Monday, 21 January 2013

LillyBo Quilts Launch

LillyBo Quilts

Just want to announce that I've got the new blog up and running although it does need a few more tweaks to the set up, the info is there to start the ball rolling so everyone who intends to join in and make a quilt can get going.
All the quilts made will be documented and photographed there so let's get cracking folks and make the blog your own showcase!
Looking forward to any comment and suggestions but most of all the pictures of the finished quilts.
Thanks to everyone involved.

As an afterthought ...I should have waited until tomorrow for the launch as it is my DD's 39th birthday! (she looks no more than 25) so Hippy Birthday to my lovely daughter and may it be a wonderful day with lots of fun and I hope the parcel arrives in time. 
The birthday card, posted the same day last week, amazingly arrived in Germany the NEXT day!!


Annie said...

Where do I find the new blog Jo? I'm tearing at the leash here to get going :-)
A x

Words and Pictures said...

What a great project underway... as a strict sewingophobe, I'm afraid I'm just going to be watching from the sidelines, but congratulations on getting it all up and running!
Alison x

fairy thoughts said...

that is good to hear jo. all I need to do now is get a design going ... make it simple I think

Redanne said...

Thank you for the details Jo, I had a look at the German blog you gave us a link for - wow is all I can say! I hope it is OK to do a very simple design as that is all I am capable of doing.....will get started as soon as I get my machine down from the loft. Hugs, Anne x

Ann B said...

Thanks for the link Jo - off to have a look now.
Ann B

cockney blonde said...

Such a wonderful idea Jo and I've popped over to your Lily-Bo blog for a peek. I'm not sure my sewing is up to making a quilt but I will watch the developments with interest, x