Saturday, 22 December 2012

Robin & Selene Just Flew In

Look who flew in...
Inspired by Attic 24 blog I decided, without a pattern, to have a go making some crochet robins for the Christmas tree. I think my first attempt is a bit skinny and the next one is going to have to be much plumper, as robins tend to be, especially in our garden where they get regular free meals. I might also make a tiny bough of holly for each to perch on.
Selene arrived ...
 the penultimate member of my heavenly host of angels swap.
She is so gorgeous and I especially love her fabulous hand painted wings. She was created by Morti, down in Wiltshire, whilst she was recuperating from an operation (that's Morti not Serena who was recuperating!). I do hope you are much improved Morti in time to enjoy Christmas with your lovely family and thank you so much for Serena.
Not only did I receive an angel but also a lovely card....
then there was another packet containing a superb two sided, tag, all glittery and beautifully coloured and created by Morti's little miss DD.
This has deservedly joined the rank of angels.
Only one more angel to land now and I had notification that she is en route from America.
It has been such a super swap which I and so many others have enjoyed. Thanks again to everyone who participated.


mamapez5 said...

I have loved seeing all your angels arrive. It almost makes me wish I had joined in, though I really don't think it would have been wise to try fit even one more project into the last few weeks.
I think your robin is great, though you are right, he could be a little rounder.
I wish you a very Happy Christmas. May your home be filled with laughter and love.
Kate x

Twiglet said...

I think the angel swap was a brilliant idea and your collection must be splendid now. Morti's addition is lovely and I like your slim Jim robin too! x Jo

Paul B said...

Wonderful. How cute and adorable is your Robin :) I think you may find you'll have a few requests from friends for this little beauty. And such wonderful crafty delights through the post. Pxx

Linda Simpson said...

Just popped in to say Happy Christmas Jo and I hope you have a wonderful time.

Linda xxx

Helen said...

Love your robin! Serena is just fabulous though. Congratulations on such a great swap, it's been fun following who took part and created what!! Happy Christmas.

sam21ski said...


Hope you and your family have a great Christmas and I wish you all the very best for the coming year.

Sam xxx

Lynn Holland said...

Loving the Robin Jo.
Have a wonderful Christmas
Lynn x x

Redanne said...

Your little robin is so cute Jo, I see him as a youngster so he will look great when you make a 'parent' too. Morti's angel is a little beauty with her gorgeous wings and Morti's DD has done some amazing work too. Wishing you all the very best for the holiday season. Hugs, Anne x

Words and Pictures said...

That's some wonderful happy mail that keeps streaming through your letter box, and the little robin is adorable. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas... see you on the other side!
Alison x

Morti said...

Really, really happy to hear that Selene and the heavenly host have arrived in one piece and in time for Christmas - Lil Miss B was thrilled with Agnes and wanted to return the compliment with something a little different (didn't she do a good job?). Mr Robin is looking lovely too - a nice addition to the tree - where did you get the pattern?

May said...

Love your sweet robin, What Fantastic angels.. it's wonderful to receive such happy mail! I hope you have a wonderful peaceful Christmas with your lovely family & A Happy New Year... Hugs May x x x

HeARTworks said...

Hi! Wish i joined the angel swap. I've been seeing such fabulous angels! Your robin is wonderful, and would be even more wonderful on a bough with green leaves and some red fruit maybe? A blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones. May you have the choicest gifts of the season- love, joy, hope and peace beyond understanding. See you on the next round of WOYWWs in 2013! Patsy from