Thursday, 17 January 2013

Little Packets & Jodrell Bank

Thanks so much to all you superstars who have joined up to make a little LillyBo quilt. Keep watching ... full details will be posted soon.
Little Packets
This easy little project gave me my start to get back into creativity this year. These little packets hold a craft item that I used to make years ago and when I found an old sample amongst my boxes I thought of so many blogging friends who, I'm sure, would love one.   
7 have now been posted to some lovely people but whilst I will show their packets, they don't know they are on their way and I will wait until they are received to divulge the special contents. 
Here's a template to print off if you'd like to make the simple packets which would also hold ATCs. Two can be cut from an A4 card and they can be made from card you have decorated artily or you can add some of your lovely small offcuts of printed papers to decorate them.

Here's one cut from my own arty stencilled card. 
Cut out, scored and folded, ready to stick flap x to side x
and the bottom flap to the bottom edge
I spritzed colour on the inside just on the part that shows.
All ready to add brads, ribbon, trims and embellishments of your choice.
What secrets will your's hold, I wonder?

A freezing foggy day in January and we decided on a day out somewhere a bit different.
Jodrell Bank to see the Lovell Telescope.
I didn't think we'd see much with the fog but as we drew closer it became clearer and so impressive.

We saw into the studios of the TV programme "Stargazing Live" but Dara O'Briain and Prof Brian Cox hadn't arrived for the evening show.
It would be a great visit in the good weather to explore the Nature Trail but not on the day we chose!
There were crows all over the stanchions but none of them would pose for a photo except this brave soul. 
Inside the Discovery Centre it was really interesting and, although geared for children, I think it appeals to all ages with lots of hands on experiments. 
We checked out our heat output via the infra-red screen and whilst DH looks hot stuff I must be a real cool chick! Just look at the difference!
We also printed off the fascinating graphs of the constant outer space information readings from the telescope. Don't know what they saw out there but once again such a difference between each one. 

Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543
This is one of the ancients we can praise or blame for leading us onto the space trail via his early scientific theories....
We ended an interesting jaunt with a super meal in an old tavern in Plumley...the Smokers. Old oak beams, a warm fire, copper kettles, great food and lovely service from friendly staff. A lucky chance find to which we will certainly return.


Paul B said...

The little packets look so colourful and fun, laid out in a bundle. I'm still intrigued :) Thanks for the template. It may be the thing to get me back into crafting too :) Glad to see you enjoyed Jodrell. Haven't been there in ages (mainly because it was shut for refurbishments). Will have to pay it a visit soon. I used to do work for them and a friend's father works there. So in a small way I feel part of their family :) Pxx

Annie said...

Really love your little packets Jo. What a clever design and so kind of your to share it.
We are looking forward to making our quilts :-)
A x

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, what a pity the weather was against you, you will have to come back on a clear day but your photos look lovely - all moody and mysterious..... Love your little envelopes, will have a go at making one of those for ATCs, thanks for the details. Hugs, Anne x

Sheilagh said...

I think you may have given me the nudge I need with your lovley packages Jo, thank you:0)

Joderell Bank is on our "to Visit" list for this year, it looks quite erie in your photo's.



Helen said...

Your arty packets look gorgeous!! Thanks for the template. When I can get to a printer I will take a copy.
Shame about the fog, but somehow I think it enhances your photos - an eery kind of feel to them, quite appropriate for staring into space wondering what -or who- is out there!!! Have a good day - I've been told not to go in to work because of the threat of disruption later when (if!) the snow arrives so I have an unexpected play day!! Hurrah.

Twiglet said...

Fab pics of your day out - interesting how hot your hubby is yet how cool you are - but I guess you knew that anyway!!lol. Your little packets are lovely - thanks for sharing. x Jo

lisa said...

I must have a go at those little packets, Jo, they look great and something a bit different.
Jodrell bank in the fog looks really eerie but at least the cold din't keep you in.
We went out yesterday to take some photos of the hoar frost, the trees looked amazing.
Hope you are escaping the snow today, none here...yet much to dd's disgust!!
Enjoy the weekend
Hugs Lisax

pearshapedcrafting said...

We are due a visit to Jodrell Bank with grandchildren! Love your little packets - will definitely have go at these - Thanks for the template! This is definitely the best time to visit the Smokers - nothing like a warm real fire at this time of year - just realised I hadn't signed up as a follower!!! Keep warm, Chrisx
ps replied to you on my comments - hope to see you(and others) soon!

Annie said...

I've just dropped in to say if you have a snap of something that has made you smile you might like to join in the fun on my blog and share it with others....after all we can't have too many smiles can we?
A x

voodoo vixen said...

Love those little packets! Mightily pleased they are made of paper, paper I can cope with.. it took me an hour and half this afternoon to make a bag for some wheat to make a little heat bag... the sewing machine had a mind of its own!

cockney blonde said...

Love those packets Jo, can't wait to find out what's hidden inside. Fab idea too.
As for Jodrell, you should have called in on your way home for a warming cuppa. Next time, x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah have my little packet too Jo and you are such a clever little maker of delightful items love it thanks you so VERY much!! Shaz in Oz.x

Gill Edwards said...

im definitely going to make those packets, thank you for sharing the pattern.