...well done for tackling it. The princess headband is gorgeous, and I loved to see the photo of you and our fellow WOYWW girls. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW! Caro #65

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi Jo! A bit late... have been sewing :)
Can also I blame the cold weather for the mess in my craft room, although it´s cold outdoors? I badly need an excuse!
I have just the same kind of jewellery making tool - suction version - don´t know any name for it... I´ve got it from my son-in-law.
Happy Valentine´s day!

Rebekah said...

Ha! Such a crafty mess! It's all good and proves we've been busy with good stuff! Thanks for giving us a peek!!

Tertia said...

So sorry I only get to you now, but its full speed running at school at the moment. I justhad to pop in to say thank you for the fantastic gift you sent me. I love the cross and put it in my school bag.
I am having a really hard year this year and your gift was exactly the right thing at exactly the right moment. Hope you are having a great time.
Love the crowns you are making for the grandies.
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia 20

SueH said...

Loving the princess headdress!
Don’t think I’ve ever seen your desk looking that messy before Jo but then again, you seem to have your fingers in so many pies at the moment, I can’t say I’m surprised it looks like that.
I used those Black backing sheets too, although I think I got mine from the Range. Still so much cheaper than the ‘real’ ones.
Thanks for stopping by this week.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 68

Joynana said...

Hi Jo, I have been so bad about getting out for early visits. But, this time it was my birthday that kept me away until now. You ladies looked like you had a good time. I do love that crown. #83