Thursday, 13 December 2012

Angels Priscilla & Charmeine & St George's Hall

I realised that I haven't shown the angels I made and sent winging around the world in return for all the wonders I received in my swap. 
Now they have all been received I can show them here.
Here's Priscilla, (named by my DD as she looks like the Queen of the Desert!)
She is now living at Neil's.
and here is Charmeine, Angel of Harmony.... who landed at Ann B's
I'll start adding the rest to each post up until Christmas.
St George's Hall is one of Liverpool's iconic Victorian masterpieces of architecture which, it is said, is Prince Charles favourite building. 
Designed by Harvey Lonsdale Elmes and opened in 1854, it has a great organ, a beautiful Minton floor, a concert hall, a court room and the vast main hall which is used for many major events. Charles Dickens performed readings of his books there and later this month his great, great, great grandson will read from A Christmas Carol. 
At the weekend I visited the Winter Craft event where over 150 stall sold their quality hand crafted creations.

 My friend Hazel and her daughter Sarah on their stand, Vintage FAIRYTALE, selling their lovely cake stands and candles made from antique china.
 Sarah of Twigtwisters makes the most amazing animal sculptures from willow. I bought a lovely heart from her and discovered she gives courses on this traditional craft so guess who plans to join her next year?!? ME!

 This was one of the best craft shows I have attended, so many unusual crafts of high standard and I could have spent a fortune, if I had had one to spend! I did empty my purse then also spent euros which one stallholder was willing to take! This ring is what I bought with my euros.... a really wacky ring which is made from Derwent coloured pencil crayons which have been fused before they were cut and formed into an amazing range of jewellery.
Check out more jewellery by the creators at zincwhite 
 Marbled columns and statues set a beautiful venue and besides this vast hall space there were many stalls in the side rooms.


Annie said...

Your angels are all so beautiful and yet individual Jo. I'm so thrilled to own one of them :-)
A x

Helen said...

What a fabulous building, and the crafts all look amazing. LOVE your angels!

Words and Pictures said...

What an astounding hall, and what a lot of glorious skill and artistry on display... not least your fabulous angels!
Alison x

mamapez5 said...

Hi Jo,
What a beautiful setting for your craft show. The ring is quite something! I could never wear it but I am fascinated by the concept. Sounds as though you had a really good day. Kate x

fairy thoughts said...

wow that certainly looks a great show. I am always amazed at how creative people are out there. The ring is fab no wonder you brought itI think I will have to bookmark the website

peggy aplSEEDS said...

hi, Jo! i enjoyed my visit today, both this post and your WOYWW one. what a wonderful venue for the craft show and the crafts you showed us are really amazing. no wonder you emptied your purse! and the angels, both yours and the ones you received are gorgeous! happy WOYWW and a joyful blessings for the coming Christmas season!

Redanne said...

Your angels are truly beautiful Jo, gorgeous colours and style. The hall looks amazing, I think I might have spent a fortune there (if I had one too!). I love your ring, such a clever use of pencils. Hugs, Anne x

sam21ski said...

More fabulous photos, you really do find the best places to go!!!

TFS as I love to see where you go and what you get up to - Sam xxx

Paul B said...

Such a fantasic looking craft fair. From what you've shown, i think I could easily spend a small fortune there. Love the vintage tea cups into cake stands/candles. And your angels are both beautiful and unique. Love their metallic glow and colours. Pxx

Linda Simpson said...

The craft fair looks fab! I will have to go next year I would love to see all these stalls. Your angels are fabulous.

Linda xxx

Kyla said...

lovely angels....I love a good vintage craft fair, always so inspirational.
