Friday, 6 January 2012

Our House & Betws Y Coed

Before Christmas I won a Blog Candy Prize from Twiglet of  sisterscraftycreations and it is quite an amazing prize to win. I was thrilled that she made it so quickly! I had to send some photos to Twiglet who then collaged and embroidered a picture of my little house! As it's Winter, and the front garden is decidedly sparse, she took artist's license and brought it into bloom for me. The lovely thing about it is that she magically managed to get the Spring daffodils, forget-me-nots and cushions of geraniums in exactly the right places just as they will be in a few months time. Roll on Spring!
I also received one of her lovely dumfed felt cards in my favourite colour and now I'm thinking hard how I can put it to good use as a box lid or a book cover.....I'll come up with something as it's too good to be stored away. 
Thanks so much to Jo, aka Twiglet, for such a lovely prize....our new family treasures!
Jump Start
Here's the first card I've made in simply ages and it was spurred on by Jump Start (see last post) when I was inspired to mess with colour as a warm up. The tags and papers I coloured were useful to make into a birthday card for a friend.
Betws Y Coed
We have a great way to start the New Year, in fact it has almost become a tradition that we drive into Wales to Betws Y Coed. The entire place is always open as it is a favourite haunt for walkers and climbers, but we just take a leisurely stroll these days. Afterwards we always visit the Royal Oak Hotel for an excellent 3 course luncheon.
 These two pictures were taken at the bridge in the centre of the little town and here we are.... two old dudes all wrapped up for our day out!! 
Further down river there are the spectacular Fairy Glen and Swallow Falls. 

We cancelled our planned New Year's Day trip as the weather was torrential rain all day but decided to go on Monday and were so lucky to enjoy sunshine all the day.
It looks a very dour place but inside is lovely and has recently been refurbished and the main thing... the food is excellent!
People were even sitting outside the Saddle bar at the side of the Royal Oak


sam21ski said...

WOW Jo what a wonderful prize to win and that felt work is fabulous.

Glad you were able to change your plans and get your walks and 3 course luncheon in!! Great photos as ever.

Take care

Sam xxx

Twiglet said...

Glad my pic arrived safely. I really enjoyed making it and glad you like my little dumfed card too. Your trip to Wales looks fab - the river is so beautiful. Have a good weekend - I am having a fun day with Annie as the men are going to Middlesboro for footie. x Jo

Cath Wilson said...

Lovely, Jo - I love Betws Y Coed and most of Wales, to be honest - love the wildness, the mountains and the scenery. Sounds like a good idea. LOVE your little house - awesome gift and the felting is great, too. Glad you've been able to get some stamping done - I've only just managed it myself, lol. LOVE those colours xxx

Mrs A. said...

How lovely to have your house in stitch. Jo is very clever with her neddlework. Looks amazing.
Hugs Mrs A.

Von said...

What a super prize Jo :) and your day out looks idyllic can't say I have heard of the place but the photos look magical
Von xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

I nearly persuaded him to try to get there to join you....can we skype/face tomorrow to sort silver purchasing and set a date for jewelery making I suddenly feel the need to have something in the diary.....

Ann B said...

What a fantastic blog-candy prize, truly unique. You are quite right about the felt picture, far too good to put away, I would frame it and put on the wall. Last time we were in Betws Y Coed it rained - all day - still beautiful though. We will be back in May as we have a week booked in a cottage near Conwy, looking forward to lambs gambolling in the spring sunshine (fingers crossed).

Annie said...

Don't I have a clever big sis? :-) So glad you liked it Jo.
A x

Nikki said...

Wow Twiglet did an amazing job and Book cover that's gorgeous it just wants to be held on to for sure :)
hugs Nikki

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

That sounds a lovely way to celebrate the New Year, in such a lovely place. I was looking at an old black and white photo of the Swallow Falls taken when I was much (much) younger. The power of the water is so impressive. You are so luck with those wonderful presents from Jo 0 as you say, family treasures. Maggie #73

Shoshi said...

What lovely photos, Jo! I love waterfalls, rivers and rocks. Your tag is absolutely fabulous, and how lovely to have the collage of your house! A friend of mine did a little embroidered hanging of my cottage (my first home after I left my parents' home) with lots of flowers in the garden, all done with different textures! It's in a box somewhere - I should find it and put it out again!

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. So glad you enjoyed a browse round our wedding photos, and that you liked the card I made. It was fun doing the video - it brought it all back again!


Angie said...

What an amazing prize her work...mind you your card is stunning too. Those are beautiful photos especially of you and DH. xx

Paul B said...

Such a beautiful prize. What a lucky lady you are :) And what a wonderful tradition for New Year's Day. We also go for a walk but nowhere quite as picturesque as you. In fact, we missed it out this year too and went on the Monday instead. Shamefully, neither of us left the house at all on Jan 1st lol. Px

Scrapcat 1 said...

What a fabulous prize you have won from Twiglet she is so talented. My mum and dad go to betis on New Years Day as well.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Looks like a great time was had by all and great prize too Jo, Shaz in oz.x

Sheilagh said...

What a beautiful prize, what a talented artist Twiglet is.

I must take my husband to Betws Y Coed, soon. Our New Year tradition is to go to Southport for Fish and Chips. This year I was very pleasantly suprised to find the tide was in!!! xx

Lee said...

Hi Jo,i'v missed you.Gorgeous prize,she is a talented lady.Love the pics,you and your husband look great.Huggles xxx

Neet said...

How fabulous! Wish you had brought it to Vicky Stampers so I could see it. Never mind, good things are worth waiting for and I will get to see both of them - won't I?
Neet xx