Monday, 30 January 2012

Tiny Tin

Our lovely Chairwoman of Vicky Stampers, Neet, wants to make sure that we aren't idle, whilst she is lapping up all the creative ideas at CHA in America, so she set the group a challenge.
We were all given one of these tiny mint tins, empty of course, which Neet challenged us to alter.
I coloured mine with Alcohol inks then added a coat of Glossy Accents to stop it wearing off.
I decided to add a mini book inside so I coloured light card with Distress Inks and stamped over with a script detail.
Crafty Individual's range of little face stamps were just right.
A few smudges of watercolour linked the images to the background, 
and some accent beads and bling inside the lid (rather than on the outside where it might come off) gave some added interest.
Watch out anyone buying those mints as they contain Sorbitol so don't eat to many. You probably already know what that makes you do and I hope Neet knew! 


sam21ski said...

Great tin Jo and love the mini book inside. Fab idea to put the ladies faces in there.

Sam xxx

Lee said...

Hi Jo,this is absolutely Beautiful,oh how i wish you lived near me lol,you are sooooo talented.Love the pretty colours and how they blend together.The book is ingenius.What a clever idea too.Hope you are well.I'm still trying to get me tassles n beads on me shawlette lol.Got other stuff to get finished too lol.Huggles to

Paul B said...

What a brilliant little book. I so admire the talent that goes into creating miniature art. Those dinky little flowers are fab and the alky inked up tin just screams JO!!!! Pxx

olive said...

oohhh looks fantastic...... got loads of these tins (when I can find them) great idea. xx

Sherry said...

Ooooh your little tin is wonderful!

LOL about eating too many of those little mints - you'll only do it once!

Cath Wilson said...

Beautiful, Jo and I love the colours x

Unknown said...

I love the look of the alcohol ink! it's like a butterfly wing! wonderful job and how fun to put the unexpected in your box - like an accordion folded book - the possibilities are endless!

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!
Love, love, love your mint tin! I had a busy week running around doctors but I am back on track now so I hope we can talk soon! Let me know when you can!

Helen said...

What a beautiful alteration - love the decoraton on the tin (and in it!) but the book is just fabulous!

hazel said...

I love your altered tin Jo, it's fabulous.
xxx Hazel.

Sheilagh said...

What a beautiful piece of art, I love it.
I have some of these tins somewhere, will
have to find them and have a play.

Thank you again for your wonderful inspiration.


Julia Dunnit said...

You make it lookandsoundvery easy! Did Neet eat enough mints for the whole group to have a tin? Lordy, am sort of hoping there's a large bag of de-tinned mints somewhere at her place!

Scrapcat 1 said...

Wow Jo your little tin is just stunning, I love the colours and the beads inside are beautiful.


Just splendid! some useful tip too and I love the idea of the mini-book inside. I never manage to find tins of mints anywhere are they a foreign thingy? I only ever see cardboard ones and rubbish ones at that.......

Unknown said...

such an adorable project i love it and so you with the colours and backgrounds xxxx

Angie said...

This is a stunning piece of work. The tin finish is so 'YOU' and the tiny book within, is the icing on the cake. I had a little giggle over the sorbitol affect ...hope she was aware. xx

lisa said...

I bet Neet is having a chuckle over there in the States at what she's had you all doing, Jo and I don't meet decorating the tins!!!!
I love what you've done with yours, the colours are gorgeous. You wouldn't believe you could get so much art work into such a little tin. It's a real treasure.
Hope you are having a good week.
Hugs Lisax

Tuire Flemming said...

Your tin is gorgeous! Love it!!!
Besides sorbitol we have here xylitol... but the result is the same :P
(...I have a complimints tin somewhere..........)
Tuire xx

Dotpat said...

Wow Jo I love that what a fab thing to keep it is gorgeous

Pat Beaumont said...

gorgeous tin - love the rich colours and the mini book