Sunday, 8 January 2012

Blog Candy Winners

Apologies that I'm a day late announcing the winners of my Blog Candy draw but I was out all day yesterday at Vicky Stampers having fun at my first workshop of the year. It was a great day, as ever, and we made suitcase boxes with Jayne as our fab tutor. I never quite finished mine as I, (as always) gabbed too much, so nothing yet to show.  I sat next to Jane's daughter, Alicia, who joined us for her first ever craft class and she did so well. I often sit next to Paul who was poorly sick and thus was sadly missed yesterday, so I hope you are better soon Paul. We were also joined by Debra and Sarah, two of Neet's blogging buddies (Sarah P of WOYWW), who both fitted in really well and seemed to enjoy their day with us. They said they'd come again and I do hope they do!

Drum roll..... fanfare, distant jingle bells etc.,  here are the
 Winners of the Blog Candy Draw
in celebration of my two years of blogging.

1st Prize drawn ...Elizabeth (Silver Scrapper) who wins craft goodies and a choice of one of my pendants.
The following prizes are my choice as I asked for traditions or funny stories connected with your Christmas.
2nd prize Angie (Shozzy) ... For her funny story. Angie wins a small pack of craft goodies and choice of a pendant. Angie says....
"Fav carol was one from school days...'Adan lay y bounden'
Traditions of old ...when the kids were at home they still had a stocking and a cuddly toy left out side their room, well into their 20's. 
The Christmas story connected with this is that when my 'head banging' 18 year old son stumbled home in the early hours he obviously found his stocking and opened it... because when I went in to wake him he was still dressed ... surrounded in choccy coins ...tangerine skins ...and was cuddling his Xmas teddy I wish I had had a camera ...I could have blackmailed him lol."

3rd prize Craftywomble wins a pendant just for her Spice Cake recipe which I made and adore! Thanks so much Wendy, it will now be one of my traditions!

4th Prize Rosalee wins a pendant. Rosalee told of her Christmas tradition which remembers the true meaning of Christmas. She says....
"A Christmas Tradition in our family is one we do ever year. We all gather together on Christmas eve and relive out the manger scene. The kids dress as the shepherds and wisemen and the couple with the youngest acts as Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus. The rest of us gather around then and sing Christmas
Carols and read the Christmas story."

Will the winners please email me with your snail mail addresses and let me know your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice of pendant so I, hopefully, can send one you will like.
Some of the prizes
Thanks so much to all who entered to celebrate my two years of fun blogging.
I appreciate every visit and comment and it's lovely to be able to say a big thank you to everyone in return.


Hlora said...

Congratulations to all the winners!

Larisa said...

Congratulations !


Awwwww bless you. I feel so very lucky to own what will be my 3rd piece of personal made art. The postcard challenge is exciting and will be very rewarding seeing the different art work and way people write and think! Hugs, Wend x

Rosalee said...

How Wonderful Jo. Thank you so much. Your pendents are beautiful. I can't find your email address. Here's mine.
Hugs, Rosalee


weaverpat said...

Hi Jo,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind comments!
I am looking forward to taking the time to read back through your blog and enjoy the pictures of all your delightful crafting experiences.
I feel so fortunate to have met Shozzy and Briony (crafty-cats-corner) through blogging. Otherwise I would never had a chance to meet people from the UK since I don't do much traveling. So I'm glad to meet you!
P>S> The Beatles were one of the most fun things in my young life. My parents thought they were AWFUL!!! LOL!

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jo, The workshop sounds like great fun and I look forward to seeing your completed suitcase. I'm thrilled and delighted to learn I have won your candy - how lucky am I :) It really couldn't have come at a better time ... just as I have taken the pledge not to buy any more stash for a year but use only what is in my room ... and winning is not the same as buying !!! Will email you privately now. Thank you so much. Elizabeth x

Nikki said...

Congrats to the lucky winners and beautiful pendants you created
hugs Nikki

Angie said...

Oh wow ...what a wonderful surprize ....glad my story made you smile ...thankyou so much for choosing me as a winner ...cant wait to see one of your pendants in 'real' ...and own one. xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well done Elizabeth for winning after here very generous candy some weeks back - seems to be the way I think! a big thank you Jo for being so kind and well done to everyone else as well! so glad you had a great day yesterday too! love Shaz in oz.x

jude said...

Congratulations to you all.Enjoy your prizes

donnalouiserodgers said...

helloo, will try to be 'switched on' as i desk hop weds evening?

adam wants to know if he can go to uni in l'pool and live with you and dave!