Tuesday, 24 January 2012

WOYWW 138 & Flag Tag Book

The hyacinth is growing and I'm quite proud of myself that my desk is staying reasonably tidy as, despite a few messy crafting sessions, I have tidied up. 
I've made the February pages of my diary. It's not a journal, just a diary to use for dates and notes but I'm adding a "word of the month". Last month as it was January, I chose J for Joy in a positive effort to think of lovely things and instil some Joy into this bleak period after Christmas. 
This next one for February is F for Family, especially as I will soon be with my, much loved and missed, far off family members.
Here's a reminder of the nightmare
 that was the window side of my craft room

and can you believe it, here it is now and it's amazing what crafty treasures I found within the above dump. 
Don't think all is sorted..... confession time comes  below as I still have the window in front of the sink to clear, but I'm almost there, and the stack of boxes to the left are full of all my card offcuts, all colour coded ready to go on a shelf.
This week my lovely DD2 had her birthday and I made a  special card for her holding lots of family photos, which I printed with my Pogo mini printer. It's such a great little piece of equipment which would be so handy for scrapbooking and journalling. It connects with your camera or mobile phone to print credit card size photos so quickly, fits in a pocket or handbag and is only a bit bigger than a mobile phone. "Zinc" Zero ink required as it works by heat and I absolutely love it!
With so many tags in the Flag Tag book 
I had lots of surfaces to cover but with
 all my mini prints it was a doddle.

I'm so pleased that DD was really touched to receive it.
WOYWW is our weekly time to share our crafty workspaces, courtesy of Julia, our Honorable Guardian of the desks of the world....  If you want to see so many more, then you can, at her HQ Stamping-Ground. All good fun!


voodoo vixen said...

Wowzer to the tidiness on both the desk and the nightmare of last week... I can easily imagine you finding all sort of amazing stuff in that pile!!
Now I am going to have to investigate that little camera... perfect size for mini books!!

jude said...

What a beautiful keep sake for your daughter ,im sure she will love it!All this spring cleaning of craftrooms giving me a complex if only i had the time maybe next month..lol
Have fab woyww and creative week hugs judex 17


Now I can see the point of a flag book/card (I always struggled a bit in the past!) It looks splendid no wonder she was delighted. The camera looks lots of fun (I'm sure Donna mentioned having one to and loving it!) Well done on the tidying up, I failed miserably this week we have all been struck down with various ailments and recently and it was T turn so my lovely coveted day at home alone involved a needy toddler (bless him). Glad to read you will be catching up with the German contingency soon.

okienurse said...

Awesome little printer. A friend has one and I find it amazing that technology has gotten you micro! Love that your work area is giving up some prizes to you for all the work your are putting into it. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #27

Helen said...

What a gorgeous book you made for your DD I am not surprised she loved it! Glad to be able to leave a comment today as Blogger wasn't playing the other day! Happy WOYWW.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Cor, that card is proper paper engineering!! It looks amazingly complicated to make, but the result is worth it - it's fantastic! No wonder your DD loved it.
I'd never heard of that Polaroid printer thingummyjig, but looks like you're going to use it well. No ink? Well, there's a plus point straight away! Why IS printer ink so expensive??
Hugs, LLJ #45 xx

Inkypinkycraft said...

A fab tag book and I love your February page!!!wow you have been super busy...the desk looks fab...oh and we all have a pile or two or three somewhere!!!!! Happy woyww hugs trace x no16

Angie said...

Oh I wish I could be tidy ....just once in a while. Love your DD mini album ...no wonder she treasured it.

Love the look of the PoGo ...I am SO tempted as Amazon has them reduced (had to check the price lol)...they look brilliant ...the 21st Centuary poloroid ...my only worry is that the image will deteriorate over time like the originals ...and I really dont need it ...or do I??
Hugs xx

Neil said...

Hi there. Thanks for sharing your creative space with us nosey parkers today. It's always inspiring to see. Hope you have plenty of creative fun this coming week. Your transformation is amazing, I have serious room envy now and am ashamed at my chaotic space!

Annie said...

I love your flag tag book Jo. I'm sure your DD was thrilled with it. You are doing a great job with the tidying and sorting....it won't last you know :-) :-) :-)
A x

l00pyscraftcreations said...

Oh what a lovely idea!! No wonder she loved it, its fantastic!!

Happy WOYWW, and I have candy up for grabs if your interested, xx

Lou P

Ann B said...

Great flag tag book Jo, lovely bright colours. Congrats on the big tidy-up and I see you 'found' a printers tray, how lucky was that!
Ann B

Hazel said...

Love the little printer - and the mini book is absolutely gorgeous. And wow, you have had such a tidy up! (Hazel, WOYWW 28) x

May said...

Lovin the PoGo, great idea x x Fantastic tag book and diary pages, you have been a busy bee craftin & a clear up all in the one week, great job, have a good week, Hugs May x x x x x

Beckyt said...

Thanks for sharing I love your tag book :)

Becky T #56

Lou said...

It's no wonder DD2 was touched to get such a wonderful gift it looks amazing, the printer thingy sounds fab! Have a great crafty week after all that tidying, Lou #84

Elizabeth said...

Your diary page is so pretty - what a great idea, and your flag tag book looks amazing! :)

Sarah said...

What a fabby and I think addictive gadget! SOOOOOOOO clean - it's a sign - I must conquer mine...hope that Feb is soon on your doorstep! Thanks for sharing, wishing you a creative week, Sarah. (at no.38 - NOT 8! A dud link)

SueH said...

I’m not convinced that that’s the same table Jo, I think it’s a different room, Lol!
Actually you’ve made a fab job of your tidy up and you put me to shame…….I really mush get around to dusting in here.
I bet your DD was over the moon with her Flag Tag Book….there’s so much work gone into it.

Happy Crafting!

Diane said...

Wow! What a project, Jo and no wonder that DD2 was touched to receive it - it's wonderful!
Diane x

CraftygasheadZo said...

What a great space! Fab tag books too. Thanks for sharing. Zo xx 83

Paul B said...

Such a wonderful gift for your DD2. I can fully understand how touched she was to receive it. And well done on the tidier craft space. It's a never-ending cycle but at least you're tackling it. Little & often is the cry. Love your word of the month, esp as I know how important family is for you :) Pxx

Julia Dunnit said...

What a fab gift. Trouble is,now I want a PoGo too!! Ah, your under window area is an inspiration to me this week, I really have been through the 'ignore it' stage this week and want very badly to ge to the 'for gods sake get on with it' moment..may be tomorrow as everyone is out all day and I'm not planning many calls on my time! Am enjoying your notice boards this week, don't (of course) see them too often, isn't it lovely to have space to display stuff that inspires and is gifted to you.

sandysewin said...

Wow, that little printer does look amazing. As does your flag book. Who wouldn't love to receive one of those? Lovely!

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #121

lisa said...

What a lovely gift for DD2, no wonder she was touched, I'd have been a blubbering mess!! We must nearly share birthdays!!!!!!! I want to move mine to August though so that I can have lovely sunshine or maybe have two like the queen!! Sorry I'm waffling today.
Your desk looks wonderful and tidy, would you like to come and start on mine now. I put in a new cupboard at the weekend and did make a start but there's a long way to go.
Enjoy your lovely space and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax

Karen said...

Love your February pages, they are gorgeous as is the flag tag book, its really beautiful :) Well done on the tidier space, it looks amazing, what a difference!

Have a great WOYWW, Luv Karen #80

Jingle said...

Wow! Your space looks great! And that tag book is so fun!

Stephanie said...

Oh wow--totally love your space and the gift was awesome! This is my first week doing WOYWW and it's so much fun getting to check everything out!

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jo, I've just had a great time catching up with your posts and spotted the completed Angelinas looking terrific. Your desk looks super tidy and organised today. Just by coincidence my DH brought a pot of hyacinths home today - no flowers yet but lovely fat buds :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #45

Twiglet said...

The little gadget is amazing and the way you have used those mini pics is perfect. I even spotted my little house collage - how lovely! Have a great week and make good use of that tidy crafty space. x Jo

Jo said...

Wow, what a fab gift and the diary page is lovely!
have a lovely evening!
Jo x

Ali H said...

Fabulous card - what a brilliant project & I love your diary pages too !
Your tidy up is bringing stunning transformations ! I'm inspired to attack my chaos desk - but may need a flame thrower !!
I had a Pogo from Santa last month & am really looking forward to using it for journalling ! Have a great crafty week ! Ali x

Morti said...

Well done on having such an amazing tidy up!

The Pogo looks fun - I wonder what it's like for lasting prints, or do they fade badly over time?

Thanks for swinging by, and your kind comments...

Kim Dellow said...

Wow! All tidy! It is looking good and that journal page looks good too. Gorgeous Tag book. Now I want one of those PoGo's LOL! Kim

Tracey FK said...

That is a huge organise and clean out.... your works looks wonderful and I am in awe of how much you get done in a week... I need you to come and organise me I think... happy woyww

sandra de said...

Amazing clean up and such a lovely little album for your family. The pogo is a great idea and you have used it so creatively.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, i'm really impressed with the great job you did of cleaning up! everything looks so nice to mess up, LOL! i like what you did in your diary and the mini book for your daughter is wonderful! that mini printer sounds great to have! happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

April said...

Wow never seen one of those printers before! it lookss great!!! lovely book and great tidying job!! x

famfa said...

Gorgeous flag tag book. What a lovely present.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a cleaning job! I love cleaning my desk because it gives me a chance to go through all my stash (I don't have much yet, so it doesn't take too long). Thank you for visiting my WOYWW.
Celestial Things

Katie said...

Congratulations on the tidy desk! I love the February page in your book!

Happy WOYWW!
Katie #1

Dotpat said...

Jo see you are tiding up too, it is amazing how much we collect isn't it. Love your tag book no wonder your Daughter was chuffed with it

PaperArtsy said...

Ohhhh loving the colours on your February journal page!! Stunning...and that was a mammoth tidy up. Bet you find NOTHING now. !!

Take care


Shoshi said...

Wow, really tidy and organised, Jo! Well done! Love the projects you've done, too! Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog, and for the really helpful tips re the moulds. Must remember that! I'm starting to get a few better days in between the bad ones, and trying to take advantage of them to do some creating, and am working on an Inkscape drawing at the moment, of a Celtic knot design that I want to use Sheba to emboss in metal! Nothing like launching off into the deep as a beginner, is there... It'll probably take me till next Christmas to complete! Trouble is, so many other things I want to do too!!

Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #79

Brenda B said...

Very impressive Jo, you're really managing to keep it tidy! Beautiful journal page and how stunning is that tag book, no wonder your daughter loved it. I like you Pogo too, very useful.

Brenda 99

Cathy said...

I am having a quick jog through everyone's desk as I am slightly late this week. Fab work space, looking very busy and creative. I so want a pogo ... hubby says no:( Thanks for sharing.
Cathy xx

Lisa-Jane said...

Oooh, I have printer envy now. I didn't realise it was so teeny. Your books looks great and what a transformation your desk had!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I can see that little printer being very useful for the grandchildren's homework projects. Might have to add it to the Wish List too. Your tag book is great, and I am not surprised it was well received. xx Maggie #90

Geri said...

Oh I have never heard of that little printer...how amazing. I must check it out. Love your book!

Pat said...

That is wonderful Jo! I seem to have lost my first comment, so am trying again! I know your daughter must love the flag book!

I have hope for my worktable, after seeing your before and after! haha Imagine yours with another foot of "stuff" and a cat on top! haha

Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy each and every minute!
Hugs, Pat

Unknown said...

your worktable is an inspiration :)

I love my pogo too .... there are some good photo manipulation techniques too. I found some great ones on You Tube actually.

Lynn Stevens said...

Your studio looks so inviting. Its so nice when everything is in place. mine never stays that way for long! LOL
That little printer looks so cute, never seen one before.
Such a Lovely tag book you created!
Hugs Lynn