Sunday, 14 August 2011

2nd Birthday Wishes

Yesterday our little grandee in Germany celebrated her 2nd Birthday and it was extra special as she had recently finished 6 months intensive chemotherapy. 
I made her a large 3D keepsake letter, with her name along the base, just as I made a couple of years ago for my eldest grandee. Lots of heavy embossing, crackle paint and a bit of glitter too.
 There are ribbons at the back where I have hung a No1 and No2 and we can add further numbers in years to come. there's a tiny cherub to take care of her, a star and angel wings as they are both well earned. The heart of course is because we all love her so much and the ladybird is for luck. Charms hang from the wings as a teaching, talking point. The script embossed on the wings tell all about love.
My flights are booked for a visit in September when I will take this with me. I am so excited.
I made and posted this card... I know... another star card, but I love making them and she is such a star!

Here's the birthday girl playing with her fabulous new easel...... chalk on one side and paint on the other with trays to hold all she needs. She loves it!
This wonderful gift was bought with a gift from Vicky Stampers who had a sale of craft items on her behalf.  There is still enough to buy a little table and chairs too.
With thanks to everyone for this generous, unexpected, fabulous, surprise, from such a lovely group of my crafting friends.
The photograph isn't too good as it was taken of the screen as we Skyped yesterday. You can see us in the tiny pic in the corner!

My life long friend Beryl visited us from Gloucester last week and brought me a bunch of tight lily buds... not a flower to be seen... but just look at them now! It was so close to the 20th anniversary of losing my Mother... her name was Lily and I always seem to have some lilies in the house for her anniversary. This time thanks to Beryl! 


Annie said...

How lovely to see that very special little girl enjoying her birthday. I'm so glad she is looking so well now and is the other side all that awful treatment. Here's to staying well from now on.
Big hugs to you all,
A x

cockney blonde said...

What a lovely idea the keepsake letter. I'm sure she will treasure it in years to come especially because of all the love that has gone into making it.
Thanks for sharing a piccie of the budding artist. Its great to know she is enjoying her wee pressie.
September won't come quick enough, x
PS Happy Summer etc to you too, lol

Twiglet said...

Looks like she will be following in her arty grandma's footsteps! Lovely photo of a gorgeous little one - I love them at that age when they are just beginning to chatter and ask questions. Your artwork is a real treasure there Jo. x Jo

lisa said...

Happy Birthday to your very special little girl. Jo. How lovely to see the photo.
Gorgeous lillies too.
See you in September!!
Hugs Lisax

Angie said...

Bless her ...she looks so cute ...and artistic. Love the star card. I hopre she had a wonderful 2nd Birthday. xx
I love Lilies but I'm the only one who does I tried to smell yours late Mum loved them too.

Ann B said...

Love that letter Jo, such a clever and different idea to add numbers to it as she grows and the star card is so pretty - she will love them both. September will be here before you know it and you will be able to give her that big, big hug you have been saving up for her.

Yogi said...

gorgeous tag thingie. Very pretty star card too. Hope everything stays well with your grandee. Have a good trip in September.

Lee said...

Aww that is so lovely to see,she is gorgeous and obviously so very precious.Your card is fabulous and her present is AWSOME.Love your flowers.I am a Gloucester girl born n bred lol,now living in Cornwall.xx

Carola Bartz said...

I'm so glad she had a good birthday - and I wish her many many more birthdays to come. The letter is beautiful, so thoughtful. Have a wonderful time with her in September.

Paul B said...

Beautiful, creative card full of love and thoughtfulness. Your Grandee is certainly a great muse in your life :). September isn't very far off - you must be feeling tremendous flutterings of excitement by now haha. Gorgeous flowers you lucky lady. So much beauty on your blog today. Pxx

hazel said...

What a wonderfull idea the keepsake letter is - I love it and your star card.
Thank you for sharing the photo of your grandee, it's lovely to see the budding artist at work.
xxx Hazel.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Jo what a very poignant post from beginning to end! Starting with the delicious card for your dear grandee (how wonderful that you are going over in Sept! such a precious little one! :D)I do love the idea of adding to her letter each year with her number for that year.
Then there are the lilies for your mother, Lily - they are really smashing. As my friend says: "Co-incidence is God's way of remaining anonymous".
I thought you might like to know that your goodies arrived at Sheree's and she blogged on it on this post - see:
God bless dear kind Jo, love Shaz in oz.x

Sherry said...

Bless her little heart, she looks as though she's having a lot of fun with her new toy. Your birthday gift is fabulous - have a wonderful time when you visit them all xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely heart warming post Jo, and how great to see the little lady enjoying her new gift. Sounds like you have special friends! Love the keepsake letter and the star card too, not too long now until you can give them to her in person... and I always enjoy your posts from Germany anyway, such a lovely place to visit and very photogenic.


bohemiannie! art said...

Bless you!