Friday, 20 January 2012

Kung Hei Fat Choy

Kung Hei Fat Choy
Happy Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year of the Dragon starts on Tuesday and at the weekend here in Liverpool there will be fireworks, dancing, music and dragons. In fact great celebrations in Chinatown. 
We have the oldest settlement of Chinese people in this city and this has really enhanced the culture of the city. Our Chinese Gate is beautiful and the largest outside mainland China.
 If you want to know more and even find out which is the animal of your birth year click here on Chinese Zodiac.
 I'm a monkey... enough said!
A day long deluge of rain kept me in today so, as I continued the big clean up in my workroom, I found various stamped images and part finished projects from the dark ages so I've made a few into cards.... influenced by the Chinese New Year here are the first cards I have made in a long time. 
The Japanese geishas, below, are stamped in Versamark and embossed in white to create a resist. I then sponged ink over to give quite a subtle colour to the characters.
This piece is a small waxed collage I made at a Katy's Corner Stamp Camp quite some years ago and never finished.... till now!
I found this pendant I had made and left to dry before Christmas. It's well dry now and I love the effect of the alcohol inks and a tiny touch of superfine holographic glitter under the Glossy Accents glaze. I'm pleased I found it. 
You couldn't imagine that it's just a bit of tin underneath!?!
Here are my two finished Angelina Ballerinas, especially for Carol who asked to see them before they go off to their little owners. It was such a fiddly job making them and I think I'll stick to my scarves for a while!
Have a great weekend and a good New Year!
he Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in 


mammafairy said...

lovely little ballerinas, good thinking to put different colour skirts on them, that saves a raft of trouble with the girls!
Your pendant is lovely, too, I would love more detail on how you made it, please.

And your cards too- such fun!

Annie said...

The ballerinas look really fab Jo. Clever you.
I'm a rooster and OH is a you said enough said :-)
A x

sam21ski said...

Sounds like great fun Jo - enjoy xxx

Pat Beaumont said...

great work - and well done for finishing earlier works - I'm sure most of us have unfinished pieces waiting for time or inspiration to finish - I love your chinese themed cards

Cath Wilson said...

Great cards, Jo - I know how you love Oriental and these are brilliant. Love the ballerinas, too - bet the girls love them. I didn't realise it was Chinese New Year - bet there's some celebrating in Liverpool this weekend! Enjoy xxx

Carola Bartz said...

The ballerinas are so cute!!! I also like very much your Chinese cards, they look beautiful. As you can imagine, here at the West Coast we have a rather big population of Chinese, and San Francisco will be a zoo at Chinese New Year. I like this cultural mixture, it is full of inspiration.

donnalouiserodgers said...

you do the best chinese ( you know what I mean)

I just used your pocharo recipe for sunday lunch with two of our oldest friends - they loved it and wanted me to pass on a thank you,
my scarf I am saving to blog with me modelling it in Paris...
angelinas one and two are drop dead gorgeous, they will be loved,

see you soooon


What a lovely arty blog post :) The angelina's turned out very well (I look back at some of the things I've done and wonder if I would have started had I known the work involved.......Or amazed at how it has turned out!) Yes yes more silver work. My FIL is from Hong Kong so Chinese food features in our family a lot. We celebrated the new year early (for the 3rd year running!) with friends of ours, we all take a home-made dish or two. This year we did a chinese curry, homemade prawn toasts and I made a Chinese birthday cake :) (our hosts did Peking duck and fortune cookies:) needless to say we all had a splendid time! See you on Wednesday :)

Angie said...

Beautiful ...stunning..amazing cute ...thats all I have to say. lol xx

May said...

Stunning cards, Just love the ballerinas great idea about the skirts, you have been a busy girl, Hugs May x x x x x

Scrapcat 1 said...

It's amazing what you can find under things isn't it, lovely to see you on Sunday and I love the little ballerinas.