Tuesday, 17 January 2012

WOYWW 137 & Didn't I do Well?


The morass was a monster out of control. I couldn't face it and thus couldn't get to craft on my table, so I've just been knitting instead. I finished Angelina Ballerina and almost another and made this shawlette/scarf for Donna.

 Somehow knitting is a cosy occupation this cold weather but the state of my craft room has given me nightmares. Today was blitz day. 
This was the start of something BIG and scary! Look under the table at the top too... Eeek! I'm sure I get the coconut for the messiest desk this week... any competition? Any contenders? I doubt it!!
If you'd like to check out lots more crafty desks there will be over 100 this and every Wednesday, all joining in one of the biggest blog hops in the crafting world. Just visit Julia's Stamping Ground to join in the fun!

Half way there and I'd also started to clear out those cupboards to free up extra space for storage.
Even under the table is now amazingly clear..
Hurray!!! Didn't I do well to get to this stage?..
It was my late Mum's 100th birthday on Monday...so I bought an Amaryllis (one of her favourites) as a memento and also a hyacinth for my table (one of my favourites). You can spot it below.
Such a relief.....
My reward was to take a break and I enjoyed the clear space to make an inky mess and two pages of my 2012 diary.
This shelving looks neater and is far better organised with the Ikea boxes now installed to hold ink pads, reinkers, dyes, Stickles etc., instead of them all being out on show.
Don't be mislead as I'm not completely tidy. It really is confession time as I have not yet fully cracked it and I now have to own up to this work surface, in front of one of the windows, which is a Tsunami ready to surge! Guess it will wait until tomorrow as I've done enough for today!
This time I really have to stay tidier and better organised. I know I've said it before, but there is no option now as I want to get back into silversmithing and jewellery making, so my craft room needs to be safe. I have retrieved all my tools and equipment from DD1, who had borrowed them for a course, and the area needs to be clear and tidy before I set to with a butane torch.

Thanks to all you lovely folk who visited last week and I managed to reply to all who left comments and quite a number of others too via Mr Linky.


Neet said...

Great to see your desk in its messiness and then so clean. Love Donna's scarf, must confess to not having started mine - maybe tomorrow would be a good time.
Great photos Jo - ttyl - Hugs, Neet xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh Jo, I can't wait to see your jewelry making with a butane torch. But I'm quite impressed with your massive cleanup. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Tuire Flemming said...

When talking about messy desks... I'll be the winner!
The scarf for Donna is beautiful, and your diary pages are gorgeous! Love that colour!
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire xx

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

oh wow! an amazing space, love that it is so tidy... how long before it looks the same again?? hehehe. Can you come round to do mine please?
Have a very happy woyww day
Jennie #5

Helen said...

What a fabulous transformation - even if it's only part done! I love your shelving - it is full isn't it!! But your 2012 diary is stunningly beautiful!! Good luck with stage two of the tidy-up!!

sandra de said...

Wow, what an amazing tidy up you have had. Can't wait to see what you create in the jewellery making department. I can understand the need to be tidy when you add a butane torch to the mix. The knitting is gorgeous.

Neil said...

Thank you for sharing a bit of your world with us WOYWWers this morning! I hope you have a wonderful week. I saw the first photo of your table and laughed it is/was FULL! You've done a great job of sorting and your calender page look amazing!
Neil # 34


Morning lovely Jo! Stella effort on the cleaning up front, something very satisfactory about it all when you are in the right mood I always think (takes it away from being a major chore). Lovely scarf, Donna will look quite splendid (and I am sure in this cold cold weather very snuggly to :) Yes yes back to silvercrafting. Thanks awfully for the advice - penny saving will be commencing shortly :)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

well, what an amazing clean up job you've done! well done, i'm impressed, even with the desk that's not yet done. your storage drawers are wonderful and so is the journal page! happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

Paul B said...

Yup, it's definitely a pat on your back. Amazing clear up. However, as you know, it's a never ending task. Every time I create, a new mess builds up. If I didn't tidy up afterwards, I'd drown in stash lol. Love your diary page, so vibrant and colourful. And how wonderful that you're going to be making jewellery again. You truly are a mixed media artist :) Pxx

Annie said...

Well done you with the 'so far so good' tidying Jo. Love that knitted scarf...lucky Donna :-) I've been knitting/crocheting too...it' a winter thing I think :-)
A x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Gorgeous scarf, great colours - lucky Doone!!
I just love having a clear workspace, can't work in a mess, I get all cross when I can't find things to hand... so I completely understand your delight in the tidiness :) I'm looking forward to seeing more of your jewellery, thought Angie's pendant was beautiful!
Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

May said...

A great job, crafty room looking good, your scarf is great I enjoy knitting when I have the time, can't wait to see your jewellery I have never made any as yet x your journal pages are fantastic, x x Hugs May x x x

Ann B said...

That deserves not only a coconut but a goldfish as well - you can have ours, 10 years old, has a slight eye problem and needs cleaning out every week.
Great job on the calendar Jo, just knew purple would make an appearance somewhere. Was looking at Journalling classes yesterday - still interested?
Ann B

okienurse said...

Week before last I would have given you a run for your money as to whose space was the biggest eyesore but this week it is better...you win hands down on getting things sorted out too!. love the scarf you made for Donna! Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #33

Inkypinkycraft said...

Well done for all that tidying, fan scarf..lve the colours.wow the journal page is gorgeous, happy woyww hugs trace x no9

Scrapcat 1 said...

wow you did a fabulous job tidying up do you want to do mine too? love the scarf and the pretty pages you made for your diary. Hope to see you on Sunday.

Sarah said...

Knitting is indeed a very cosy thing! Was thinking of running up a scarf for therapeutic reasons! A HUGE well done on that dejunk session - phew - what a relief and joy I'm sure!!! I still need to attack mine because it is breeding along with the stash shopping and bad stamp storage! A lovely thought with the Amaryllis too! Hope both the flower and you bloom with gusto! Thanks for sharing with WOYWW? today! Sarah at 4.

Cardarian said...

Huh what a mess and then you tidyed up so well! You will have to take a picture of Donna wearing the lovely scarf so we see how it looks! I am interested how the jewelry making session will go! Let me know what dates you and Donna come up with before you book the flights!
I must start on my art journal - haven't touched it for ages! Love the colors on yours! Thank you for the lovely crafty evening on Skype - hope we can have another one soon!
Lots of hugs,

Beckyt said...

wow amazing tidying up there your craft area looks really organised now. I love knitting too and your's looks really good. x
Becky T #45

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Jo, that is a really impressive attack on your desk etc, major progress. If you carry on like that, it will soon all be frighteningly tidy. That knitting is very pretty too, but I have never seen that kind of design before. Where did you get the pattern? I really fancy having a go at that 0 good to do while vegetating in front of the tv. xx Maggie #70

lisa said...

Ohhh top marks for such a huge tidy up, Jo. I love to see all your creative mess but I bet it's lovely to be able to find things easily again. It always feel great when you get organised doesn't it. I think I need a session!!
Doone's scarf is gorgeous, all my favourite colours, what a lucky girl.
Enjoy your jewellery making and your pages are amazing. I'd love to have a go at something like this.
Hugs Lisax

donnalouiserodgers said...

shocked silence

Jingle said...

WOW! I am impressed by that cleaning job! Wow!

Enfys said...

Brilliant tidy up Jo, did a tsunami pass through your house earlier? Love your answer to mess, ignore it and start knitting!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

You did a wonderful job picking up! You had a huge task in front of you that is for sure and you tackled it well. Yes, if a butane torch is involved I can see why you want to get it all picked up. Thanks for sharing your progress and that lovely shawl.

mammafairy said...

I cannot believe how tidy you have made it!All that storage from Ikea must help, I am still in the shoe boxes for this, that and everything phase of life!I think if I took pictures of my craft mess you would be horrified.

Met you today at Black sheep, I am the one not on crutches! Thank you for the pattern.
Keep enjoying!

Robin Panzer Art said...

Impressive reorganization and that scarf is to die for!! Happy WOYWW #23 ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

Sherry said...

Great job - your workroom looks amazing! i love all your storage units, very organised. When can you come round and do mine - lol.

Sherry (37) x

Unknown said...

crikey how much stash do you have lol, well done on getting most of it done, the scarf looks lush as well

hugs and thanks for the snoop
Judie xx

yoursartfully said...

Wowzers, I think you deserve a chocolate medal for all that tidying up.....gotta love IKEA!!!

Lin #141

Kim Dellow said...

I'm so glad you finished the post with a messy area, I was getting really concerned as I worked my way done and saw your desk get clearer and clearer - just so wrong LOL! Gorgeous Journal pages. Kim #81

Sheree said...

Love it! It's like I'm looking at a photo of my work area! Yes, even the floor under the table has fantastic 'stuff' ready at hand for whatever I'm doing. Every time I try to clean it up I come up with another idea that I want to give a whirl!

Looking forward to seeing the jewellry you design!

Hettie said...

Scary thought that - butane burner and knitting - hope you never mix them up girl!!
As a special treat, pop over to mine and you can have two choccie fingers!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh err missus, don't set the house on fire whatever you do! Love the before and after shots, such a transformation! Beautiful shawlette too, I'm seriously in awe at the speed some folks (you) manage to knit, compared with little ole me bringing up the rear, hopping along in my one sock!! That thought did make me laugh I can tell you! Have a wonderful crafty week, and I expect that desk to be just as tidy next time I see it!

Brenda 104

voodoo vixen said...

I think you did really well considering the amount of tidying that was required!! I mean to say,,, you have to one spot in the room that you balance everything on because if you put it all away you may never locate it again. Love the shawl and the purpleness of your journal page.

Unknown said...

omg you tuly have worked hard even with your side not done yet think that would of took me days not 1 love your page in your diary loving the drawers too for your ink pads ect xxxx

Twiglet said...

Wow - my head is spinning!! You have been busy - its great to get the other side of a big tidy up isn't it. I love your diary page/colour scheme.
Good luck with the amaryllis - they are gorgeous - if a bit rude at the half way stage!1 x Jo

Angie said...

I hate this getting old bit ...couldn't remember whether I dropped by ...also I am feeling that time is rushing by and just how little could be left ....just wish all my aches didn't stop me from enjoying certain things ....then I have to remind myself I'm not that old ... oops didn't mean to sound down. LOVE that scarf and those journal pagesxx

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,
First of all -- I loved the pelican poem you put on Bridget's page!

I'm envious of all your stash -- it would fill up my entire home!!!! I'm also a knitter (not as advanced as you) and find myself knitting more in the winter months, while watching t.v. Right now I'm working on a seed stitch baby blanket. I'm afraid working full time I am only able to do four or five rows a night..... luckily the baby isn't arriving until May!


Katie said...

You did a wonderful job cleaning up there! I love when everything is back in its place - so I can pull it all out and make a mess again!

Happy WOYWW (on Thursday!)
Katie #16

Unknown said...

awesome job! I love the idea of winning a coconut though :)

Dotpat said...

Wow Jo you were nearly as bad as me you did do well to get it cleared. It is much easier to make a mess than tidy it up isn't it

Unknown said...

Where is Angela Ballerina? I wanted to see her finished:-(

I need to tidy up but that will be tomorrow.

C x

Lou said...

Wow all lovely and clear for crafting, your room looks wonderful, i love the knitting and just seen the finished Ballerina's they are brilliant Lou x