Tuesday, 31 January 2012

WOYWW 139 & G-ART-en

My DD in Germany made this novel piece of ice art for her garden, from an idea she saw in pinterest. Simple to make, it is so effective. Greenery, berries, leaves and a string (for hanging it) were added to water in a large plant pot saucer. It was then just left to freeze. No doubt it will last a long time as the temperature is consistently much colder than it is has been here in England. 
Mind you from all reports it looks like we'll soon be having a spell cold enough for me to try this out!
Congratulations to, (and I'm first in line for an autograph from) our lovely, famous Julia, founder and instigator of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday over at the Stamping Ground. Julia created this weekly Wednesday blog hop around the world's crafty desks, otherwise known as the Big Global Snoop, and she has been featured in this month's Craft Stamper magazine. I agree with, and quote from the article that her blog "is generally a mixed bag of craft loveliness, craft irreverence and day to day opinion" 
Rock on Julia, we love you!
So here's my contribution for this week and there are so many more if you pop over to visit Julia and see for your self, just click RIGHT HERE!

Despite a full crafting week my main desk is staying tidy, which I am sure will bring gasps of utter amazement from so many who asked just how long it would last after my big New Year purge.
Ner, ner, ner ner ner!!!!
The sink area has been transformed ......
so now the taps are accessible and I can use the draining board for messy matters.
Just look below at how Eeeeek! it was last week.... 
Still not completely there so I've got confessions to make in the form of a file box overflowing with UMs waiting to be cleaned and filed.
These red files hold my cardstock and ribbon stash but I've still to move the stuff "filed" on the floor.
Quite a flow of crafting has been achieved in my place this week, some to be revealed soon and some in my previous post and I also managed to make another 3 scarf/shawlettes using time which would otherwise have been wasted. It is so satisfying to produce some gifts whilst TV watching or as a car passenger. My easy knitting goes everywhere with me!
My DH is having a gallstones operation so apologies incase I don't get around to visiting too many desks this week.
Have a good week and stay warm!


Unknown said...

wow a whole week of being tidy love the frozen forest charm i wonder if your desk will make it another week lol xxx

Vipera said...

Love your workplace )
Your knitting looks so great and cosy!
Happy WOYWW!

Olga xx

Hazel said...

Hope your DH's op goes well and he makes a good recovery. What a tidy space you have - (Hazel, WOYWW #8) x

Spyder said...

oh wow! what a great piece of ice work! Lovely tidy craft room...I miss mine! have a great week
happy WOYWW

Angie said...

So relieved that you have some untidy areas ...lol Is the pattern for those scarfs on the net ....I think I could manage those ...just ...and I know DD would love one.
I will be thinking of your DH ...hope everything goes well ...is he having the stone broken up or removed? Let me know how it went ...hen you have a moment free. Hugs xx

Deb said...

oh I love the little ice sculpture, I could make one here easily, it would probably last till april!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx #8

Minxy said...

What a delightfully clean space...just inviting us all in to make it messy again. Happy stamp cleaning!
Happy Wednesday x
Minxy x

May said...

I love the idea of frozan art, you have been a busy bee, all those scarfs fantastic lots going on in your craft room, Have a great week Hugs May x x x

RosA said...

I love that pinboard arrangement behind your table! And you knitting looks interesting too. Would love to see some more pics of it? Happy WOYWW!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

If it ever gets cold here (it's been spring-like weather and no moisture), I am going to make one of these ice thingys. Love it. I hope your DH has a successful gallstone operation. I remember when my Grandmother had hers. Happy WOYWW and drop by if you are interested in taking my free altered book classes. I'm # 30 this week.

scrappymo! said...

Love your daughters wreath! You have been busy with your knitting...great job on them.
Looks like you have been busy organizing and it is really lookin good.

Katie said...

I love the neat desk and the knitting. I hope everything goes well with the operation. I will be thinking of you and your husband.

Have a great WOYWW!
Katie #31

peggy aplSEEDS said...

the ice art project is lovely! wow, i am really impressed with the shine in your table and love your red drawers. wow, there was a sink there? hope your DH get well soon!
happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

HeARTworks said...

So busy! I love the ice thingy- we can't do that here in the Philippines, well we could, but the thing will melt in no time! But it's really pretty! Hope your DH will be fine in no time! Patsy from

Cathy said...

Great space and good luck with sorting all those stamps!!! I love the ice art, what a fab idea ... might be trying that one here!
Cathy xx

voodoo vixen said...

Oh my... the frozen art piece is gorgeous and I really will have to try that out... it stays cold enough most of the time for it to last months!! LOL
I'm looking at the pile of stamps to be cleaned... I'm jealous.. not of the cleaning bit though!!
Hope DH's op goes well!!

Neil said...

Hi there. Great to have a peek into your crafty world this morning thanks to the wonders of WOYWW! Hope the rest of your week goes well too and that the operation goes all well and safe. I'm impressed with your tidyness nad like the frozen greenery idea too!
Neil #48

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi Jo! That ice art can be made here, too - we have now -17°C! Love your red drawers. Same colour as our kitchen :) And beautiful scarfs again...
Hope your DH is soon well!
Tuire xx

Sue said...

Hi hun
wow luv the frozen art hanger it is gorgeous, well done to Julia, lovely tidy desk & sink,just a few things to sort & stamps to clean, lol, hope the op goes well,,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x (54)

Helen said...

Love the ice sculpture! Your craft space looks so tidy - I love the idea of a tidy space but....!! Hope DH's op goes well. Take care. Helen 42.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That frozen ice roundel is one of the nicest things I've seen recently, what a simple but fab idea. I love it :)
Well done on the tidying, you've been a woman possessed by the looks of it, lol! And good luck to your DH - hope the op goes smoothly and successfully.
Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

take it easy whist D recovers, he should be fine in time for you to go to see DD, will call maybe at the w/e? hugs



Hello :) Well done you on the cleaning and staying clean. I am doing ok with my downstairs craft area, upstairs...........After an initial burst, between ill toddlers and then this week a list as long as my arm (but I did do and tick everything off!).
love the art sculpture, no wonder they are coming to visit you! The cold is the thing my MIL always mentions after visiting my husband when he lived out there for a couple of years - and Scotland is not always very warm either....
Hope your husbands gallstone operation is quick and successful. Aldi would explain why I have not come across mint in tins. Have a lovely week x

Kath Stewart said...

loving today's crafty snoop...gorgeous scarves...hugs kath 63

Paul B said...

Love the ice sculpture idea. The upcoming cold snap may be the ideal opportunity to try this out. Good going on the tidy spaces. i'm in awe of your persistance and determination to tackle your creative areas. And wishing all goes well with hubby's operation. Pxxx

Annie said...

Hope your darling hubby's op goes well and he makes a good steady recovery.
I'm just doing a quick dash round to see what everyone is up to this week before my daughter comes out with the twins. We are doing a fitting for her Wedding dress and making a start with the Wedding invites....I can see a busy day ahead of me :-)
A x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow what a fun space. Hope you enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

okienurse said...

Great looking crafting area! I am impressed with the great clean up and stash away going on! The ice art is awesome. It was 63 f today so wouldn't work here at all! My daughter is having surgery this week also. Eye corrections! Good luck with your DD surgery! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #87

Ann B said...

Love the frozen art and I suspect you will be having a go this week as it's cold enough to freeze the proverbial brass monkey's bits. Well done on the tidying, how focussed are you? Hope all goes well with the Op.
Ann B

sandra de said...

Love the frozen garden art, clever idea. Your craft room is amazing and the sink is such a clever idea. Best wishes for DH's op.

Inkypinkycraft said...

The frozen art is great, love the knitting colours..hope the op goes well hugs tracecx no53

Simple homemade living said...

The ice ornament your daughter made is beautiful. We have friends in Germany and they said it snows in November and stops March!!

Your workspace looks like a fab space. I love the notice boards.

Laura #86

April said...

Wow! your room is looking fab! like the knitting, lovely warming colours! the ice art is great, as you say we may be able to give that a go this week! best wishes to your hubby for a speedy recovery! x

Trish Latimer said...

I love that someone else has a large pile of uncleaned unmounteds!
The frozen sculpture is very cool.....oops, a bad pun there! Trish #76

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hi again! The link for the pincushions is:
Hope that works!
LLJ xx

Lou said...

Best wishes to your hubby, love the scarfs/shawls, and wow you have worked hard your crafty space looks very inviting. I love that frozen wreath, I think it would stay frozen here in my part of the uk at the moment its freezing. Hope you have a great week and hope hubby is soon up and about all well again. Lou x

l00pyscraftcreations said...

Poor hun, sneding wishes for a speedy recovery, Love the crafty space, fab, Happy WOYWW Hun, hoping this posts as I have had issues all week!!

Lou P

Cardarian said...

Huh what a post - so much things to see and admire! I could definitly make that lovely ice art as it is way bellow zero here! Sooo cold! Naughty girl not cleaning your stamps! Tse tse!!
I hope all goes well with your DH operation and I hope we can speak soon!
Lots of hugs

Karen said...

WOW I love the ice art, it looks fab and the craft room looks good too :) I love your knitted shawls, such pretty colours and they look like they are lovely and warm just ideal for this cold weather we have here ATM!

Have a great WOYWW, Luv Karen #108

Scrapcat 1 said...

So glad to see your not completely organised yet Jo, love the transformation of the sink area. Hope everything goes well for DH's operation.

Scrapcat 1 said...

Glad to see your not completely tidy yet Jo, great work on the sink area though so you have a messy project area that easy to clean. Hope everything goes well for DH's operation.

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Jo, wishing DH a comfortable and seedy recovery...I bet just knowing that he wont have to suffer the pain any more will help.
I love the frozen pendant, what a lovely idea. I don't gasp in astonishment at your lovely sorted area, I gasp in admiration...and I want to know - is it helping your creativity? Thank you for your kind words about the blog..it's kinda nothing without you as a reader though..remember that!

jude said...

Well what can i say praise you for the lovely tidy desk,sink.But hey look at those dirty stamps!!!....lol Need some attention....soon.Hope hubby's op goes ok i asume key hole surgery?Anyways wishing him speedy recovery so you can clean your stamps...he he he.Happy wednesday and have creative week hugs judex55

lisa said...

I love the ice art, Jo, how great is that. Maybe we'll be able to have a go this week!!!
You are looking so tidy and organised, a real Spring clean.
I hope DH's op goes well and he makes a speedy recovery and is soon back home with you again.
Sending you both love
Hugs Lisax

Unknown said...

That "ice art" is stunning! I feel like I could make one now - I'm freezing!

I'm attempting to get around everyone's posts this week (a new one for me!) I don't usually have time to get round everyone.
But I haven't done my own post yet - it'll have to wait til I get home from work this evening.


Stephanie said...

What a cool idea with the ice--I'd never have thought of that. And I love your area. Hope your husband is soon feeling all well!

famfa said...

Lovely tidy organised desk. Lovemthe look of those shawls. Would like to see more. Is there a pattern available for these anywhere? There is a pif giveaway over at mine.

Kemma said...

I had to pin your pic of the ice thing, so have to do that! I didnt know about Julia winning, shared that on my blog too-yea Julia!! Thanks for sharing that and your desk, such fun looking at what everyone is doing!!
Kemma #36 this week

Tertia said...

I am duly impressed! Wish I could say the same, but alas! Maybe next week I will have a space to work that is semi-organised! Untill then I will just stay this lovely shade of green!

505whimsygirl said...

Hello there Jo,

The frozen decoration for the yard is so very cool - love it! We've had warm temperatures here (New Mexico, USA) this week so it would be long gone the day I make it!

Your desk looks quite attractive to me. I love all the red bins. Yep, I spot some eye candy here!!!

I'm not participating this week (didn't get photos taken) but thought I'd take a snoop around.


Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, love the frozen ice art - tempted to try to make something similar ... if only I was brave enough to venture out into the frozen waste that is my garden. There should be an award for that clean/clear sink area, and your table is so clear too ... there can be nothing holding back your creativity now. I got you comment and an email is winging its way to you at this very moment. Wishing your DH a speedy recovery from whatever procedure he is having for his gallstones (me, I had the gallbladder removed altogether) ... they are painful little blighters and he's bound to feel much better without them. Hope the rest of the week goes well for you. Elizabeth x #78

fairyrocks said...

Your desk space looks lovely and tidy. That red tower of drawers is gorgeous. My sympathy for your DH, but having done that once. I was so glad I did. Does take some recovery time.
Keep smiling and creating I am #132

judith@poppy cottage said...

Hi Jo, long time no visit! I hope you are well, can't same the same for me, but that's another story I'll tell you about some time. Love the ice picture, it reminds me of those lovely glass sun catchers you can buy. Your desk is remarkably tidy, but the sink looks much more natural!!! Happy WOYWW, Judith xx

Unknown said...

So lucky to have a sink in your studio! That will definitely have to happen for me someday, I am constantly dripping my way to the kitchen from my shop!

Loving the red cabinets. :)


Neet said...

Thinking of Dave and sending love. Cannot believe how tidy you are, Jo, this is not you - but I guess this act of tidying up is simply because you have great things planned.
Love DD's ice-art - perhaps your adorable grand-daughter could do some and show it to us. Just a thought.
Hugs, Neet #151 (never been so late - blame it on CHA)

Enfys said...

Happy WOYWW, here's hoping the commenting is easier this week! Love your idea for the iced disk, the effect is lovely.

Samantha said...

Happy WOYWW your transformation is awesome!! keep up the good work.

Beckyt said...

fab ice picture :) Ypour craft room is amazing and super tidy and organised thanks for sharing :)

Becky (160)

fairy thoughts said...

I'm so impressed you have a sink in your craft room ... wow.
good luck with all the tidying, but me, I like messy desk. I hope the op goes ok

Unknown said...

You have no idea the lengths I have been to to leave a comment ... GRR to Google and Blogger! LOVED having a peek into your world ... and the ice sculpture is a fabulous idea ...
I need to tell you that I have coffee on my IPhone ... and its all your fault ... your comment on my blog made me snort with a gob full of coffee ... which made said coffee shoot up my nose and before I knew it ... well ... Coughing coffee every where!
Thanks for the larf :0)

Unknown said...

I do remember ... But I had no clue it was you! Hello :0) Thank you for your lovely words about my work ... You made my day x

AerynK said...

I love the clean, and the shawls.
Aeryn (181)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

First of all, hope your DH recovers soon from his operation. Secondly, you are doing much better than me on the tidy front. I finally decided that I really could not create any more without clawing back the space that had vanished under the heaps of stash. As a result, it is almost clear. It is just the rest of the room to do now - everything has to find a sensible space to live. Will it work? Time will tell. Have a good week,even if it does involve hospital visits. Good luck. xx hugs Maggie #112

Hardwick Creations said...

What a wonderful work space. I love the shawls...they look so warm. I hope all is well with your DH.

Brenda B said...

Hope your DH is doing well after his op, I would imagine he came home the same day? Love the ice ornament. I saw in a home interiors magazine a couple of winters ago where they put a large and a medium freezer proof bowl inside each other, poured cold water in the gap between the two, weighted the middle one down slightly to push the water up the sides and partially froze it. They then pushed berries and herbs in the semi frozen slush all the way around the sides and froze until it was completely solid. They unmoulded it and used it as a serving bowl at a dinner party (on a plate or something). Looked beautiful! I never knew you had a sink in your room either until now, lol!

Brenda 115

Dotpat said...

Fab piccys Jo you have been busy. Love the hanging your daughter made too.
Hope Dave is ok, give him my love please

Hels Sheridan said...

ooh those knitted hatscarves look sooooo cosy and warm... and well done you getting the tidying done... I did mine a couple of weeks ago and yep, still tidy, I have turned over a new leaf lol Sorry am late, doing a mahoosive catch up today :O))

Bridget Larsen said...

You will be one busy woman cleaning those stamps.
Bridget #72

Ohhh Snap said...

Wow!! That's a tidy desk!!! Love that frozen disk. I'm a Pinterestophile. Your knitting projects are fabulous :D. #35

Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

love your workdesk! love those beautiful scarvies. thanks for visiting me.

Michele #176